
27-03-2025 Vol 19

Tiptoe Through the Tulips In the Garden Buttercup

Stop to smell the peonies with Sandee at Comedy-Plus for Awww Mondays

Welcome to Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me! It’s Memorial Day in the states so I’m enjoying the holiday hanging around the house with DH.  We’re not doing anything special but I did fix some hamburgers and hot dogs on the stove top.  You can’t really go wrong with home-made burgers no matter how you prepare them. This week’s theme is songs about flowers or gardens or both.   

My FLOWERS & GARDEN playlist includes mostly new-to-me songs.

  1. I BUILD THIS GARDEN FOR US ~ Lenny Kravitz
  2. GARDEN OF EDEN ~ Eddie and the Cruisers
  4. AVANT GARDEN Aerosmith
  5. BUILD ME UP BUTTERCUP ~ The Foundations
  6. BED OF ROSES ~ Bon Jovi
  7. TIPTOE THROUGH THE TULIPS ~ Heather Hammers
  9. YOU DON’T BRING ME FLOWERS ~ Sissel Kyrkjebo
  10. IN THE GARDEN ~ Elvis Presley

April’s honorary co-hostess, Cynthia from Ccol4Him’s Claymania!


DISCLOSURE…this is a mewsic linky party, which means all participates are sharing songs that one can listen to from YouTube or Vimeo and a not a post about mewsic or mewsicians.  Failure to meet this basic guideline puts your URL in danger of being removed or labeled – NO MUSIC. 

SPARKS of Monday Encouragement

[tweetthis]I’m boogieing to #songs about #flowers&gardens, so come hit the #MondaysMusicMovesMe dance floor! #music @xmasdolly [/tweetthis]

That’s a wrap for now. Have a boogietastic week! X💋X💋, Cathy






















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49 thoughts on “Tiptoe Through the Tulips In the Garden Buttercup

    1. The photographer did a fabulous job capturing that little guy. I think it’s a cute picture and definitely an awww moment, don’t you think?

  1. Great playlist, Cathy. Always liked “Build me up Buttercup”. I could go for a good burger about now! Have a fantabulous week ahead!

  2. That was a mighty fine playlist, CK and we have to admit that we didn’t know any of these songs, besides the Buttercup and Bon Jovi’s Bed of Roses😸Pawkisses for a Happy Tuesday🐾😽💞

  3. We did burgers on the stove top and hot dogs in the oven… First time for that, and it worked well.

    “Build Me Up, Buttercup” by The Foundations … That is an addictive tune. This could last a while.

    1. Michael,

      I don’t think there’s a burger I ever met that I didn’t like so on the grill or stove top if you have a good quality of meat and it’s prepared properly then you can’t go wrong regardless the cooking method in my opinion. Thanks for joining me and it was good to see you’re recent blog post entry, my friend!

  4. So far, I’ve seen several people (including myself) who have used “Tiptoe Thru The Tulips” NOT by Tiny Tim. Stephen must be livid…

    “Build Me Up, Buttercup” – how could I forget that one? Good list!

    1. John,

      I’ve been making my rounds this morning. I figured Tiny Tim’s “TipToe Through the Tulips” would be a good bet on others picking for a song choice which made me want all the more to go with a different artist and I’m sure you’re right Stephen wouldn’t be a happy camper visiting several sites to only hear Tiny Tim again. 😀 Don’t worry about not including “Build Me Up, Buttercup” in your awesome playlist! Thanks for sharing the dance floor with me, my friend!

    1. Mimi,

      Elvis covered gospel hymns beautifully. I believe he was a spiritual individual. I hope he had his eternal affairs in order before he died. That’s all that matters.

  5. Interesting playlist. I didn’t know many of these, either. I certainly knew Flowers Never Bend with the Rainfall, as I played the Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme album at least 10,000 times. I also had the 45 single, believe it or not of Tiny Tim’s original Tiptoe Through the Tulips. Now, I don’t think I could ever stand it. Build Me Up, Buttercup is a natural. Finally, Avant Gardener was a find. I didn’t know what quite to make of it.

    1. Alana,

      WOW, you still have your 45s! All the vinyls we had were at DH’s parents and after his dad passed things were in such a way with the new owner that we couldn’t find some of our things we wanted to bring home. I’m not sure if our old vinyl collection would’ve made it back but honestly we didn’t have the leisure to decide. That experience taught us many things and one being before we get to the end of our life that we want to make certain that things are properly delegated to our children. Sadly, this whole affair wasn’t handled well. I’m with you on Tiny Tim’s “Tiptoe Through the Tulips”. I wasn’t a fan of his singing then and things haven’t changed. I’ll never understand how he gained such popularity.

  6. I BUILD THIS GARDEN FOR US ~ Lenny Kravitz He must’ve been rather young here because he really changed over the years. My dad use to feed this squirrel that use to come by our house. My dad was so proud of himself that he made friends with him. It was kinda cute & funny. Eddie & the Cruisers do you remember the movie they made about him? It was cool… wonder if that was really true about him disappearing. hmmm Anyway, great tunes here girlfriend you dance divinely! Aerosmith I don’t think I ever heard that song and Build me up Buttercup I had to join in. ~hehehe~ Bed of Roses such a pretty song and Elvis’ tune is a song my dad use to sing to me. He said he learned it from church. My dad was Methodist… my mama was Catholic so we went to church with mama, but this song is so pretty and brought back a lot of memories for me. Thanks Cat… beautiful memories such as this tune is good to have. Luv ya gal. Happy Memorial Day. Have a great day, be happy, be safe, and be healthy! HUGS

    1. Marie,

      I did not see the movie about Eddie & the Cruisers so I can’t comment. I grew up in Pentecostal churches, then when I started dating DH I began attending his church, a Missionary Baptist. Their more reserved services and teachings suited my style better. As long as the gospel is shared from the pulpit it doesn’t matter how it’s delivered. The real church lives within us, the building is just that temporary and will pass away like everything else. “In the Garden” is a beautiful hymnal and I’m glad you’re familiar with it, darlin’!

    1. Kathe,

      Everything is going well here. I’m enjoying getting some thing done that’s needed my attention. I appreciate your visit and hope you have a good week, my dear!

  7. What a cutie pie smelling that flowers. Adorable.

    I love your playlist. I’m not a fan of Streisand either.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday, Memorial Day and week. Love and hugs. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      I thought I was the only person who wasn’t a Streisand fan. It’s good to know we’re in the same company where mewsic goes as well as other things. xx

        1. Sandee,

          Ahhh, I understand. Yeah, I don’t like that either but I also don’t care for her singing style. She makes me think of a Broadway singer. Maybe it’s because she’s not pop sounding enough. I don’t know what it is but it just doesn’t do much for me. Different strokes for different folks, right?

  8. That’s a beautiful quote, CK and I’m sure the mewsic is too. We’re going to listen to it tomorrow. Pawkisses for a wonderful Memorial Day🐾😽💞

    1. Thanks for joining me, Binky. I hope you and Granny had a lovely weekend and hopefully your weather is nice enough for you both get outdoors to enjoy some quite time in your garden.

  9. Nice song choices you came up with a lot of them. Have a great week! XO

    1. Athena & Marie,

      Thanks for joining me on the dance floor and the Memorial Day wishes. Do y’all celebrate remembering fallen heroes on this day, too?

  10. Great playlist. Lots of songs that I didn’t even think about. Hope you are having a great holiday weekend.


    1. Mary,

      I’m glad you joined me on the dance floor and enjoyed today’s mewsic lineup. Now, go enjoy this Memorial Day, my friend! 😉

  11. Great songs. I especially liked Simon and Garfunkel and the Foundations. Tiptoe Through the Tulips always makes me think of Tiny Tim. LOL!

    1. Joyce,

      I think anyone who’s familiar with Tiny Tim can’t help but think of him when hearing “Tiptoe Through the Tulips”. He was a very eccentric fella and I never got his popularity. Thanks for joining me on the dance floor, my dear!

  12. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy 4M Memorial Day, dear friend!

    I’ve been checking your blog since 5 am and didn’t think you were posting today. I’m happy to see you!

    In your song set, the biggie that jumped right out at me is “Flowers Never Bend,” the Simon & Garfunkel song from their Parsley, Sage album, a memory from my freshman year at college. Everywhere I went that year I heard the songs from that album playing – on the campus radio station, on turntables in dorms and off-campus apartments, at the campus HUB canteen and on my own stereo. I loved every track! “Build Me Up Buttercup” by the British soul band The Foundations, is a memory maker from my sophomore year, a favorite of mine over the years. i very much enjoyed the version of “Tiptoe Through the Tulips” performed by Heather Hammers. She has a pure voice and I enjoyed her acoustic guitar playing. I probably told you this before, but that song always reminds me of the time I met Tiny Tim. The eccentric entertainer visited our TV studios in the mid 80s and appeared on our morning talk show. I greeted him when he arrived and he was ultra polite, bowed to me and repeatedly called me “Mr. Anderson.” I also love the version of the Barbra Streisand – Neil Diamond hit “You Don’t Bring Me Flowers” performed by Sissel Kyrkjebo. She’s got talent! The Elvis recording of “In The Garden,” from his 1967 album How Great Thou Art, reminds us that, in the mid 60s, when Presley’s career stalled in the face of The Beatles, The British Invasion, Motown and other major music trends, he still managed to find success by making recordings for the gospel music niche market.

    I wish you and DH a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      I’m sorry for the confusion on my scheduling time. I began pushing publication at 6am months ago. This gives me a chance to make last minute changes on the day it goes live if needed. This morning we slept in and I didn’t notice I had the wrong linky code in place until I got I online shortly after getting up. I hate when I do stuff like that! I do recall you mentioning meeting Tiny Tim. He was a strange one. I remember my older cousins had a huge crush on him and I never got it. IMO he’s not a handsome fella nor did I care for his vocals so I didn’t get it. The two cover artists Heather Hammers and Sissel Kyrkjebo added a nice touch to my playlist, I thought and I by far prefer their song versions over the artist best known for doing the songs. I hope to check out more of their songs when time allows. Thanks for joining me on the dance floor this week, dear friend. Have a safe and fun Memorial Day!

      1. Cynthia,

        I am actually surprised that you and a few others picked the same song as me. I was pretty confident that I’d be the only one to share it. Looks like I was wrong. 😀 Thanks for dancing with me, dearie!

  13. This is quite the playlist you have assembled. Build me up Buttercup was always a number that would move me onto the dance floor. Both of us selected “In the Garden” this week, but chose different artists. Have a blessed Memorial Day and a safe, healthy summer.

    1. Driller,

      “In the Garden” was a favorite hymn from childhood. I always loved it the congregation would open service singing this song. It always put me in a better mood. 🙂

    1. Robin,

      So glad you joined the party today. I just realized I put up last week’s linky code in this post but yesterday’s I got right. Gracious, my brain is scrambled! I wanted a different version of “You Don’t Bring Me Flowers” from the popular Streisand’s cover since I’m not a huge fan of hers. I like this Sissel’s version quite well. Thanks for dancing with me, darlin’. Enjoy this Memorial Day!! xx

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