Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq

Friday, May 29, 2020

Flashback Friday

Today, TBT wants to go back from before our time.  He found this picture and it reminded him of An Event...
Back 60 years...  TBT was like 10 or something, and was his own Dads caddy.  His Dad was an scratch golfer which TBT says meant like "no handicap" of hits or something.    His Dad could hit a golfer ball an it would go low at first  then rise up and settle down in the middle of the playing field.

But TBT had a joke ready.

One day, his Dad hit a ball wrong like way into the woods and asked TBT to toss him another.  That was the moment TBT had been waiting for.  He tossed his Dad a ball and his Dad was so upset, he dint look at it carefully.

When TBTs Dad hit the ball, it exploderated into a cloud of dust.  His Dad just stood there confused.  His golfer buddies looked at TBT and fell on the ground gasping (laughing).  Seriously, they couldnt even talk fer minutes!

It was a golf ball made of chalk.

TBT told us about that today seeing the golf ball picture, so we thought we should share it.


  1. It's very good of TBT to tell ya stories about the good old days, isn't it?

    Sydney, Australia

  2. That was a good joke TBT played on his dad. He must have wondered what was happened!

  3. I got a laugh out of the chalk golf ball. That would definitely be one for the memory books.

  4. Oh wow, that must have been a great day for TBT.

  5. If they only had cell phones back then it would have been a youtube hit, too funny.

  6. That is a funny story :)

  7. Now that made petcretary LOL! Could you hear her?? We're not that far, only about 5 or 600 miles, MOL, MOL!

    Great fun prank!


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