Friday, December 18, 2020

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

I have two very short posts this week, one with Eric and one with Flynn and both from February 2008. 

Where's Eric?

We haf probly told you befurr that dad built a purrizen fence. It is eight feet high and we can't get over it.........yet.
This means we can go in and outdoors whenever we like, even when it's dark. The uvver day the Beans were going out so they called to us to come in. Flynn ran in right away but I didn't, so they called again. I still didn't annser so mum sez,"Oh no, I hope Eric hasn't found a way out of the garden. They looked and looked in all our faverit napping spots unner the hedge and in the wood pile and in the garrij, but no Eric. Then mum saw the tractor which lives in the garrij had it's door open, so she peeped inside.

What do yoo want, I'm having a nice quiet nap.

Dad had left his fleece jacket behind the seat and it made a nice comfy bed.I wuzn't happy to be disturbed and made to go indoors.I told dad he has to leave the tractor door open all the time, but I might not go there again now they know my seekrit place.

Mancat Monday with Flynn.

Just listening.
I heard a mousie and I have lots of patience.

The random photo this week was chosen by the Trout Towne Tabbies who asked for 17.01.11
I think Flynn was doing his yoga while Eric slept. Yes, Eric did have an eye open but he often slept like that.

I have also used it for my art and have done two versions.

I started with Beauty at 75% then added Scribble at 20%.

For this one I started with Metallic at 50% then added Sadness at 35%

You can see more art with Athena the Cat Goddess.

Click on the small pictures for the puzzles.

110pieceCaturday Art 1 19.12.20
preview110pieceCaturday Art 2 19.12.20
I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the blog hop.



  1. Those were so good and I'll bet Dad's jacket was nice and comfy. Love the art too!

  2. I love seeing the boys every week.

  3. Good thing Dad didn't leave the keys in the tractor, too.

  4. I hope the patience was worth it and you saw the mousie lol

    Nice art I like the vividness :-)

    Have an artistictastic safe weekend 😷😷😷

  5. The look on Eric's face says it all...."you're disturbing my nap!".....perfect spot though - on Dad's jacket in Dad's tractor. Love all the photos - sure miss those guys - ALL of us do!

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom Pam

  6. Tractors are great! Our Trav used to love napping on the neighbour's tractor seat!

    Tama and Genji

  7. Eric I'm quite impressed that you can drive a manual shift...but then you are a multitalented Ginger.
    Flynn the adventurer...well done. So my mind has finally grasp (slowly but surely) that folks can request your flash backs. May I put my request in for March 11, 2009. March 11 was Madi's bday and 2009 was the year Angel Madi and I started blogging
    Hugs and Happy Friday

  8. I think it's wonderful that you've kept posting (re-posting) stories about Eric and Flynn. It shows your love, and our love for your boys too.

    Take care and stay well.

    Kim and Derry

  9. I can remember missing kitties and trying to find out where they are hiding. Finding a great place to nap is a most important thing to do.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Big hug. ♥

  10. thank catness you were on the tractor and didn't run away!

  11. Wish we all had a comfortable tractor to sleep in a night (hopefully) undisturbed.

  12. Good Heavens, Eric did not look pleased to be disturbed! That must have been one comfy napping spot.

  13. It is so lovely to visit with the boys each week!
    Love your artwork!

  14. I guess it was dad's fault for leaving his comfy jacket out there.

  15. Of course Dad's jacket was a purrfect place for a snooze.....and I hope Flynn got his mousie! Cheers and thanks for sharing the kitties!

  16. Those are great pictures of some great memories !

  17. Boys, as long as mom, Admiral and I have known you, we have all three loved what you tell us bout your lives and especially your adventures. XX

  18. Eric, you sure found a cozy spot for that nap. And we are glad you hadn't escaped the fenced area. And Flynn, patience usually reaps rewards - hope you were lucky:)

    Lovely art work.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  19. Great flashbacks!
    We have a lawn tractor in our shed out back and sleeping on the seat is Marv's purrsonal favorite place to snooze...even in the winter! I wonder if Marv is channelling his inner Eric!
    Love Barb

  20. Eric was a real wiseacre! Two great flashbacks.
    BTW, I know you don't go on FB but I posted the link for a new puzzle there.

  21. What a good hiding spot Eric. Dad let us out in the cat yard the other night and then when we were gone turned on the light. He called and we both came in. Did you get a mousie Flynn?

  22. Great flashbacks. Looks like Eric had found the perfect spot for napping. And Flynn was always such a good mouser because he was so patient. Thank you for the puzzles. XO

  23. Makes sense to use the tractor seat for a napping locale, Angel Eric!
    Off to puzzle; thanks!

  24. As i often tell my Sweetie, when a cat does not want to be found, it folds itself up like a pocket handkerchief and pulls on its cloak of invisibility and no one will find it until it wants to be found. He still worries, and so did your beans.

    Love the art, and the yoga pose.

  25. We so enjoy seeing Angels Eric and Flynn, Mum Jackie. Even from the heavens, they make us smile. Thank you for loving them, and for sharing them with us.

  26. Your art is furabulous this week.
    We hope Eric found a new hidey hole, after his secret place in the tractor was discovered.

  27. Eric and the fleece jacket...totally get that. Wonderful to sleep on! - Tom xoxo

  28. It looks like Eric found the purrfect cozy spot for napping ! Purrs

  29. What great memories! Loved how Eric wanted to stay cozy on his Dad's Jacket:)

    Thanks for the puzzles!

  30. if Frodo had a tractor he would be hiding in there all the time!

  31. Another sweet, wonderful Friday Flashback, and we love your Angel Boys Christmas Card. Thank you for sharing!

  32. Yep, humans always want to know where the fur people are. No secret places!

  33. Merry Christmas, friends. Thank you for the lovely card.


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