Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Give Us Your Background! @ Little Red Wagon

This week at

it's Brenda's turn to choose the challenge and she's saying, "Give Us Your Background!" which just means that she wants to see background we've made think ink smooshing, stencilling, stamping...but no patterned paper! *flops on the ground and throws a fit so hard a two year old saw and said, "Nice."*

So, yeah, this challenge is not exactly in my wheelhouse. But, that's why it's called a challenge, right? (*feels immediately HORRIBLE because I sneaked a preview peek at Brenda's very heartfelt and lovely post and here I am whining about the theme*) Thing is.....I actually ended up with something I like, and, of course, it's not something I would have thought of doing without being challenged to do it, so really, no grumbling was needed. And, even more surprising, this card was made at 4:30am and it actually worked thank you, Insomnia.....for the card and this ramshackle post.

AnYhOo, here is said card....

As background making is not my forte, I went with a very simple cloud scene using a homemade 'stencil'. I use the term 'stencil' loosely as it's just a piece of scrap cardstock I cut like this: 

Digi is from Stamp Fairy, which has, sadly, been closed for years now.

Why don't you give our challenge a go this week and head on over to Little Red Wagon and link up?  And, while you're there, be sure to check out the fabulous projects the other Girlfriends have created.

Also for:

Allsorts:  flowers all over
CAS on Friday:  summer
C.R.A.F.T. Challenge:  summer
Crafty Creations:  anything goes
Ellibelle's Wednesday Challenge:  summer
Simon Says:  anything goes
Crafty Sentiments:  anything goes
{PIN}spirational:  inspirational photo
A Place To Start:  flowers
Always Fun:  use stencils
Incy Wincy:  summer colours
Dragonfly Dreams:  no patterned paper
The Library Challenge:  Miniature Garden Grower
AAA Challenge:  maxi white space + flowers


  1. We both made sky's for this challenge, but you get bonus points for making your own stencil! I love the wonky cut out too! :)

  2. Now isn't that just super cute!!! I really, really like how you did this. It's like a window behind a flower pot. And there...a fit was pitched for nothing! Although, like you, I'm not one for making my own backgrounds. Now about being up at 4:30 a.m....??? Girlllllllllll

  3. Well done for going out of the comfort zone and making a card that is fresh and bright - you did a great job with the home-made stencil. Thanks for joining The Library.

  4. Love how you styled this with the sky cut out - so pretty. Thanks so very much for joining us this time at the Crafty Creations Challenge, Elizabeth (DT)

  5. Pretty fresh Daisies, many thanks for sharing and joining in with our 'Flowers all Over' theme at Allsorts challenge.

    B x

  6. So pretty, love the wonky window. Thanks for playing at AAA Cards, hope to see you join in with future challenges too. Stay safe and keep crafting!

  7. You did make me laugh with your post can just imagine the tantrum lol,but no idea why as your card is brilliant -love the simple flower and wonky cut frame-top marks for you sky stencil/scrap card looks perfect.Thank you for joining us at Dragonfly Dreams
    Carol DT x

  8. Your card is beautiful. Love the layout, the way the cut is at an angle, very effective x

    hugs sally x

  9. Gorgeous and lovely card!
    Thank you for sharing at 'Flowers all over' challenge at Allsorts;-))m

  10. Beautiful card, I love the simple layout. Thank you for sharing at Incy Wincy Designs Challenge.
    Merja DT

  11. What a wonderful card! And what is more summery than a sweet daisy! Thanks for playing along at CAS on Friday!

  12. I love your sweet sky background and that wonky window is perfect! I have to say, the challenge may have tried to bring out the tantrum, but it ended in perfection. Beautiful card!

  13. Hi Jan

    Your post really cracked me up .. .. I could actually imagined you on the floor having a tantrum with a two year old watching on!!! LOL!!

    Just taken on the challenge myself.

    Your card is gorgeous. Love the layout and that sweet flower image. Will have to look in my Stamp Fairy archive and see if I have it lurking in there!

    Love Jules xx

  14. Great sky and i like the wonky cut out !


  15. Fabulous design and great clouds with your handmade stencil! I couldn't sleep one night last night and ended up weeding gardens at 2am. We'd be good company for each other!

  16. Very pretty! Thanks for playing along with us at AAA Cards!

  17. Loving this design, so creative!
    Thanks for sharing at my Crafty Wednesday challenge!
    Ellibelle's Corner

  18. Such a beautiful design! Thanks for joining AAA Cards! Hugs Åsa

  19. Love your fun flower card! Thanks for playing along at CAS on Friday Challenges! Crafty hugs Linda


Okay, so ever since I started my blog (well, maybe not right from the get-go, it was probably a good six months or so before I realized you could change it from just "Leave your comment") I've tried to come up with something witty to type here.

*sitting with brow furrowed in concentration*...*staring at the ceiling while pursing lips*...*resting with head on hand while tapping foot*...

Nope, I still got nothing.