Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Say It Loud! @ Little Red Wagon

 This week at


it's Kate's turn to choose the challenge and she's saying, "Say It Loud!" (Anyone else got Mike + The Mechanics singing full out in their head right now?) which just means that she wants to see those projects with big word art or large sentiments.  

This is what I did.....

Made a tall card (6") so I could feature that word art from Create With Tlc nice and big.  Snowman is from Melonheadz Illustrating...I picked him as it looks like he's basking in the adoration he's feeling from that sentiment.  I had originally went super duper cas (as I tend to do when I'm channeling cas) but it looked way too plain so I stamped on some round snowflakes in white ink....hard to see in the photo but if you look at the W & M you can see one there.  I also *finger knitted him a little scarf and added a holly brad (with the prongs snapped off) as a jaunty accessory.  If you're gonna bask, you gotta look good doing it.

Why not give our challenge a go this week and head on over to Little Red Wagon and link up?  And, while you're there, be sure to check out the wonderful projects the other Girlfriends have created.  

*Finger least what I call finger knitting is something I used to do a lot, absentmindedly, when I was a version is not really finger knitting compared to the tutorials you see about finger knitting these days....which to me is more like full hand knitting.  This finger knitting is just using your index finger....and is super duper easy.  It goes like this. 

Make a slip knot.
Put it on your index finger.
Loop the yarn (the piece attached to the ball, meaning not the tail of the slip knot) over index finger.
Pick the slip knot up over the new yarn and drop it off your finger while keeping the other yarn on your finger.
Pull the tail to your desired tightness.
Repeat until desired length is reached.
Cut the yarn off the ball (if necessary) and feed it through the last loop to tie off.

And that's it!  Think of all the stuff you can make with your new found skill!  Little scarves!  Snakes!  Worms!  Lowercase Ls!  Sticks!  The possibilities are endless*!  Have fun!

*as long as it's something that is a straight line*

Also for:

ABC Christmas:  W is for winter wonderland
Simon Says:  Christmas
CAS on Friday:  use a big sentiment
Craft Rocket:  Christmas/winter
Crafty Sentiments:  anything goes
The Holly & the Ivy:  Christmas
Shopping Our Stash:  tic tac toe - yarn, stamp over 5 years old (both are), bright colours (admittedly, not a lot of the bright colours)
613 Avenue Create:  anything goes
AAA Cards:  sketch + CAS
Dragonfly Dreams:  Christmas/winter


  1. Adorable! ...and the knitted scarf takes it over the top!

  2. That basking snowman is so cute!! His expression is one of pure joy - and the knitted scarf really does pull the card together just perfectly!!

  3. This is super cute, Jan and the knitted scarf is such a great accent - just great.


  4. What a great card! I LOVE that little scarf!

  5. Hi Jan

    What a totally fabulous card .. .. .. I love it!

    Your cute little knitted scarf is just the perfect finishing touch.

    Hope all is good with you.

    Love Jules xx

  6. Oh, that is super cute! Love the big sentiment and the image goes great with it. Your snoman's little scarf is the perfect touch. I'm so impressed, I've never heard of finger knitting.

  7. Such a great card and I love the cute snowman - he's adorable and looks perfect with the oversized sentiment.

  8. Fun snowman and I love that sentiment strip. Thanks for playing at AAA Cards, hope to see you join in with future challenges too. Stay safe and keep crafting!

  9. Very effective Jan. Thank you for joining us at ABC Christmas Challenge xx Lynda DT

  10. Oh! This is COOL!
    So glad you have shared this with us at 613 Avenue Create.
    Please come back again!
    The best of luck with your entry.
    Stay safe and well.
    Jackie, DT member at 613 xx

  11. What an absolutely brilliant card, I love it :)

  12. ok so *technically* not a lot of bright color, but the fact that they're on quite a CAS b&w card actually makes them look extra bright! love everything about this super cute, super fun card! thanks for playing crafty tic tac toe with us at SHOPPING OUR STASH!

  13. Super cute card, Jan!
    Thanks so much for sharing at my Crafty Wednesday challenge this month where it's all about Christmas or Anything Goes!
    Ellibelle's Corner

  14. That is adorable! I <3 Snowmen! Thanks for playing along with us at AAACards!

  15. Great card, thanks for sharing with us at the Holly and Ivy Christmas Challenge. Hugs, Shona xx

  16. Such a beautiful card, thanks for joining us at the Dragonfly Dreams Challenge.
    Hugs Ilonka DT

  17. Such a fun and wonderful card! Love it! Thanks for joining AAA Cards! Hugs Åsa

  18. Hahahaha, super fun card! Love the sentiment and the snowman. Thank you for joining us at CAS on Friday. xx Wilma


Okay, so ever since I started my blog (well, maybe not right from the get-go, it was probably a good six months or so before I realized you could change it from just "Leave your comment") I've tried to come up with something witty to type here.

*sitting with brow furrowed in concentration*...*staring at the ceiling while pursing lips*...*resting with head on hand while tapping foot*...

Nope, I still got nothing.