Thursday, May 28, 2020

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

This week the flashback is from August 2007 and is called:
Tractor Check.

This is dad's big red tractor which he drives most days. I go in and make sure everything is safe for him in there.
This is dad's other tractor and it is very old, in fact it's the same age as my dad and that's anteek. It's called the little grey Fergie.
He usually uses his big red tractor, but he still uses this one sumtimes when he wants to git into tight places.I like the red one best cuz it's got a nice comfy seat, and windows to let the sun in. Checking tractors is anuvver mancat job.

Once again Flynn was sleeping on the job while I do all the work!
he says it's because he catches all my mousies for me so I will let him off.

The random photo this week was chosen by Teddy of Two Spoiled Cats.and he chose 25.12.07

If anyone wants to give me a random date I will post the photo nearest to it.

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For Eric I started with Scribble at 60% followed by Landscape at 50%.

For Flynn I started with Flow at 55% then added Sadness at 25%.
And the puzzles!

preview108pieceCaturday Art Eric 30.05.20
preview110pieceCaturday Art Flynn 30.05.20
I am joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the Feline Friday blog hop.



  1. That was some fun tractor checking and the packages photo was a goodie!

  2. That's a beautiful old tractor, i am glad it still runs.

  3. How about Nov 13, 2006. It was a special date and time for me...

    Eric knew how to do safety inspections! Good going!! A smart kitty:)

    I loved seeing how Flynn had to snooze the time away...likely dreaming up other cat-ventures!

    Off to do the puzzles!

  4. How cool that Eric got to supervise the tractor!

  5. I liked the tractor story and Eric's thorough check :-)

    Nice photos and like the art ones as always :-)

    Have an artistictastic safe weekend 😷😷😷

    1. Good job Eric, making sure the tractors are ready to go. You all have a great weekend.

  6. I really think those boys could have DRIVEN those tractors!!! Love the flashback photo - we wanted to see them having some Christmas fun.....miss those boys.

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

  7. Dad of Angel Madi will love this tractor. He spent many summers at his uncle's farm where he learned to drive one. Your puzzle at the is is purrfect
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. We bet your Dad appreciated to doing a check on the tractor Eric! Flynn snoozing...MOL!
    Purrs,Georgia and Julie

  9. Aw, so cute. That tractor reminds me of my youth. We lived on a farm and dad had two tractors. I just remember one of them was a Case tractor and it was ever so old. Thank you for that memory.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. ♥

  10. Cats are so darn cutewhen being curious! Cheers and have a lovely day!

  11. Supurr flashback, the tractor is so epic, love it and the supurr cool art! Happy weekend guys! XOX

  12. many years ago when we would just pick a general direction to go we justr hit a street and go awandering,on on of those trips we hapened apon a tractor show at the right price FREE! they were nice to see.

  13. "anteek" - love it! What fun it must've been to explore all of the tractors.

  14. eric...dood....chekin tractorz IZ inn deed heavy doo tee werk...we hope dad paid ewe well for yur time and job well done....

    flynn...dood...N joy yur vacationz day buddy !!!

    8.8.2008; 2.16.2009; 10.10.2010; 11.11.2011;
    3.23.2012; 5.27.2013; 6.27.2014; 9.30.2015 :) ☺☺♥♥

  15. Good work with all that checking, Eric. Maybe next time Flynn would take a turn:)

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

  16. that tractor made some extremely good art!!! Love these memories! xoxo

  17. Our huMom loves old tractors and also big orange kitties ! (and other kinds too)

  18. I really love seeing the boys at work..helping and getting things done. (or not). I just love the boys! I bet your Dad stopped fairly often to love on you boys while you were out there in the fields helping and patrolling. I have a date. 25-09-10

  19. Boys, I know your gardens are flourishing. XXX

  20. Every Friday it makes my week to enjoy these stories, photos and art! Thank you for sharing these, Deborah :D

  21. Well, we gotta admit that being offerred mousies might be worth the werk of checking out the Dad's tractor!

  22. Cute flashback photos. Eric did a great job checking over the tractor. Thank you for the 2 puzzles. :)
    I choose June 15, 2006

  23. The artwork is amazing, we love the addition of blue in Eric's picture.

  24. Always love your art. It looks so realistic!

  25. Handy to have had a good mechanic on hand to check the tractor.

  26. Whoa! Temptations. I don't blame Flynn for sleeping. Hunting is a tireless task.

  27. Eric and Flynn both had such important jobs there on the farm! Eric with the tractor checking, and Flynn with that mousie hunting.

  28. What talented boys! Tractor mechanics on top of effurrything else!

  29. I'm glad little Fergie still runs and is able to work; it's good for a tractor's sense of pride to be able still to do its job.

  30. Oh, Angel Eric, I could picture you sitting on the tractor while your Dad was driving. I think Angel Flynn had a point ;) Great artwork! Pawkisses for a Happy Pentecost Sunday🐾😽💞

  31. Oh, a random date...12-12-2012 I wonder what that brings in :D Extra Pawkiss🐾😽💞

  32. You do such good work Erik while that Flynn sleeps the day away. That is a nice tractor. We liked that Christmas Prezzie photo too. Hi Teddy

  33. I love them all as always. How about a random date July 30, my birthday and the height of summer? xoxo

  34. Wonderful kitty photos ~ especially with the tractor ~

    Be Safe, Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  35. Visualizing Eric sitting on the tractor while dad was driving puts a smile on my face!

    Happy Pentecost Sunday!

  36. Must be nice and warm on the tractor ! Looking out of the window I saw a strange dog on our lawn, it was a fox !! In the city ! quite amazing !


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