10 Benefits of Taking a Nature Walk : #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom

10 Benefits of Taking a Nature Walk : #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom

“To walk in nature is to witness a thousand miracles.”

– Mary Davis


“I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.”

– John Burroughs


Sickle Bush Flower - Goya Kahir
1. Soothe your senses with the dazzling greens and hues of colours. The local Goya Kahir or Sickle Bush flowers


Sickle Bush Flower - Goya Kahir bush
2. Oxygenate your choked lungs, dulled by the urban pollution. Inhale the sweet forest scents.


Walking and Nature Photography
3. Observe nature and become one with the subtle, yet magical offerings it bestows upon you.



Tree and greenery against the backdrop of a stunning sky
4. Carry back lessons that the trees and nature dispense your way, absolutely free of cost.



Nature and birds photography
5. Be charmed by the fauna and inhabitants of nature who not just teach you unique life lessons, but offer a whole new world that you can capture with your camera lens and mind’s eye, as well.


Black Drongo on a Tree Top
6. Learn about different birds species. Inculcate a hobby in bird watching.
That’s a Drongo atop the tree. My 12 year-old caught a much better shot with her Canon though.
And also a video of a yellow footed green pigeon nesting, cosily in the same tree!


Trees against a blue sky, painted with clouds
7. Watch the magical communion between the trees and the sky. Gaze at the splendour they create together, while being in a perfectly harmonious relationship.
Tells us something, doesn’t it?


Komoredbi or streaks of sunlight from the trees
8. Catch the sunlight streaming through the trees, also called Komorebi in Japanese. And get your dose of Vitamin -D.


A Barren tree and a man practising yoga under it.
9. A tree always gives unconditionally, even if it has nothing much to give. Like this barren tree. This man sat under it blissfully, practising Yogic pranayama asanas.
The tree gives us refuge and fills our lungs with fresh prana. And melts all the stress and anxieties away. Each time you feel overwhelmed or anxious walk into nature, hug a tree, or sit under it and watch an aura of calm surround you.


Masked in Nature, fight against Covid
10. A nature walk with the family ensure a healthy, happy interaction amidst a wondrous setting, and is a wonderful way to kickstart your day.




10 Benefits of Taking a Nature Walk


Nature is not a place to visit. It is home.

– Gary Synder


I guess most of us now spend the entire week living and working out of home, given the Covid situation.

To make things peppier and to inhale a fresh lease of life, we have started to go once, every weekend to the forests nearby. The idea is to take a nature walk and become one with nature. The 12 year-old gets to do some bird watching and observe various species in the wild – bugs, beetles, millipedes, skinks, squirrels, lizards, ants etc. An ideal way to keep up with her passion for wildlife, and wildlife photography. And we end up benefiting too, as we are a family of nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts. 

Aravalli BioDiversity Park

Last Sunday we were at the Aravalli Biodiversity park, which about 20 years back used to be a mining and stone-crushing zone. The mining activities had turned the zone barren, and the remaining forest site was invaded with Keekar (Prosopis juliflora)

In 2010, around the same year we shifted to this urban dwelling, a group of passionate citizens called IAmGurgaon took the initiative to ecologically restore this land, by planting native species. Our family was among the fortunate few who got the wonderful opportunity to be part of this fantastic initiative, and plant a few saplings. This was on the Indian Independence Day, 15 August, 2010, after we ran a fun marathon.  

Today the Aravalli Biodiversity park are the lungs of our city, offering us an abode of green splendour. 

A lot of nature lovers benefit from this green belt including cyclists, bird watchers, runners and walkers. The park’s quaint amphitheater hosts a music festivals just before the onset of winters. I have ran two marathons in this beautiful haven. It was far more barren then. Now, it is enchantingly lush and the green sprawling arms of the Biodiversity park are an inviting invitation to everyone. 


Do you enjoy the benefits of a nature walk?

Are there forests nearby where you live that have been reclaimed and turned fertile again? Tell me more.

What lessons do you take back from nature?





Care to join in ? Here’s how you can:

  1. Post a picture on your blog. It could be from life’s wondrous or wicked moments, your wanderlust days, or simple random shots that caught your fancy, or not. 
  2. And make your post as wordless or wordy as you wish to. Well, we are guessing  now you know why we sometimes call ourselves “not-so-wordless Wednesday” too! 
  3. Add our badge to your post and a backlink to our posts.
  4. We’d love you to read, comment and share the posts linked here and connect with some fascinating bloggers. 

Our linky stays live till Monday. So you have ample time to create a post and hop in. 

Get ready to be deliciously framed!

Have a gratifying #WW! 




Linking up with a bunch of fantastic peeps from blogosphere who host #WordlessWednesday

Betty, Steve, Sandee, image-in-ing, Zina , Xmas Dolly Keith

Brian’s ThankfulThursday and Parul’s #ThursdayTreeLove

Also linking up to my favourite blogging group in blogosphere, Blog-a-Rhythm that is hosting a Pre-Barathon



44 thoughts on “10 Benefits of Taking a Nature Walk : #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom

  1. Everything is so nicely described that really helped. It’s such a inspiring things that you let us know better. I am looking for more such interesting article in coming future too.

  2. Loved the pictures and the opportunity to visit over weekends. I would love to see this park and walk around. Last year when I was in a conference to Gurgaon, my room faced this park and I loved the green cover. It was just amazing and something I hadn’t thought of seeing in that part of the country.
    The flora and fauna shows in your pictures. Beautiful and makes me happy.
    Thanks for joining, Natasha. I hope to see you back on tomorrow.

  3. In every walk in with nature one receives far more than he seeks. —- John Muir

    Your post encapsulates the above quote Natasha
    Such beautiful photos and I see the younger one enjoying her camera time.
    The Aravalli Bio-Diversity Parks are a good place for a walk. …… and the lessons they teach are invaluable.

    Here’s from my walk to the Delhi one https://travelerinmeblog.wordpress.com/2019/07/18/aravalliparkdelhi/

    Hope your life is blessed with nature’s abundance

    1. Yes anything around nature is possibilities galore!

      We went to the Mangar forests this weekend to the Lost lake. Some incredible sightings of Neelgai and wild Hare

  4. Such lovely shots, Nats! I have to admit that while I love walking outdoors, I usually am tuned out of my surroundings, and tuned in to an audiobook. Your photos make me wish I take more notice of my surroundings.

  5. It’s great to see your wonderful photos. Just looking at them makes me calmer! Lots of great info, too.

    Your support for ‘My Corner of the World’ is much appreciated! Thanks for your link this week.

  6. I so enjoyed your photos and Gary’s narrative about how the restored parkland has contributed so much to the community over the past ten years. Thanks for hosting my blog for the first time here. Stay safe!

    1. Thanks so very much Kenneth for joining our blog hop. It is indeed a pleasure to host you with your fabulous nature and wildlife post.

      Yes, it’s magical how the restored parkland has brought so much of hope and oxygen to our lives.

      It’s a great place to spend a day doing nothing and being one with nature. Precious treasure indeed and we are blessed to be bestowed with it.

  7. A perfect way to start the day. A perfect way to spend quality time with family. A perfect way to embrace all the beauty around us.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  8. We are out every morning before the world wakes and it is so peaceful, so many things to see, it really gets a day off to a good start.

    1. I couldn’t agree more.
      I’m an early bird too. Like going for my walks or cycling or just meditating. But these days with the WFH situation and School for home for the younger one, I have wee bit more time, so I’ve been sleeping in a bit, till 6:30 or so.

      But nothing like early mornings.

    1. Hello dearest Eric and Flynn,
      So good to have you swing by.

      True, there is a bunch of younger generation who is too engrossed with technology, yet another bunch I see who is very tuned in to nature and is making efforts to save the planet and live sustainably. Kudos to the latter!

      Hope things are great in your neck of woods.

  9. You posts always make me so happy! It is so refreshing to see this post while been cooped up at home.

    I’m sure you guys had a wonderful name. Nothing like nature to teach you and cheer you up.

    1. Darling Soumya,

      I’m so glad they make you happy.

      I know we all need that little paradise to get away too. And I’m glad we’ve managed to do so over the weekends. But let’s see how it goes in the coming weeks with lockdown laws getting sterner. Much needed given the soaring pandemic numbers.

      When we can’t, we’ll just go downstairs and hang out in the gardens of our condo which are lush and blooming. Something to look forward to.

      You take care and be well. ♥️

  10. We loved to walk around with you and your family, Natasha. Such beautiful pictures of nature, birdies and quotes. You live in a very beautiful environmentPawkisses for a wonderful Wednesday and Week ahead. Enjoy

    1. Thank you dear Gran and Binky.

      Indeed a blessing this.

      We do look forward to interacting with you every week. It’s a pleasure to see your words and photos here.

      Much love. Pawsome hugs for you and gran♥️♥️

  11. “To walk in nature is to witness a thousand miracles.” I love this quote. We are surrounded by miracles
    and we have to be very attentive to see them.
    Thank you for sharing the images from that park. Wild and beautiful. Should be amazing to go there.
    Happy WW, dear Natasha! Be well and full of joy!

    1. Yes only if we open our eyes and our hearts and look out for those blessings.

      Yes come along with me next time you travel to India.

      Much love dearest Suzana.

  12. Thanks for the lessons. Very useful! I also really liked Gary Synder’s thought.
    As for us … Our house is located in a residential complex located in the middle of the plain, near Bucharest, the capital of Romania. We do not enjoy the proximity of a forest, but we have made our “forest” in the garden. I have planted lawns and trees and shrubs and flowers since eight years ago. Now we have a small forest, visited by sparrows, turtledoves, coots, starlings, and even a puppet! Eh, sometimes snakes, frogs and mice also come, but they chase her cats and dog. At first, I also had moles, but when the neighborhood grew and the number of people, cars, dogs and cats grew, they disappeared.

    Have a beautiful day, dear Natasha!

    1. Dearest Zina,

      Your “little forest” sounds so charming and enticing.

      It’s such a wonder to create ones own green haven and watch nature bloom in all its glory and the wild life slowly take over.

      Off late we have a red-vented Bulbul visit our 15 th floor terrace garden to feast on the grapes. I have left a bunch or two exclusively for them.

      I hope to live by the forests and in the heart of nature someday soon.

      Your town sounds lovely.
      Stay blessed dear Zina and have a wondrous last few days of the week!

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