Friday, May 22, 2020

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

This week the flashback is called:
Keeping fit with Flynn.
Eric has been telling me he wants to lose a bit of wate, so I haf done sum exersiziz furr him to follow. Any other poodins who are cuddlier than they want to be can do them too if they want to.
First we start wiv some gentull neck stretches and arm lifts to warm up.
Then we do a dubble arm stretch.
Are yoo keeping up ok? Rite, imajin yer a boxer and shadow box to yer rite.
Next lean to yer left, it's a bit like doing the hokey cokey. Yoo'll soon git the hang of it.
Neerly finished. Lift yer right arm and stretch yer head back ofurr yer shoulder. Can yoo feel the pull? If yer doing it right, yoo will.
Now to finish just do a gentull arm lift and relax. Yoo should try to do this furr ten minutes a day grajully building up until yoo can do an hour. Yoo may find yoo need to haf regular naps between moves. Good luck .
I couldn't leave Eric out of this flashback, so this is what happened when he tried to do Flynn's exercises.

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art and have two entries today.

For Flynn I started with Beauty at 50% then added Sadness at 30%.

For Eric I started with Scribble at 35% then added Tuscany at 45%

Two art means two puzzles.
preview99pieceCaturday art Eric 23.05.20
preview99pieceCaturday art Flynn 23.05.20
I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for Feline Friday.



  1. That was sure a nice bunch of exercises and very pretty art too!

  2. Ha! That was a lot of work. I know the boys had their patrolling and climbing and mousing, but I find it funny thinking of Flynn doing exercises for their own sake...

  3. Awesome art! Now I am inspired to exercise!!!

    Have a great weekend!

  4. we love your cat exerzising... and we think after sitting at home for such a long time our staff will see that hint behind LOL

  5. Oh how we love these totally adorable and it really appears there's an exercise class going on! I'll give them a try - I'm a BIG BOY and could use a bit of toning up.

    Hugs, Teddy

  6. Now that's a great exercise program!!! Thanks for the puzzles!
    The Florida Furkids

  7. Angel Flynn you and Eric always had each others best interest in mind. Feline Yoga in the field was purrfect hugs Cecilia

  8. We like the relaxing part the best. ;)

  9. Gee! That looks like it was a pawsome exercise plan!
    We may need Julie to do some of those moves ;)
    Purrs,Georgia and Julie

  10. That's a whole lot of exercise there, Angel Boys. We're exhausted just watching! MOL!

  11. Dynamic kitty photos ~ love them ~ ^_^

    Be Safe, Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. That was a great workout. So adorable and what a fond memory.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. ♥

  13. cute💗Thanks for the lessons angel Flynn, I could need some pratice too right now...MOL...Great artworks! 😸Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend. Stay Safe Healthy and Yourselfie🙏🐾😽💞

  14. Perfect Yoga exercises ! that will keep you fit despite the lockdown !

  15. That was a lot of fun. Where can we sign up for more classes?

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

  16. Looks like Flynn was an excellent personal trainer!

  17. exercise,that's a long four letter word in my book!!

  18. Eric is too funny. On today's post I try one of those moves of Flynn's. Last night TW did the Flynn puzzle but erased her poor time. She finally gets to see what it looks like today. MOL!

  19. Aww! loved these fun pics made me smile :-)

    Fab art as always too so clever

    Have a safetastic weekend 😷😷😷

  20. Beautiful art! This really made me have a good laugh! Thank you! Wellness Blessings, Deborah :D

  21. Flynn was such a great instructor. Eric... you were a portly puddikins!

  22. Those were some good exercises!

  23. Flynn certainly tried his best trying to teach Eric!

  24. We could all stand to firm up a bit, most likely, so thanks for the exercise tips!

  25. Eric and Flynn you are both such adorable guys and I think we all could lose a bit of weight. Seems to creep up on us.

  26. What a grrrrreat workout! Have a lovely day!

  27. The artwork was outstanding but we love the one where it looks as if Flynn is dancing.

  28. Those look like fun exercises!

    Love the art :)

  29. Lookin' awfully good to me *looks at own waistline and groans*- Tom x

  30. That was an adorable flashback. Flynn sure knew how to exercise. Thank you for 2 puzzles. XO

  31. Aww, that was such a cute flashback! We sure do miss your boys, but they live forever in our hearts. They really do.

  32. Looks like a great workout - but requiring so much energy! We think We need a good, long nap before We start (mol).

  33. Nice moves ! Great workout, and good relaxing ! Purrs

  34. Flynn I try and get my brofur Einstein to do some healthy Ginger Exercises like yours but he keeps saying the nom push-away is too hard. MOL Love you guys

  35. I'm about 1387% sure my "exercises" look exactly like Eric's!

  36. doodz...thiz post bee hill larry uz !!! flynn; buddy; ya kneaded a con tract with one oh thoz moovee tape thingz that sellz a bazillion oh em ta fit nezz buffz.....984 PAWZ UP on thiz post guyz :) :) :) :) ♥♥♥

  37. Wow, those were fun flashbacks! What a workout, MOL!
    Got those puzzles done, too...

  38. Adorable exercise shots (more power to the boys!) and very cool art. Another wonderful flashback.

  39. dood...we just came frum lola N lexy's blog

    what de ssam hell iz thiz :

    ~~~ The biggest was the base of a parrot's cage which I am sure Eric appreciated.

    say it iz KNOT sew ~~~~~~~~~~~☺☺☺♥♥♥

  40. Great exercise moves to follow to lose weight.

  41. I'm gonna show this to my Mom cause she sure needs to get her fat butt moving! Love, Cody


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