Friday, May 8, 2020

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

This flashback comes from July 2007 and is called:
Mancat at Work!
I have left it in the original catspeak because I was feeling to lazy to "translate" it.

Bet yoo didn't know I wuz in here. I've just been having a nice nap in the sun in the back of the trailer.

Now I'm awake I'd better check efurryfing is all right.Furrst I'll look out of this end which means I am looking towards the stables. Yup efurryfing seems ok down there.

Now I'll look out of this side. I can neerly see in the window, but I don't fink ennyone is indoors.

Now I'd better go up the uvver end and check efurryfing is ok in the tractor. Sumtimes when the tractor door is open I go inside and haf a nap.

For my last check I need to be a bit higher so I haf to git up on the tractor wing. This is higher up than the top of dad's head if he wuz stood here, so I can git a reely good vyoo of efurryfing furrom up here. Well I'm happy to say efuuryfing seems to be ok here.

Hmphhh. I've been bizzy doing all this werk and what duz Flynn do? Yep yoo got it, he's in the back of the trailer playing wiv a bit of stone or sumfing. It's a big responserbillytilly being a mancat, and it's hard werk when yoo don't git enny help furrom yer brofurr.

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

I started with Landscape at 70% then added Sadness at 20%.
And there is a puzzle.
preview108pieceCaturday Art 9.05.20
I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the Feline Friday blog hop.



  1. That was some serious work and some serious fun too!

  2. Wow, you did have great fun on that tractor. Glad you had such a good time.

  3. You sure had s great lookout spot to peruse your territory!

    15:12 on the puzzle...

  4. How do your humans get along without you, Eric? Everything must've run amok! Unless you're still patrolling from across the Bridge :)

  5. wow you can handle even such big farm machines? we are impressed... da phenny fears tractors and da nelly loves them to eat the dirt from da wheels (uuuurrrgh!)

  6. What?! Cats? Work? What's this world coming to? Thanks for sharing an adorable flashback with the boys.

  7. Eric you are certainly hard at work - while Flynn just fiddles around and plays! I'm glad someone took on all that responsibility and I'm sure your Dad appreciated the assistance too. You Angels sure did have a wonderful home - a heaven on earth and now you are watching over your Mom and Dad from heaven at the Bridge.

    Hugs, Teddy (and Mom)

  8. Cats truly know how to have fun! Have a lovely day! Thanks for sharing these photos!

  9. Another nice memory to treasure nice photos too :-)

    I like the art too

    Have a safetastic weekend 😷😷😷

  10. Those boys had the best adventures!

  11. I thought that first photograph was of kitten Eric.

  12. This gave me a good tickle inside! LOL! Deborah

  13. Eric, you did a pawsome job of checking things out on your yard!
    It is important even when Flynn is off amusing himself!
    Purrs,Georgia and Julie

  14. Man, did you have a busy day, Angel Eric and all without help from a...bro😸Your artwork is beautiful. We hope to do the puzzle soon 😸Clean Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend. Stay Safe Healthy and Yourselfie🙏🐾😽💞

  15. That was some very good work indeed. Such precious memories.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. ♥

  16. Looks like a busy day. I particularly liked the first photo.

  17. Eric sure did a good job checking things out!!

    Thanks for the puzzle!

    The Florida Furkids

  18. I was nice seeing the boys here. I have to say, I am glad that 99% of cat bloggers don't do the catspeak thing anymore! It makes it SO much easier to read!

  19. That trailer looks like a fun place to hang out, but we want to know how you two boys manage to stay so clean?

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

  20. Love these photos! Have you ever heard the country song titled She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy? MOL

  21. Wow! Eric was quite the climber. Cute flashback. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  22. Poor Eric. He has to do everything himself. We'll have to do the puzzle tomorrow cos TW has a migraine today.

  23. We had forgotten what a hard worker Eric was, he stayed really busy. The artwork was pawesome.

    Thanks for visiting our blog.

  24. Such fun! You don't have to edit the cat speak as we love it:)

    Great art!

  25. I bet that warm metal felt good for napping. And yeah, there is always one sibling that works harder.

  26. Well, some mancats are hard workers, and some are...not. It's a good thing you were the responsible one.

  27. My goodness, how hard you worked, Eric!
    But napping can also be hard work sometimes (mol).

  28. Awwww...July of 2007 was when my Angel Bobo passed and we adopted Cody the same month! Sending lots of love!

  29. Angel Eric, you sure did a great job of snoopervising. Very important stuff! And Angel Flynn, we hope you had some fun in the truck bed. MOL!

  30. You look for the warmth Eric and I'll look for the cool. That way we have each condition covered.


  31. It seems that Eric took his supervising very seriously. And Flynn...his playing very seriously.

  32. Eric you make the very best snoopervisor and maybe you can get Flynn to be chief of play. Well you two could share that duty of course

  33. those mancats were a lot more hardworking than my mancats that is for sure!

  34. They were brave being around that big equipment. We dont even like the SMALL noisy stuff!

  35. Mancats having fun on the trailer and enjoy playing with the stone. Sweet memories.l

  36. My goodness boys...if I had known you back then I would have cautioned you about being in there! You never ever know!


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