My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Happy Fall Tuesday Tale from my furry Nephews

Dearest Auntie HiC
Since my last email to you,

We’ve been celebrated Fall and Dad's birthday last week.

Rocky helped Mom decorate the front porch; when he wasn’t playing with the little pumpkins. 🎃 

I snoopervised Mom while she decorated for Dad’s birthday. 😻

Auntie, we, Kat and Rocky, borrowed Mom's plastic card to order  this for Dad...and it was his favorite gift.  

Great Job mom Dad will be so very surprised

And Pup, who by the way, has the bestest smile,
 helped Mom hang a wreath and Halloween flag.
Check out his latest short film!

Sound on, please:

We love this time of year! 🍁🎃🍂
Happy Fall Y’all! 

❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew 

 Dearest nephews!
I know your Dad had a big smile on his face when he saw all the birthday
fun you and mom created.
OMC/Ds uncle and I love love love your photos. Your mom has a very decorative eye for placing your decorations in the purrfect spot. We toooo love fall. 
Pup you did a great job of snoopervising the Placement of the wreath and kitty flag
Lovingly your Auntie HiC 

Thank you for your kind wishes for my periodontal visit yesterday.
Everything went according to plan.  No dicing, slicing or stitches.
He did what he called 'shaving' to tighten up the gum around the tooth
I go back on Nov 2, for recheck BUT NO MORE procedures.
I'm on a soft diet til Thursday.


  1. a happy belated birthday to your dad and happy fall to you all

  2. Looks like everyone's having a wonderful time in the Kat, Rocky and Pup household.
    Meanwhile, so pleased all went well with the periodontal visit yesterday. Enjoy those ice creams!

  3. Hari OM
    Oh that all does look appropriately festive, well done the KRaP-pack (ohhhhhhh...that didn't quite come out as intended... maybe the PRaK-pack???)

    Phew, on that dental... YAM xx

  4. Good job on all the decorating. Luv the hat you guys picked out for Dad. Pup, you are one gorgeous doggie. Kat and Rocky, what can I say...I luv u 2.

  5. I love all the decorations and a happy birthday to your dad. What fun.

    Loved the video.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Big hug to Auntie C. ♥

  6. Rocky, Kat and Pup are so cute helping around the house. We're glad to hear all went well at the dentist and have our paws crossed that your upcoming visit will be your last for this issue.

  7. Great decorating! Happy belated birthday Dad!

  8. So very happy to hear the news that you're only on a soft diet for a few days and that there were no stitches involved yay! I do love your yard dear pup. And your mom must be an interior decorator because that front porch is just gorgeous and I love everything in the pile even the non smiling face pumpkin. Tell your mom Rocky that she's a talented decorator. And also a talented Cat Whisperer. And of course dad is the best of all cat dads

  9. Now that is the perfect birthday pressie for your dad! Love the pumpkins!
    We're so happy to hear no slicing and dicing or stitches, Miss Cecilia!

  10. Happy Birthday to that special Kat, Rocky and Pup Cat Dad! I've glad all went well with the dental thing!

  11. Fabulous decor and Happy Birthday to your Cat Dad! Great hat!

  12. What fun you are all having getting into the change of seasons! Happy Birthday!

  13. Happy Birthday to Cat Dad! You are all having a festive fall... enjoy!

  14. guyz....a most HAPPEE birthday two yur dad....we hope him getted sum canned goodz, kibble, cat grass, nip, & sum biscuits.....coz he will RE GIFT it bak two ewe all :)☺☺☺☺♥♥♥♥ kewl huh !!!

  15. All beautifully decorated for the fall season - love that porch decor. And yes, PUP< you do have a gorgeous smile!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  16. Wow, how beautiful it is at Rocky and Kat's place and such fun decorations!
    A very happy birthday to their Dad!!

  17. Excellent work wiv da decorations,,,and Happy (Belated) Birthday to Dad
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  18. A soft diet...that means you could eat a bowl of frosting!
    I like the fall decoration that looks like It in the Adams Family. Or was that the Munsters? Happy Fall!

  19. Such good helpers. Happy Birthday to their dad!

  20. Glad to see your furry nephews are doing well. What a great celebration for their dad’s birthday!

  21. Happy birthday to your dad. You did a fantastic job decorating.

  22. Yous guys is the bestest! I bet the Cat Daddy was so furry happy! And yous guys could hire yourselves out as decorators!
    Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo, Cinnamon and Angel Nellie

  23. I love your birthday celebration for your Daddy! And the decorations make mom know she had better do something for pity sake! XXX

  24. Wow! You are ready for every kind of celebration! Have fun, and happy birthday! (Our fav picture is the one of Cousin It.)

  25. That looks like you all had so much fun and we wish Dad a Happy Birthday Kat and crew


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi