Thursday, February 4, 2021

Moments of Sunrise - Basking egrets

Today I set out for bird expedition with specific intent and outcome was entirely different. While cycling along the village road, I saw the white throated kingfisher and quickly grabbed the camera to snap it. Unfortunately, the time I zoomed in, the kingfisher noticed my movements and swiftly flew away to an unknown destination. Disheartened me turned 90 degrees to behold the rising sun. Wait! The Sun is behind bald tree and there are egrets over it. That was fantastic moment to capture with intensity of sun acceptable to DSLR sensor. The silhouettes turned perfect with golden sun background. The other thing to note is, this position of Sun I can only get for few days in a year. The morning 7AM is perfect time to shoot after a refreshing tea and sound overnight sleep. Slowly, the trajectory of Sun would move northwards which would not allow me to shoot such pictures in near term. Hope you enjoy!

Aha! What a day today. Refreshing sunshine too! Look that moron is wasting time in capturing us.

Some time later, the flock joined in basking and the tree was house-full. It seemed as if they also want to be part of photo shoot :-D.

I had much beautiful grabs today and metering was perfect. I moved towards house with satisfaction after initial frustration. Today I zoomed-in to a different subject in tele-lens. That's when I realized that perspective matters. You can be versatile by turning around and making use of gears to fit different purpose.

At this time, the intensity of Sun was high to capture any palatable landscapes. The sensor too would be overwhelmed. It was time to close the shutter and power-off. The last pic of the day before Sun rose to peak intensity. Hope you enjoyed the series

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries


  1. Really beautiful shots. I love the orange sky, and the birds add interest to the photos. Well done!

  2. Greetings and Salutations! I'm thinking that these photographs are perfect for a poetry book especially one with the birds. Rather different orange sky makes my soul sing with joy. Thank you.


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