Friday, July 24, 2020

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

I meant to put it in last week's post but as I only post once a week it had to wait for this week.
Last Monday, July 20th was our 14th Blogoversary. I would like to thank all our faithful followers with sticking with us for all these years.

Now for the flashback which was originally from September 2007 and is called:

Yep yoo saw it rite, a Chris Mouse meme in September. haha.
We wuz tagged by Kimo and Sabi, so here is what our Chris Mouse's are like.

1)  What is your favourite Christmas gift?
A)  Wrapping paper and paper bags, yoo can't beat it furr haffing fun. Well mebbe nip beats it, but we're talking Chris Mouse here.
2)  What is your best memory of Christmas?
A) That's easy. It has to be the foods.(See #7)

3)  Depending upon where you live, do you have a hot or cold Christmas?
A)  It varies, sumtimes it can be kwite warm, around 60f, but uvver times it's about 28f. We don't like it that cold so we stay indoors most of the time and hog the fire. We don't git much snow here though.

4) Would you prefer to try the opposite weather at least just once?
A) Yes pleez!! We sed we don't like the cold in winter. We want to go to the Carry Beans wiv our Beans. Not fair that they leave us to shiver when they are lazing on the beach.

5) What do you prefer in a tree, fake or real?
A) We only efurr had a fake tree. It's grate furr climbing up. When yoo git half way, yoo can make it tip ofurr then yoo git lots of sparkly balls falling all ofurr the floor. That's the bestest fun.

6) What is your favourite carol?
A) Who's Carol?

7) What is your favourite Christmas dinner?
A) Our mum duzn't like terky very much, but she cooks roast beef which is yummy. She cooks a big gammon ham too which we all haf cold. That's the very bestest meat of all.

8) Do you wear a Santa hat at Christmas?
A) NO WAY!!! We don't wear clothes and speshully not hats.We'd put the bitey on them.

9) Have you seen Santa delivering gifts?
A) No. Once we're asleep nuffin wakes us up till we're reddy to play herds of thundering ellyfants.
Rite that's it so now we haf to nommynate sumcat.
We choose Poppy Q in Noo Zeelund.

The random photo this week was chosen by the Trout Towne Tabbies who asked for 11.11.11 and is of Flynn having a cuddle with me.

I am joining Athena the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

None of the photos in today's post have both boys in it so I have used another one which hopefully I haven't used before.

I started with Watercolour at 55% then added Sadness at 40%.

I also put the original photo into Deep Dream Generator using thin style.

Two art means two puzzles.

preview99pieceCaturday Art 25.07.20
preview99pieceCaturday Art DDG
I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the Feline Friday blog hop.



  1. Those were so much fun and sure went right with our Christmas in July today.

  2. Happy Blogoversary! Even though your boys are no longer with you, we are glad you continue to blog and share these flashbacks with us.

  3. So cute! Please keep sharing these funny and lovely moments!

  4. The first photo makes me smile. The Christmas tree will keep the boys very occupied. Hope they didn't climb up the tree.

  5. Yay! Christmas in July! Happy blogoversary.

  6. There is a lot of this Christmas in July here, much more than we usually see, likely peeps that need cheering up with all the virus quarantines stuff...

    Thanks for the puzzles will work them later.

  7. oooh now we are in christmas mood!!! we are with you hats are snacks and who is carol?

  8. Brilliant! Absolutely Brilliant! :).
    My kitty~kitties used love the Christmas
    tree, my daughter had to redecorate it every
    morning, with three pussy~cats, it was left
    in a bit of a mess, what with running up
    and down it all night..! HeHe! :o).

  9. WOW.....14 years....Happy celebration - we just love your blog and will miss the boys forever and ever but it's SO MUCH fun seeing the flashbacks! The Christmas post is hilarious. Sending hugs......

    Love, Pam and Teddy too

  10. Half cat in a bag. Three quarters 'neath a tree! And Fourteen years of two wonderful, amazing and gorgeous kitties to enjoy ... loving every moment. Hugs to all.
    Keep on keeping on.

  11. Wow! Happy Blogoversary! Fourteen years is quite an accomplishment, that's for sure. We really do enjoy reading about the boys' adventures before we started blogging.

  12. We really enjoyed the flashback!!!
    Concats oh 14 tears of blogging!!!!! Pawsome <3
    Don't stop.
    Purrs, Georgia and Julie

  13. What fun memories a cat I had Jaime he just would not leave the tree alone each year was a nightmare but hilarious with baubles everywhere LOL 🎄

    A very happy blogversary from me too

    Have a safetastic weekend 😷😷😷

  14. I love Christmas in July and I love your answer. Who's Carol. I laughed out loud.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. ♥

  15. Happy Blogversary! Love seeing your photos!

  16. What a fun post ! We love Eric and Flynn's answers ! Purrs

  17. What a fun packed flashback. I loved the MeMes and the
    11:11:11 photo. The artsy photo is quite breathtaking
    Hugs cecilia
    MOL MOL who is Carol...too funny

  18. Boys, mom and I loved the flashback and don't change your way of speaking bye It adds to the fun. XXX I love the art pictures. And even more seeing Fynn being cuddled is best of all!

  19. Fun Christmas flashback. Happy Blogoversary and thanks for the puzzles!!
    The Florida Furkids

  20. Happy Blogoversary and it's been our pleasure to look forward to your posts! Oh, yeah, Christmas is a time we really like. So much it should be celebrated more than once, or something like it. It was good to see photos and discover holiday likes and dislikes...we don't care for costumes, but the special treats and food...keep it coming!! - Tom x

  21. Woo hoo Christmas in July!
    A very happy 14th blogoversary!
    Love the artwork.

  22. Pawkisses for a Happy 14th Blogoversary, Jackie. What a great archievement🎉Hope you'll continue for many years longer. We do so much enjoy the pictures of your Angels Eric and Flynn. Now let's have a wonderful Christmas in July...MOL..The first artwork is magnificent💗O, and liked to see you in the picture too😺Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend🐾😽💞

  23. Happy 14th Blogversary! That is a long time all right. Never too early to be thinking about Christmas, as it is just around the corner. Christmas was always so much fun, I can see here!

  24. The art is very beautiful and the answers gave me a good tickle! Be Well, Deborah :)

  25. Concatulations on your Blogoversary !

  26. We are with you boys, no hats please. But somehow Mom manages to get them on us every year:)

    Happy Blogaversary!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  27. Nothing better than Christmas in July! Love that picture of the tushie in the bag :)

  28. Christmas in July is perfect, a bit of cheer just when you need it. Happy Blogoversary!

  29. We loved flashing back to your Christmas in July. Memories of Eric and Flynn always make us smile.

    Happy Blogoversary! XO

  30. Great answers! Ham is the best meat although my peeps hardly never eat it. Thanks for the puzzle and the nice art.

  31. Loved the flashback! And Happy Blogoversary! Mom Peggy is burned out from blogging for over 13 years plus she claims there are far and few photo ops nowdays. We are averaging about once a month. Hoping things will improve.

  32. What a great flashback and some super answers. We never get tired of you all and have loved you from the day we found your bloggie. Watch over Mom and Dad please

  33. Christmas with the brothers must have been a magical time...

  34. That was a fun read and the art is amazing as always!

  35. Those were cute photos and answers. Whose carol? MOL! :)
    Congrats on 14 years of Blogging. I wish I had know about blogs back then. Thank you for the puzzles. XO

  36. We heard that there's a Birthday here, so wanted to bring some Happy Birthday Pawkisses to your hubby and have a wonderful day🎉🎉🎉

  37. Thank you for sharing another funderful flashback post. Dad says this reminded him of something that happened yesterday while he and mom were making the 5 plus hour trip from home to Asheville. While scanning through radio stations they came across one that was playing nothing but Christmas songs!

  38. Hallo again, Angel Boys!

    Belated good wishes on your Blogaversary.

  39. Happy Blogoversary, and Happy Birthday to Angel's Flynn & Eric's hudad!

  40. I hear it's Ivor's birthday! Happy birthday! May this be the first of many, many more - only happier - birthdays!

  41. DOODZ !!! bee lated best fizhez ta dad; happee blog annie fur sary & thiz post waz a lotta awesum fun !!!! we wunder if poppy Q played a long !!

    and blezz yur mum timez 10000000000000000000000000 for sayin her does KNOT LIKE BASS TERD TURKEE :) ☺☺♥♥♥♥♥♥

    thiz post total lee rox :) ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  42. A 14th Blogoversary is impressive. Concats on that. You allus have a month on us, MOL! While WE individually do not go back that far, TBT does and you are one of the first he tells us he amembers.

    So HE says: Tip a bottle of yer favrit beverage, think good thoughts of the boys, and stay healthy...

  43. Another week when I can't decide which picture is my favorite ... the cat in the bag ... Eric in the snow or cuddly Flynn!

  44. They were SUCH handsome boys, and what glorious lives they had with you! Happy Birthday and Happy Blogaversary, too! We started in 2010....but we are such bad bloggers now we didn't even do anything for our 10th. Maybe we'll do something belatedly as it is such a nice round number!

  45. Happy Blogoversary! 14 years, wow! That's incredible. Fun Christmas flashback, too!

  46. Ha favourite is the 1st pic. Someone is sniffing and got himself stuck inside the paper bag? Never had cold Christmas because it is hot or warm all the year round. Have a great day.


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