Frodo Is On A Roll!

One guess as to which cat occasionally gets overcome with a passionate desire to roll around in the litter box before breakfast? (Seriously, Frodo loves rolling around in the litter box but sometimes forgets to look out for litter box “leftovers” before he starts rolling)!

We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

17 thoughts on “Frodo Is On A Roll!”

  1. Awww kitties have their rituals. I will admit that I laughed our loud.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches to Frodo. ♥

  2. dood….thatz one trix eye haz knot yet lurned; de litter part…eye roll in de box
    all de time but never haz had de litterz on me bak side !!!!

    tipz ??!! 🙂

    mackerull boomer junior butter feeld

  3. Oh dear, Frodo- er, Captain Crusty Butt, looks like you got some cleaning up to do. I guess we all have our things. My head scratching thing (for mom and dad, anyway) is that when I’m done with my business and go to bury it I always, always scratch and claw at the top of my hinged door as well as the litter. I often end up pulling the door right down of its hinges, drawing gruff comments from mom and dad.


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