The quilt that stopped my machine

I had 4 tops to quilt on the frame. After finishing the bear, the next I loaded last weekend was the Christmas tree. 

I intend to send the quilt to my mum since we won't be together for Christmas this year because of the travelling restrictions. I quilted with a string of lights

and finished by signing.

I thought it would be a good reminder to quilt "Covid" as well since this year has been all about this nasty virus. Well, I only managed "Cov" until my machine stopped. Point blank stop. Needle down, into the quilt, hand wheel not moving... This nasty virus is powerful!

I carefully operated the hand wheel while helping the needle up gently and managed to get it out that way. And it went straight to a lovely local guy who took very good care of it. Nothing broken thankfully, just in desperate need of a good service/cleaning/oiling. I was lucky to get my machine back 2 days later, all singing and dancing so I finished the quilting it and attaching the binding. Hopefully it will be ready to go very soon.



  1. The machine quilting looks very good.

  2. Thank goodness it was an easy (and, I hope, cheap) fix! The quilt looks wonderful!


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