Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq

Friday, December 18, 2020

Flashback Friday

Today we return to this week 10 years ago (2010 for those who dont like math - well WE dont, we have to count carefully on our toesies MOL).  Iza was enjoying the cat tree.

She wasn't a climbing cat, so being up high was a strange feeling for her.  She would stare down at the "far-away floor".

She was allus innersted in looking at TBT at eye-level.
Loved rolling around on the platforms.
And liked looking out at the front yard, where she couldnt go.
Ayla liked the tree too, but heights were no problem for her.  She would sometimes just jump directly to an upper platform.
Iza seldom went to the very top, but "sometimes". 
Getting down was allus tricky.  She had little climbing experience (being a "hefty" kitty) so getting down was allus an adventure.  Not that she wasnt strong (she was a regular python of muscle) but weight matters, MOL!
Which resulted in some odd attempts.  She would back down carefully.


  1. Iza had her own way of doing things!

  2. This was a cool memory of Iza.
    Yup, she did things her way and was happy.
    Purrs, Julie

  3. That is a lovely flashback. Eric had the same problem coming down. Many a time I had to help him down from the old oak tree. When climbing got too much for me I use to leave a dustbin lid out there, get up into the V and hold up for him to jump on to. No mean feat trying to catch 23 pounds of Eric!

  4. An explanation. I was a tomboy growing up and always climbing trees. Little did I know then that it was good training for rescuing Eric in the future.

  5. IZA, awesome girl ... nice remembering her!

  6. What a great memory. Iza loved her cat tree.

  7. We enjoyed sweet that sweet Iza enjoying some tree time!

  8. Nice to see a flashback of sweet Iza.

  9. As I was reading this post, I had started to think, "Well, being so fat wasn't in her favour!" (yes, rude I know), and then I came to the adjective "hefty". It's hardly a flattering term but it IS more flattering than "fat", so I'm happy to see it used!

    As for being a "python of muscle" - hmmmmm. That does seem like flattery!

    Sydney, Australia


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