Perfume Bottle Valentines

I was flipping through the Feb. 2020 Better Homes and Gardens
and stopped in my tracks 
when I saw the page with Darcy Miller's perfume bottle valentines.
The cutest, most unique valentines that I've seen in a long time.

When I couldn't find a link to get them,
I made up some of my own printable labels and bottle tops to make my own.

I've designed 4 different perfume tops.
Don't you just love the one with the little puff on the side! 
And 4 different labels with some French, mes amis:
Mon Coeur (my heart)
Vous êtes Incroyable (you are incredible)
Mon Amour (my love)
there are also some to/from labels for the back. 
Perfect to make a bunch for your classroom exchange or friends.

Here are your supplies:
(all the product links and details are listed in this post)
Clear boxes
Printable labels/card stock
sticker maker
hot glue gun
strong, permanent glue

I ordered some 2"x 2"x 1 3/8" clear boxes {here}
deciding just to go with the same size for all my "bottles".

Print and cut all the labels, bottle toppers and to/from tags.

Then ran the labels through my sticker maker.
You can find an updated one {here}
I use this sticker maker all the time for projects.  

Fold the boxes.
Write on the back of your to/from labels before you stick them on the back of the box.
Then stick on the perfume label to the box front.

Fill up your boxes with colorful candies and close down the lid.
I used the Valentine colored M&Ms
and sorted each color into a box. 
(From 2 bags you can fill 7 boxes of solid colors and 1 box of a mix of your remaining colors.)
Really any shade of red, pink or white candy will do.
Maybe even gold or silver covered chocolates. 

Next, heat up a glue gun and fold down the bottom of the toppers.
I put a dot of E600 {here} in the middle so it would adhere permanent
 and a circle of hot glue around that to help it stick right away,
than press the glued fold down on the top of the box.

 I'm in love with these little candy perfume bottles!
I'm making these for friends
 and to mail out to college students.

Print your set of perfume bottle toppers and labels {here}

Jour heureux de valentines!


  1. This is the sweetest thing I've seen in a long time. Just love it. Pinned also. Linda AT Crafts a la mode

  2. Okay, I ordered the little plastic boxes and I'm making them!! I'm so excited!! Thank you. I also printed out the little labels but the boxes aren't coming until Feb. 10th. That's ok. I'll have time to make them! Best wishes, Linda
    Of course now I'm wondering what else you have here that is fun and different...

    1. Your friends will love these candy perfume bottles! You can find more of our printable valentines by looking under Labels on the side bar and clicking on Valentine. We have printable for valentine cards for cactus', pop rocks, lip balm, donuts and more!

  3. I made these also. Wasn't this so fun to make? And when I gave them out people really remarked about how cute they were! It's nice that the printables were right there at BHG to print out and make them up quickly! Best wishes, Linda @Crafts a la mode

  4. These are so cute! Thanks for sharing on Crafty Creators! I'm featuring your post on tomorrow's party, so make sure you stop by & grab your "I was featured" button.
    Niki ~ Life as a LEO Wife

    1. If you want to share your feature on your social media accounts, here's the URL:

  5. OMGSH! So stinking ADORABLE Heidi! Such a fun craft to make at a Galentine's Day party or as a sweet treat for the kids! Have a great week! Creatively, beth


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