
Baby It's Cold Outside

 Seriously Mama??
It's 55 degrees(Farenheit) outside!

We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!


  1. oooh that is very fresh... we totally agree...

  2. Definitely not hat weather. But then when is, if you already have a good head of fur?
    Toodle pip!

  3. Definitely not hat weather. But then when is, if you already have a good head of fur?
    Toodle pip!

  4. You both look so cute in your Christmas hats, Rosy and Arty!

  5. That is a heat wave. We have 14 this morning, but without snow the cold is just a waste. I do like your hats.

  6. BOL BOL BOL dear ones this reminds me of the first time I took infant Sis of angel Madi for her first doctors. I had her all wrapped up in a darling sweater and of course there was a blanket involved. Dr. Middleton asked me if I knew the definition of a 'sweater'? I gave him a confused look. He informed me a sweater was what Mama put on the baby when Mama was cold. Then he told me to take some of those layers infant sis of Angel Madi
    Hugs and giggles

  7. sooooooooooo cute... we consider 55 freezing here.. so wear those hats. we went to 80 yesterday and woke up to 70 gong back to 80... bob loves it, Beau and I wish for the cooler temps

  8. You're dressed properly. You don't want to catch the sniffles. You're adorable too.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. My best to your mom. ♥

  9. Your mama must have seen our temps (12F this morning though it's 23F now heading for mid 30's). 😆

  10. It might not really be cold enough for hats but you two do look super cute in them.

  11. It was in the 30s today, so I wore my warm fleece jacket on our morning walk!

  12. Oh, thank goodness our Mom doesn't do that to us here in Tennessee even when it gets in the 30's. Now when I - Lucy- go "up north" with my Dad, I have a heavy jacket to wear. I can't wait to go again!

  13. Mom would love it to be 55 here. It is in the low 30s and there is enough of a wind to make her feel chilled when we walk. We tell her to bundle up and let's go!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  14. Sometimes, you need to dress for the season regardless.

  15. BOL!!! Yeah, that's not even "California cold" (as Ma likes to call it....above freezing ☺)
    You two do look ADORABLES though!
    Ruby ♥

  16. We feel anything under 60 by is just too cold!


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