Monday, February 8, 2021

Decoupage Eggs for Spring

This post is a Craft Room De-Stash Challenge, my favorite kind of challenge!

Please let me introduce today's talented participants! 

This is about the point in winter when Spring Fever symptoms begin.  The daffodils are peeking out of the soil and hellebores are blooming.  Easter may still be a couple of months away, but I'm ready to decorate for Spring!

If you read my blog very often, you already know Bible journaling and illustrating is a favorite hobby.  Many journalers use artwork from napkins to decorate their Bible pages.  I was recently part of a napkin swap and these lovelies are currently in my stash!

Our little flock of backyard chickens provides an ongoing supply of eggs.  I like to store eggs whose yolks have been "blown" inside my small collection of vintage canning jars.  Is that a strange thing to have stashed?  I think they are pretty behind the blue glass.

If you'd like to try "blowing" eggs, here's how.  Rinse the egg, then poke small holes in both ends of it.  An unbent paper clip works best for me.  Sometimes the yolk can be shaken out of the shell, but usually, I have to gently blow on one end of the egg.  Once the yolk is out, rinse well and let dry completely.  You can see the ones in the photo have been dyed, but that isn't necessary for this project.  

Fun chicken fact:  The first few eggs hens lay are usually smaller than average.  The older the hen is, the larger her eggs are.  Of course color and overall size of the eggs depends on the breed of the hen.

Besides napkins and eggs, scissors, a paintbrush and some type of liquid glue is needed.  Today, Modpodge is my glue of choice, but white children's glue works fine, too.  A safe spot for the eggs to dry is also nice, but not necessary.  There happened to be a couple of fruit cup containers in my dishwasher that were about to go in the recycling bin.  These worked perfectly for holding eggs while the glue dried.

Decorative napkins are usually two layers thick, sometimes three.  Only use the top layer for decoupage.  Gently peel away the rest.

This project was a bit of an experiment at first.  I learned to cut the napkin design into strips and then apply narrow pieces at a time.  Working with smaller bits helped with curving images around the egg.

Glue was applied to about half the egg, then napkin pieces were placed on the glue.  Next, I painted over the artwork with more glue.  It takes some patience to get the tissue flat and even.  I let one side of the egg dry before applying glue to the other side.

Each napkin easily provided images for at least three eggs.

Some are vibrant and whimsical.

Others are not.

What a difference a few napkins can make!  You can see I left the small ones just the way God painted them.

Would you like to see the "before" photo one more time? 

Here are my Decoupage Eggs mixed in a basket with vintage ceramic eggs.  I love the variety of colors and patterns!

How should I use them in my Spring decor?  I'm too excited to decide!

Now let's see what my blogging friends cleared from their Craft Room Stash!


  1. These eggs are so pretty and will be perfect for Easter. I'm going to keep a look out for pretty napkins to make these.

  2. These look great, Marci. Perfect for spring decor! Good tips on how to use real eggs for this project, too.

  3. Your decoupage eggs look amazing, Marci! I love your designs! I have a couple of those napkins, too! I've never had any luck getting the yolks out of eggs. I can't believe you were able to do that many without a mishap! You must be an expert at this! Great job!

  4. I can remember blowing and decorating eggs from when I was a kid. These turned out great and you have such beautiful napkins to use. Pinned.

  5. So pretty, what a lovely way to use paper napkins, they are the best decoupage medium aren't they?

  6. OMG! I love these eggs! They're so pretty, and I want to make some for myself! Pinning! These would look great added to a Easter theme tiered tray.

  7. Hi Marci. So in the mood to make these. I need a decoupage day. Pinned.

  8. Useful post Thanks for sharing it that’s truly valuable knowledge about similar topic. Amazing. Have a more successful day. Amazing write-up always finds something interesting. english classes for kids


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