Gratitude Multiplies Good Fortune: #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom

Gratitude Multiplies Good Fortune: #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom

“Complaining erases good fortune
while having a sense of appreciation
increases good fortune.
Rather than spew grievances,
you should transform yourself.
Then you will find the way forward!”

Daisaku Ikeda, President, Soka Gakkai Buddhism


Bougainvillea bush-Birds
Gratitude for this bountifully radiant Bougainvillea bush that we stumbled upon on one of our birding jaunts.


Bougainvillea bush-Birds
Zooming to the birds on the tree beyond. Can you see the parakeets and a lone pigeon? On this particular birding walk all we saw was parakeets, but over 60 of them! And some CopperSmith Barbets. No wonder, birding translates to patience and gratitude for what we chance upon. And my iPhone 11 camera is just good enough to get such long distance shots. Pardon that.


Abandoned house-trees
This abandoned home once belonged to the ex-Prime Minister of India. It is located by a lotus pond, that fills up every monsoons and dries once the scorching summers approach. This abandoned abode is surrounded by the stunning Aravalli hills, and unhindered views of the wilderness. Teaming with flora and fauna, this is indeed a serene sanctuary, which unfortunately is being trespassed by loud, noisy people who come and litter this land. Yet, I am grateful that despite man’s invasion, nature holds steadfast and continues to flourish and fascinate us.


Indian Pitta- Bird
One of the rare sightings, and that which we had the good fortune of witnessing. The Indian Pitta, is quite a celebrity bird that made its way to the above place this summer, and was chased by a paparazzi of birders. You can very well see why! This nine-coloured bird also known as Navrang, is a beauty to behold.
Photo Credits: The 12 year-old on her Canon.


Book- Educated by Tara Westover
The book that I am currently reading. This memoir of grit and fortitude is such an eye-opener. I can never give enough gratitude for all the wonderful books and the erudite authors, this wonderful world has given us.


Family-parents and kids
The family I was born into.
My parents, brother and I, when I must have been all of 11 or 12!
Deeply grateful to my wonderful parents and my darling brother for teaching me so much always, and for being a part of my soul journey.



Gratitude Multiplies Good Fortune

“Complaining erases good fortune.”


I hold the words of my mentor, Daisaku Ikeda very close to my heart. I do believe that when we give gratitude for every little thing, our inner being and surroundings change for the better. The more we complain, the more negativity we tend to build in our minds and soul.

I have seen this year, how the simple act of giving gratitude every other moment of the day, can make a world of difference; even amidst a brewing storm. Being thankful has the power to transform our days and our lives to a whole new realm of optimism and joy.

I believe despite the ups and downs of life, if we were to look closely and deeply; there are way too many things to be grateful for, than to complain about. Our gratitude list may actually surpass our difficulty list, if we were to look within and around us.

Complaining on the other hand brings down our life state, fills us up with angst and pain, and further leads us to a tunnel of darkness. 

Try gratitude every single day over complaining, and watch your life transform overnight. 

Over to you:

What are you grateful for today, and everyday?

How often do you take time to give gratitude?

Can you relate to the concept of “complaining erases good fortune”?

Have you noticed how being in a state of gratitude can lead you to a state of bliss?


Would love you to share your thoughts in the comments section please. 

Love and gratitude to each one of you for taking time to swing by, and for joining me this #WordlessWednesday/#WednesdayWisdom

Be the light! <3 <3





#WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom

Here’s how you can join:

  1. #WW is an alternate week linky party and goes live 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month.
  2. Post a picture/pictures on your blog. It could be from life’s wondrous or wicked moments. Plug in the lessons (#WednesdayWisdom) and humour too. Share your wanderlust moments, or simple random shots from your day that caught your fancy, or not!
  3. Make your post as wordless, or wordy as you wish to.
  4. There is a linky widget below where you can drop in your links. 
  5. Do add the badge to your post and a backlink to my post.
  6. And make sure you connect with a fascinating bunch of bloggers from across the globe.

You can link up right up till Monday, 28th December therefore you have ample time to hop in.

Get ready to be deliciously framed!

The next edition goes live on 29th December, 2020.

Have a fabulous #WW!




Linking up with a bunch of fantastic peeps from the blogosphere who host Wordless Wednesday :

Betty, Steve, Sue NC, Zina, Xmas Dolly, SandeeCathyTina

Also linking up with Trent  for his weekly Smiles and Brian’s #ThankfulThursday



52 thoughts on “Gratitude Multiplies Good Fortune: #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom

  1. Beauty has no boundaries in these pictures. I really like these pictures. Thanks for sharing amazing photos. The Family photo is so nice. One more thing I read the book Educated Tara Westover in one sitting and could not put it down!

  2. I’ve always called it positive thinking. When I look at life with a positive attitude, the gratitude for so much around me and in my life stands out. It’s a wonderful way to live.

  3. You are so right! Being grateful makes the world a lot prettier and nicer! These are some fantastic words that we all could use.
    I am grateful every day that I live in a gorgeous place.

    I appreciate your link at ‘My Corner of the World’ this week! Thanks for joining us!
    My Corner of the World recently posted…garden flowersMy Profile

  4. What a wonderful blog post= your quote about pateince really resonated with me- a good reminder to focus on thankfulness instead of whining about . Doesn’t help and actually hinders inner peace.
    Love your photos too…especially the birds and your family!

  5. That is a beautiful bird you captured. Being grateful is always the best way to be, but sometimes it can be hard. One has to remember even the little things are something to be grateful for.

    1. Thanks dear Madison.
      That’s true. We tend to forget and I’ve noticed what really helps is to do it consciously and mindfully.

      I usually give a lot of gratitude when I pray, chant or meditate and sometimes even during the course of the day. I think the pandemic has taught me to become consciously grateful.

      So many lessons learned in 1 year! Wow!

      Thanks for swinging by.

  6. What can I say? I like all the photos (a beautiful family), I like the words and the thoughts you wrote here. Being grateful is important. In the winter of life, in general, we are left with beautiful memories, those moments for which we were grateful.
    I wish you serene days, together with your loved ones. Big hug!

    1. Thanks much as always dear Diana, for your kind, loving words.

      I’m also sending you lots of happy festive vibes this season. May the cosy comfort of your home and family wrap you in much love.
      Big hugs and big love ❄️☃️✨

  7. What a lovely post filled with gratitude. Your family is most good looking too. I feel gratitude and thankful every single day. It’s so simple to do. Just look around you at all your blessings.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Natasha. ♥
    Sandee recently posted…Wordless WednesdayMy Profile

  8. Beautiful photos of flowers and birds I do not have where I live. We are expecting a major snowstorm starting this afternoon, and I am grateful, in a strange way, for the pandemic – I am able to work from home and don’t have to go out in it and try to get home from work in a storm later today. I do have quite a gratitude list right now – spouse and I are healthy and warm and we have enough food in the house.

    1. Superb to know your gratitude list dear Alana.
      Glad to see you here. You were indeed snowed down big time this year. It has been particularly colder here too. The kind of cold we get just around and after new years.

      Happy Yule. <3

    1. How wonderful to see you hear, dear Deb. Sure has been so long.

      Yes, so many things to be grateful for. Thank you for joining me on #WW.
      Happy holidays and Yule cheer!

  9. I studied bougainvillea in college, but I really saw it many years later in Greece. I fell in love with this splendid flower and I regret that our climate is not favorable.

    Have a fine day, dear Natasha!
    Zina recently posted…CU TRENUL PRIN ȚARĂMy Profile

  10. Beautiful photos and amazing ideas, dear Natasha! I feel grateful that I read our post with so many wise
    words. And I resonate with them. Which is perfect!
    And I appreciate that you share with us the image of your beautiful family. It’s a lot of light there!
    Thank you, dear friend!
    All the best in our world!

  11. The bougainvillea makes a place come alive with its bright colors, don’t they.

    You still have that gorgeous smile and happy glow from your childhood Natasha. The family photo is a treasure indeed. I am a fan of younger A. Sending lots of love for her. I am yet to see a Pitta so seeing it through her eyes.

    Life is all about cherishing the different platters it serves and never forgetting to be grateful about it. Bird watching has taught me a lot …… the list is long and never ending!

    Love, Light & Gratitude my bohemian beauty

    1. I hope you make that list soon dearest Monika. “…Things Bird watching has taught me”
      I’ll be the first to read. 🙂 <3

      I love how resilient Bougainvilleas are and they continue to bloom in the harshest of seasons. Again a lesson from nature.

      Awww, its nice to know that I continue to exude my childhood charm. ;-)) Lol!

      I'll tell A, that for sure. She loves your images too.

      Big hugs and Happy Yule my friend. Let's get on a call soon.
      Stay warm, stay safe. <3

  12. I am grateful that I read your wonderful post 🙂 Birding might take a lot of patience, but to me it is just an opportunity to get outside and observe nature very closely, even if no unusual birds are seen (a parakeet in nature (not a cage) would be very unusual to me!).

    1. Oh! We suddenly have a spike in the parakeet population, and I am so glad for that. I continue to hear them from our 15th floor to in the mornings and can see them fly past.

      Yes, going outside and observing nature is balm to my soul too.

  13. Natasha, there is so much truth in your words. You can be so proud of your 12 year old. Your loving family photo makes me think of how she must feel about you now. Your description of the abuse of the land around the beautiful abandoned home also fits my experience just this past week, when I found that a gang of off-road drivers had run their vehicles through a lakeside marsh and left behind a litter of drink containers and plastic utensils and bags. Yet, there is always hope and gratitude for all the good and beautiful in this world.

    1. Yes, the hooligans and callous will continue their ways, but even if a handful of us do our bit it will make a world of difference.

      Yes, I am hoping the 12 year-old learns more and more about wildlife and birding in the years to come a follows her passion and makes a difference to the environment.

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