Saturday, December 19, 2020

Christmas Trip Around the World Quilt and Neighbor Gifts

Coasters as candle mats for Neighbor gifts this year.  You can find a tutorial here

Packaged up with those delicious cookies from Trader Joes.

Christmas Trip Around the World Quilt given to this nice family!

Green and white diagonal stripe binding
Quilted with straight stitching point to point

I started this quilt years ago when I saw the tutorial by Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict (see link below)  Here are a few instructions but go to Sarah's blog at the link for more in depth instructions.
Lay out the 16 strips and sew together and finally sew the two end strips together to form a tube.
Slice off 2 1/2" strip sets and pick out stitching one block down as you go, so you will get the fabrics in stair step order

Repeat to make 4 identical sections.  

Trip around the world inspiration and tutorial was from this post with tutorial by Confessions of a Fabric Addict.
Isn't it fabulous!


Angie said...

Beautiful gifts. Really nice quilt. I love all the colors! Happy Holidays!!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Merry Christmas to all of you
That quilt looks easy, but I am sure I would mess it up hahahhaa get confused and pull out the wrong stitches.
You have had a productive Christmas preparation. Now you can rest for a few minutes

Two Chicks and a Mom said...

I love your quilting and I also love that you share them with our family! The kids were so happy with the quilt!

Billie said...

We absolutely love the quilt! Thank you so much! It’s beautiful, and all of the kids enjoy curling up on the couch under it.

Update: Sweet Valentine Quilt Complete

I finished this up last week and want to share it before February ends. I'm so happy with how it turned out. I added a red satin heart. ...