Friday, December 18, 2020

Polka Dot Mask Quilt Top..... and Finished ( or not) Friday

 Happy Last Friday before Christmas!! Did you know??? I know I knew, but..... I am not sure I realized.

I had plans to have a quilt Quilted for today... but I got sidetracked, and ... 

I was really going to play around with this one for a while, but I was having such fun..  I just decided to finish the top!

It is my Polka Dot Mask quilt!!  I am really thinking of hunting for a Polka Dot Backing for it.... Hmmmm....

Isn't this just fun and bright?

So? What were my distractions?  well, I live in the country, and some of our neighbors have been holed up for a while. They had had some medical things happen, and well, were lonely. Since I haven't been anywhere - and they have been at home for months - we thought it would be safe to go and chit chat from their patio. and it was SO much fun.  

The most fun about it? I had made a Purple Quilt, and she said something about Purple being her favorite color - so I decided to take it to her.

She was so tickled!!! and it was so fun to see the smile on her face! When we got ready to leave the husband  said.. I like Cowboy fabrics.... Oh man - that totally made my day!! I love it when people like what I like.... they are now my best friends 😍🥰

Now it is YOUR TURN!!
Link up your Finished ( or Not) projects!!  

So.... I am thinking since Christmas is Next Friday - we will Skip FONF on the 25th - and pick back up on the First of January ... as in....   next year!!  Oh my!!

Can't wait to see what you have been working on this week!

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Linking to:
TGIF Friday  at Kathleen McMusings
Peacock Party at Wendys Quilts


Jenny K. Lyon said...

I LOVE your mask quilt - it makes me smile! Beautiful story about gifting your purple quilt. Can you imagine how it would feel if someone did that for you? Quilters, we love to give.

Cathy said...

Oh, so many polka dots all together in one place??? Wonderful! You definitely have to have a polka dot backing. Sounds like your time was better spent with holed up neighbors this week than getting polka dots quilted. Sounds like a wonderful time was had by all. Happy Holidays!

Donna said...

Bless your big heart Alycia!!! Can’t wait to see the cowboy quilt! LOL!

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

It may not be quilted, but it's beautiful. I love bright. Glad you were able to bring a smile to a neighbour. Merry Christmas.

chrisknits said...

So, you're making a mask for a reallllly large giant? LOL! Looks great.

Nann said...

The stars aligned so that you had a purple quilt just waiting for an appreciative recipient. (And don't forget that the planets will align on Monday as a "Christmas star.") Your polka dot mask quilt is so cheerful. I am partial to polka dots!

Delighted Hands said...

What a wonderful thing to do! I find the elderly just need us to listen so you gave them a perfect gift!
I really like this quilt with the polka dots!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the polka dot mask quilt! It is so happy and cheerful. And I love the story about your neighbors. So sweet to give them a quilt and spend some time. I worry about all the people spending so much time alone.


Kathleen said...

Love the polka dot mask quilt and yes for the polka dot background. So much fun your story of new friends, and a quilt, and shared likes! Happy Friday and enjoy being "off" next Friday.

sue s said...

Green Fairy is having a sale on Moda Essential Polka Dots yardage. Not wide backing but...such a cute quilt!

The Joyful Quilter said...

What a sweet gift, Alycia! Now the BIG question... will you be giving the husband a cowboy quilt??? :o))

Kate said...

Love all those polka dots. It's nice that you were able to go have a visit, it has to get lonely out in ranch country. Hope you can get in some good stitching time this week.