Freedom: #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom

Freedom: #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom

What does Freedom mean to you?



Roof- Sky
Freedom to just be. And savour the spectacle of life.


Quote-Freedom and Solitude



Freedom to me


Freedom to me is to just be

To be able to witness every moment as it is.


To know,

Yet flow.


Freedom to look fear in the eye

To catch the sunset and sunrise with a sigh.


To accept, what is

And to let go, what is not.


Freedom to make choices

And rejoice in them.


To grow

And to go slow.


Freedom to witness

Yet not carry forward the distress.

To give others a chance 

And to surrender to life’s dance.

Freedom to me, is to just be.


(c) Natasha Sinha


India celebrated its 72nd Republic Day yesterday, 26th January, 2021. This little ode is dedicated to each one of you across this planet, and synchronously myself. 


What does Freedom mean to you? Would love to hear your thoughts.




#WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom

Here’s how you can join:

  1. #WW is an alternate week linky party and goes live 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from 2021.
  2. Post a picture/pictures on your blog. It could be from life’s wondrous or wicked moments. Plug in the lessons (#WednesdayWisdom) and humour too. Share your wanderlust moments, or simple random shots from your day that caught your fancy, or not!
  3. Make your post as wordless, or wordy as you wish to.
  4. There is a linky widget below where you can drop in your links. 
  5. Do add the badge to your post and a backlink to my post.
  6. And make sure you connect with a fascinating bunch of bloggers from across the globe.

You can link up right up till 9th January, therefore you have ample time to hop in.

Get ready to be deliciously framed!

The next edition goes live on Tuesday, 9th January, 2021.

Have a fabulous #WW!



#WordlessWednesday- #WednesdayWisdom- logo



Linking up with a bunch of fantastic peeps from the blogosphere who host Wordless Wednesday :

Betty, Steve, Sue NC, Zina, Xmas Dolly, SandeeCathyTina, and Keith.

Also linking up with Trent  for his weekly Smiles.




43 thoughts on “Freedom: #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom

  1. Natasha, your photos are all so beautiful, but this one is stunning.

    I’m working on an interview of Natalie the Explorer to publish on Friday. I decided to use lovely and supportive quotes from comments on her blog that I especially liked. Yours was one of them. Instead of linking to your blog home page, I wanted to pick an especially nice post to link to your comment, if that’s okay with you. If not, you can let me know. This is the quote I’m using in her post.

    “These are genius, Natalie.
    Thanks for sharing these precious gems with me on #WordlessWednesday and yes, a very welcome aboard #WW.  
    Look forward to witnessing more marvel unfold from your side in the coming weeks.  No pressure though. 
    Have a fabulous, restful week ahead.”

    I did not know about your challenge. If you are interested in doing an interview on my blog, let me know. Here is a link to my Interview Page if you are interested.

    1. It’s a beautiful getaway in the Himalayan mountains in Uttarakhand, India called the Silent Trails.

      Cocooned in the lap of pure, serene wilderness.

      Thank you for stopping by.

    1. Trent, that’s a beautiful place up the northern Himalayan mountains, called Silent trails where I witnessed this hopeful and stunning 2nd New Year sunrise, with much gratitude.

      I wrote about Silent trails in my recent posts, and that is where we spotted the fox too!

  2. For me, freedom is the ability to feel, think and act, without being hindered by others and without disturbing anyone.

    Have a fine day, Natasha!

    1. True that is indeed a liberating place to be in.
      And so essential for our peace and that of others. But sometimes not easy to accomplish, but try we must.

      You too dear Zina. Lovely to see you here.

  3. Great post, like always!
    Freedom is the right to be different, to think different, is the absence of necessity – I don’t like the word „must”. 🙂
    I wish you a wonderful day, dear Natasha! Big hug! ❤️

    1. Oh yes! “Must”, “should” are words that can be dropped from our dictionary!

      Wishing you a beautiful day too my gorgeous friend. ♥️ Hugs and happiness always!

  4. Loving your post as always, Natasha.
    Freedom to me is an end to the lockdown. I have been trying to stay positive since March but these days, I feel like my patience is running out. Despite the vaccinations, covid numbers are surging everywhere. We’re having our second Movement Control Order (partial lockdown).

    Praying for you and your Dada.
    Veronica Lee recently posted…Mr. PeryMy Profile

    1. I hear you, but I guess all will fall in place in good time and when the time is right.

      Till then let’s hold on to our precious ones tight.

      Thanks for all your love and prayers.
      Big hugs♥️

  5. Beautifully written Natasha. Freedom to me is ending the lockdown I’m having to endure. Living alone, I’ve not had a face to face meeting with a soul since before Christmas and there’s still no decision on when it will end. I don’t know what I’d do without my blog!
    Keith’s Ramblings recently posted…A short story …My Profile

    1. You said it Patrick. Very important to remember that aspect too. Freedom not at the cost of hurting others. Freedom to be liberated yet free. Freedom to care. And freedom to know we are all connected. Every single being and speck in the universe.

  6. I love a lot the ideas you shared with us.
    Freedom is so important for our lives. And for each of us has a special meaning.
    Probably all are true! 🙂 But indeed it’s a choice and if we don’t choose it, life could become
    hopeless and said.
    Thank you, dear Natasha, for this lovely post! Happy WW!

    1. Thanks dear Suzana for always reading and motivating me with your kind words.

      You said it. We all have our own interpretation of the word and we can allow each other to freedom to live the way they wish to, as long as it doesn’t harm anyone.

      Love and hugs♥️

  7. Beautiful shots and freedom to me is being able to do what I want to do as long as I don’t hurt someone else.

    Freedom is being able to worship as I see fit. Freedom is choice, my choices not someone else’s.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday filled with freedom, Natasha. ♥
    Sandee recently posted…Wordless WednesdayMy Profile

    1. Agree, “as long as I don’t hurt someone”
      But sometimes freedom also comes at a cost. Of doing what we got to do. Even if people don’t approve of it. It may hurt their sentiments but we know that’s what’s good for us.
      As long as it’s not drastically causing pain to others.

      Yes, worship who we wish to, to choose our religion and spiritual path without being judged for it.

      Freedom to me is also following the spiritual path and wishing people would relate to it. But then not everyone does. And that’s also freedom, of allowing them their views.

      Thanks Sandee. Your messages always give me wings.

  8. Loved your poetry, Natasha. 🙂
    Freedom to me is to be able to fulfil my wishes for myself so that I know I am living the life I was meant to.

    1. Yes, love the Silent Trails serene Sanctuary!

      When I said Freedom to be, I did mean Freedom to be me!
      Same pinch. Just left it for the readers interpretation.

      And yes, let life flow as is and let ourselves also flow each day with the gratitude in our hearts knowing what’s coming our way is the best the universe is doing for us, with a higher plan in mind.

      Thanks for your wishes, dear Monika. Love and hugs.♥️

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