I second that “Yay, it’s Friday!” I’m ready to unwind a wee bit. Of course if the weather is good, we’ll be outside doing things and if not then I plan to tackle more holiday prep tomorrow. For now, who’s ready for some smiles and giggles?

Ellen at 15andMeowing and Lorraine at Four-Legged Furballs share each Thursday four blank statements for us to copy and paste to create an entry for their Friday Friendly Fill-ins. Rounding things out this is how I filled in the blanks.
1. I like being on top of my game. That’s why I prefer scheduling posts weeks out and getting a head start on holiday cooking. Doing stuff early remains the stress exponentially.
2. I don’t want to have to have a colonoscopy, but I have to. It’s that time again for this most dreaded procedure. I was going to blow it off but decided against since I’m experiencing bothering Crohn’s symptoms.
3. I’m counting down the days until this year ends. I hope everything resets on January 1 and everything going back to normal or as normal as can be. I know COVID is with us forever but I think things will be better especially with a vaccine on the horizon.
4. Fall is a lot like spring. At least temperature wise. The weather can’t make up its mind and the landscape is speckled with gorgeous colors.

That’s it for now. Have a funtastic Friday, dear friends!

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Such funny funnies, as always! And thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! Wouldn’t it be nice if the world just reset itself on January 1? That would make for a wonderful new year, that’s for sure. Have a wonderful week!
Absolutely would be wonderful to reset the world in the new year. Thanks for visiting, my friend!
Tupperware parties lol…that one was great Cathy! Omgosh, yes, holiday cooking, I’m guessing you are referring to US Thanksgiving…Christmas is on my mind these days!
Yes, I’m referring to Thanksgiving. I usually prepare enough turkey and ham for Thanksgiving and Christmas. It helps to reduce the workforce when I can for other cooking/baking/candy making at Christmas. Thanks for joining me for some laughs, my dear!
Thanks for the funnies, and i do hope you are having a great weekend!
Thanks, Mimi!
Oh Maxine is a great one, she is wise beyond her years. Love her and I always share her on Tuesdays. I am anxious for Thanksgiving, we have a small group just the kids close by so we all pitch in with dishes. Making lots of good things. Have a great weekend.
I think it’s a great idea for family gatherings for others to pitch in like you mentioned. I’m on to my mother all the time about over doing things. Cooking for a lot of people is one of them with my sister, nephew & his family, and two of my nieces & their families living next door or nearby. That makes for many, many mouths to feed. I’m always like, it’s okay to be the hostess but let them bring the food. She never listens, though. Her health has suffered so much this year. We won’t be traveling in to see them this year with everything going on. Hopefully in the new year things will be different.
Nice set of funnies. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I like having stuff done early too. Yes, colonoscopies are needed, but not fun. Have a wonderful weekend! XO
Yep colonoscopies are a necessary evil. Hopefully the doctor will give me a clean bill of health in the end. No pun intended – lol!
Thanks for the funnies. The giblets made me laugh more than I have in a long time!
Maxine always ensures smiles will follow after reading her comic.
Thanks for dropping in for some laughs.
Have a great weekend…your funnies made me laugh and laugh…especially the giblets!
Thanks for dropping in for some laughs!
Love your fill-ins and your funnies. Maxine cracks me up.
You and I are the same about posting ahead of time.
Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.
Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥
When I first started blogging, I’d compose my posts each day but I couldn’t seem to get anything done. Scheduling helps tremendously! Thanks for visiting, darlin’!
Those were really good funnies…oops Maxine!
I’m happy you enjoyed the humor and got a giggle out of these. What can I say, Maxine can’t help herself. She doesn’t hold anything back.
Hi, Cathy!
Happy Friday, dear friend! Like you, I’m in the mood for some smiles and giggles in your Sillies feature.
I especially liked the Cat’s Resume meme. I never knew a cat that wasn’t a dedicated box inspector. We have a black stray living on our lanai and he loved to jump inside empty cartons. What seems boring to us is exciting to cats. I remember when Tupperware parties were all the rage, and apparently so do those seniors. Do women still throw Tupperware parties? I know there are now parties at which the hostesses sell scented candles, lingerie and other items to women, but I don’t hear about T-ware parties anymore.
I enjoyed reading your Friday Friendly Fill-ins. Like you I feel good when I plan in advance. This might be hard for you to believe, but I have my blog posts arranged and scheduled all the way through the year 2033. That is not a typo! Now all I need to do is live long enough to publish all of them!
You should ask your doctor if a non-invasive type of colon exam might be indicated. It would spare you that ordeal. Tens of millions of people are hoping for a reset in 2021 so that we can get our lives back near normal again. Yet, we need to practice patience and do what the medical experts recommend so that we can get this terrible pandemic under control. Hopefully a safe and effective vaccine will be developed and distributed in the months to come.
I hope that woman hovering over the stove in the last cartoon is wearing a bra. The thought of her giblets ending up in the gravy makes me gag.
Thank you for ending with the calming sight of the sun setting over an institution of higher learning – Crown College. I take it DD#1 and LA live in the vicinity.
I enjoyed this Funtastic Friday post, dear friend Cathy. Have a safe and happy weekend!
Get out of here! You have your posts schedule through 2033? You’re truly amazing. If Jesus doesn’t return before that time, then I hope we all live long enough to see read all of your content. That’s truly amazing. I salute you, my friend! Maxine is hilarious. I couldn’t resist sharing the cartoon. lol Yes, you’d be right DD#1 lives close to the college. They are moving into a new place before the month ends. She’s excited since their new home is bigger. I’m happy things are going well for her and her little family.
You asked about Tupperware parties. I have no clue. I don’t like going to anything like that anymore. I still have a few Tupperware pieces. The one thing I use the most is a yellow strainer. I had forgotten it was Tupperware until DH asked about the brand. lol Somewhere in the house I have a few more pieces. The plastic feels weird. I really need to get rid of the stuff because I won’t use it. I hope the vaccine works well unlike a flu shot which may not work. I think even when every thing is in play, the virus will continue to live among us and if this vaccine isn’t bullet-proof that we’ll eventually get there. Good hygiene practices is the essential key to fighting COVID and naturally not putting yourself at risk by being around someone you think is sick. We see know how people don’t give that much thought during the cold/flu season so I don’t expect their behavior to change. People will get infected until a vaccine works. Okay, enough about that dreadful subject. I hope you enjoy your weekend and thanks for joining me, good friend!