Sunday, August 2, 2020

Sunday Selfies

Hey pals. It's Sunday, so it's selfie time. I also tried to make it steal the dog food time, which for some reason momma didn't want to lemme do.

We had a pretty nice day. Unfortunately, things in our town are not so good. A woman jogger was murdered on the bike trail where my momma rides everyday. It's very sad and definitely creepy. And of course, horrible for her family and friends.

We're sending lotsa purrs out to them and to everyone hurting right now. It's kind of a shocking thing - our suburb are known for being safe. We know bad things can happen anywhere, but it is creepy when it happens somewhere you go literally everyday. 


  1. Oh, NO:(

    Too scary and very unsettling indeed. Purrs to all of you.

    No wonder you all look so serious and concerned today.

  2. I love the idea of the taking the dogs food day. I mayeven adopt a dog just so I can take her food, MOL
    Stay safe and well!

  3. Dog food is only fit for, well, "dogs". Not worth eating.

    1. Not what our dogs get. They get homemade dog food - wif beef, chicken, livers, pork, all kindsa good stuff.

  4. Wow! What terrible news! So sorry for the family and friends.

  5. Y'all look terrific! Oh my goodness, such a horrible thing and our thought and prayers go to the family. Tell your Mama to be super care and aware of her surroundings.

    1. She usually tries to be, but she's been more cautious da last few days.

  6. Nice selfie. That is horrifying about that bike rider!

  7. That is very scary. Praying your momma and family stay safe. XO

  8. We hope they catch the person who did the crime. Things are scary and unsettled enough right now/ Purrs !

    1. A "person of interest" is in custody. Gossip is that he wuz seen on cameras.

  9. Oh my gosh, I hope they catch whoever killed the lady. We have what's probably a similar bike/jogging trail and last year there were troubles and they posted signs that women should not be on the trail alone. It was creepy. Stay safe.

    1. It really are - and so upsetting that people can't feel safe going for a jog.

  10. That's sad and scary about the jogger. We hope they catch the scumbag who did it.

  11. That is terrible! We send you all and that family our purrs


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