Friday, October 23, 2020

A Patriotic Quilt of Valor and...... Finished (or not) Friday!!

 Happy Friday!!! Cold is in the air - we may get snow... it's awesome.. any moisture for our state ( Colorado)  will be accepted at this moment!! Fires are just too big and too scary right now.....

My Finish this week is a Quilting Finish!  Charlene made this top as a Quilt of Valor - and I love it!! I was the lucky one to get to quilt it... and of course, when I went hiking... I had to take it with me... right?

It was being held up, and I had my camera up, Mask and Sunglasses on... and this gentlemen gets out of his car and says - WOW - did you make that!! and I said well - sorta, My friend made the top -  I did the quilting, and then of course, he wanted to get close.  and we said sure... he was masked as well.

He made me laugh - he says I can't see your face - are you mad that I want to see it, or are you happy?  I laughed and said -I'm happy - and I'm smiling... you just can't tell!!!  Gotta love those masks right??



Isn't this just cool?
I love the scrappiness of the blocks - and the blue setting
Just makes my heart so happy!

And I am sure that you want to see where I was!
Roads to this place are closed now - due to two huge fires...
Makes me so sad

Now it is time for you to show off!!

  • *Link a direct link to the Quilty Post
  • * Visit at least three others - leave a comment - you may make a new friend
  • *Add a link back in your post - let others see all the Quilty goodness!

****************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** .


Vicki in MN said...

Oh I bet that was a fun one to quilt. Great story about the guy on the trail!

grammajudyb said...

Oh that quilt is fabulous! Do you know if there is a pattern or is it Charlene’s original design? I hope you are getting some of the wet stuff that we are getting this weekend! Those fires are terrifying!

Susan said...

That's a lovely QOV

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Very nice QOV. I have thought recently we are not able to read people's facial expressions and we may be missing how others feel or them our feelings. Hope you get relief from fires.

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

Another great quilt and quilting design! I soooo want to add this to my bucket list to make. :)

Cathy said...

Hooray for the red, white and blue! And another quilt finish!

How interesting someone would want to stop and take a closer look. I watch too many true crime shows and would be afraid person would be a creepy person out in the middle of nowhere. Glad he had no ulterior motives.

The Joyful Quilter said...

LOVE that Stars and Swirls quilting, Alycia, and that awesome story, too!!

Delighted Hands said...

Fantastic finish and a funny story as a bonus! We didn't realize how much we depend on all of those facial clues, did we!?!?!

chrisknits said...

Thanks for the link party each week! Love the views you have shared, such gorgeous scenery.

Snowcatcher said...

That is a truly beautiful quilt, and so meaningful. Thank you for doing so many beautiful QoVs!