Gnome Table Runner Finish
While Vicki was developing this pattern, she and I had noodled some ideas, so it was very fun to be able to make this pattern. Here’s my finished runner, along with my able assistant doing a quality control check.
Oops – I guess that particular gnome needed a little closer inspection. Let’s try that again . . .
If you’ve made any of Vicki’s patterns, you know they are done well. This runner is such an easy, fun quilt. I chose to do wool applique for my gnomes. Vicki used quilting fabric for hers, except for the beard.
Once I put the runner background together, I did some quick straight-line quilting. When that was done, I added the wool applique. It was a little tricky fusing the wool to the quilt through the quilt sandwich, but a little patience, a hot iron, and a pressing cloth got it done. Once fused, I hand sewed a blanket stitch around each applique piece. I added binding to match the inner border, and done!
This little runner would make a great holiday gift, and it take so little time to make. Plus, you can mix up the colors and fabrics. I think it would be very cute in the popular turquoise and red holiday colors. Using a darker background fabric might be fun. Gray and white with a pop of color too.
Vicki just released Here’s A Gnome, There’s A Gnome this week. If you are interested in this pattern, you’ll want to go grab it right now. She’s offering it for $5 until 9 pm tonight.
For more information, go to Vicki’s blog right here.
Then skidaddle over to her Etsy shop right here and snag that pattern. Do it now, before you forget!
The Gnome Table Runner Finish was a favorite project for me this week. I hope you give it a try!
Linking up today with:
Nancy Bekedam
I love the wool applique! Great idea to quilt first, fuse and hand stitch second.
Wow! This is fantastic Wendy! I love it and love seeing Wilbs enjoy it too!
Cindy Pieters
What an adorable table runner!
That turned out super cute!
I like the wool applique – I find it interesting that you quilted first and then did the applique but I guess it made quilting it easier so you didn’t have to quilt around the shapes
I’ve been into gnomes lately so I love this…so cute!
Oh my goodness! I love this runner! So cute!!
so cute but your model is cuter
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
What a cute runner and quality control inspector.
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
That turned out cute as can be, Wendy! I like your color choices, and the wool applique idea for the gnome, too. It’s really the perfect size for Wilbur!
Needle and Foot
This is really sweet – I wish I had some wool scraps – it would be cutest that way. Maybe I will just use cottons and I think I have white flannel I could use for the beard? Hmmm…..
Janine @ Rainbow Hare
I love your gnomes and your cat
Great table runner! It’s obvious that Wilbur thinks so as well!
Hi Wendy! Aww, Wilbs just makes this Gnome runner all the better. I was wondering if he was going to chew off a nose or nibble on a tree but I see no damage. And what a fabulous finish! That wool really gives it nice texture and dimension. This is just the perfect runner for you – I told Vicki that you are the best resource I can think of for Gnomes. Great job, buddy! ~smile~ Roseanne
Louise Hornor
Hello, Gnome Friends! What, you can’t hear me because a giant cat is smothering you?
These guys are just too cute. You and Vicki (and Wilbs, of course) make a great team
Carol Andrews
Wendy I had read Vicki’s post about the runner and was looking forward to your post about the Gnome Runner. I agree with Wilbs; it definitely passes inspection. I love the texture of using wool. What a sweet finish,
Vicki in MN
Hmmm, I think my comment got lost is cyber land yesterday!! Thank you so much for testing and all the great feedback in developing this pattern. Your finish is so adorable! I love that you put your twist on it by using wool for the applique:)
Sandra Walker
What an adorable runner Wendy. I love the appliqués done in wool. I’ve done a lot of it and never have fused it, and hand or machine stitched it with blanket stitch, and all has been well!
Cocoa Quilts
Wendy this turned out so cute. May need to add this one to my list.
Kathleen McCormick
That is just adorable! I love the wool but what about washing? Of course, how often do I wash my table runners? Nice that you got to help Vicki!
So cute!
Karen Moore
Very cute. Gnones seem to be popping up all over the place.
Quilting is in my Blood
Super cute, especially the pics with your able assistant! I sure love his coloring! I want to try wool applique sometime.
A beautifully made runner. The gnomes are delightful and I am sure you (and Wilbur) will smile each time you use it.
Super cute! Love the gnome! And it looks like Wilbur approves!
Cheree Hull
Very cute! Do you pay Wilbs for all that modeling???