Friday, October 30, 2020

Colorado and Angel Quilt... and Finished Friday

 Happy Friday you all!!

Today's Finish is a quilt that was Pieced by Deb.... Deb showed our Whole QOV group how to make these cool blocks .... named  Colorado.... then she added some special blocks that she made - called Angel blocks and Created this top!

now - there is a background to the Angel blocks ( in the corners) Her Mom - was one of My first supporters in Quilts of Valor - She taught me how to do so much, and just knew all these little quilting secrets - and she was the best.  She presented a Quilt to one of our Veterans and he kept calling her, and the band of quilters... his angels.... and so! Deb made these angel Blocks to keep watch over Colorado.

    And I took photos in the mountains - because you all... what is Colorado known for???

I really enjoyed Quilting this one, and know that it will go to a Veteran who will love it!

Now - what have you been working on?

  • * Link a direct link to the Quilty Post you want to share
  • * Visit at least three others - leave a comment - you may make a new friend
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Gretchen Weaver said...

Lovely quilt, lovely background! Happy stitching!

Linda Swanekamp said...

What an absolutely gorgeous spot! The quilt looks great in such a setting. You live in a awesome place.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Awesome quilt, stunning location for a photo shoot!!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

Colorado is so beautiful - I missed not traveling this year and seeing the mountians

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Enjoyed the quilt, story and the beautiful backdrops.

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

Beautiful view. Nature is awesome.

Michelle @ From Bolt to Beauty said...

Clearly, I need to send my finishes to you for photographing. These shots are beautiful!

Lynette said...

Gorgeous photo op for a very cool quilt!

Cathy said...

Beautiful quilt. Beautiful scenery. Sweet story about Angels too.

Sandra Walker said...

What a beauty and what a location for a photoshoot!

Bonnie said...

I agree totally with Cathy above. The scenery is fabulous and the quilt does it justice. Love the story of the angel blocks.

Delighted Hands said...

A perfect setting for such a great quilt! Excellent work on this one!

Kim said...

Such an exquisite quilt! Such an exquisite backdrop!

Kate said...

Congrats on yours and Deb's finish. Very fun quilt. Love the final photos, it's gorgeous there!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Beautiful block, wonderful quilt!

Quiltpiecer said...

Wonderful quilt and story. such a beautiful Colorado background.

Preeti said...

Such a gorgeous quilt, Alycia!!! The photos are so beautiful. Love the scenic backdrop. I am sure the recipient will be moved; be ready with with some tissues.

Snowcatcher said...

Oh, how I envy you being able to use such incredible backgrounds for a truly stunning quilt! Maybe one day I'll be able to get back out there... Beautiful shots!