Friday, August 28, 2020

🌹Rose's 3 For Jack's Basket 🌹

Here are 3 fun quilts Rose made, and I quilted and put binding on, for Jack's Basket, where babies with Down syndrome are welcomed and affirmed!!! 💝 

Maker: Rose of Something Rosemade
Size: 38" X 39"
Batting: Quilters Dream Batting 80/20 Natural
Thread: Glide--Chestnut
Quilting: Lilac by Sarah Ann Myers
Interesting Info: This quilting design does not look like lilacs to me! It looks more like floppy flowers, and I really like it!!!

Size: 35" X 36"
Batting: Quilters Dream Batting 80/20 Natural
Thread: Glide--Chestnut
Quilting: Starlight by Karlee Porter 
Interesting Info: Rocket ships and stars galore on this cute quilt! The quilting is "Starlight"!

Size: 36" X 36" 
Batting: Hobbs 80/20 Black
Thread: Glide--Black
Quilting: Obsidian by Natalie Gorman 
Interesting Info: Rose made up all these quilt patterns! I love the rich colors in this quilt! And I love how the curved lines of "Obsidian" look on this quilt of squares and rectangles!

Awesome way to share love, Rose!!! 
Grace and peace!!! ~Nancy


  1. Awesome way for you to share the ♥️ too! You guys did a fabulous thing for Jack’s Basket. I gotta get moving!

  2. You have bold contrasts in all those quilts, which newborns can see very early, which is awesome and I suspect not by accident :) I'll be looking into this charity; it's right in line with an area of service I'm always drawn to. Thank you!

  3. I love Rose's baby quilts. They are so sweet. They will be loved! The first quilt is my favorite and I love the Lilac quilting.
    Quilter Bonnie

  4. Kudos to both you and Rose, well done ladies!

  5. Well done, both of you! Each quilt looks so unique and different in its colorings, and the quilting is so nice. You two make a good team :-)

  6. Jack's Basket is a new one to me. What a wonderful project. The quilting designs are delightful. Perfect choice for a quilt that needs to be washed and soft to snuggle up with.

  7. Really love the colors! And so nice that you are doing charity quilts!

  8. Creative quilt designs and fun choice of quilting patterns. Really like the flowers and stars ⭐️

  9. I love making quilts for Jack's basket. Lately I've been learning to knit also and want to donate some little hats soon. I have more little baby quilts unfinished than I can quilt. I am envious of you all with Long arm machines. Well done finishes and thank you so much for sharing the love.

  10. Lovely quilts. Great fabrics, and backings and quilting.
    Very thoughtful donations.

  11. Another group of cute little quilts. You do great quilting. And, I particularly like Lilac quilting design.

  12. I just wanted to pop back in and make it official...Thanks for linking up to TGIFF!


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