Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.
I have been interested in fermenting vegetables so I was super excited to review the Starter Kit from Fermentools. I couldn’t wait to get started.
The kit came with a thick glass weight, rubber ring gaskets, air lock, stainless steel lid, and nice high-quality powdered salt. I am impressed by the quality of this kit!
At first, being a newbie, it was a bit intimidating. I read the instructions and it seemed so easy that I thought I was missing something. I looked at recipes from their website, Pinterest, and watched YouTube videos. I wanted to make sure I was doing it right and when I finally got enough confidence I gave it a try for myself.

Step 1: Pick a vegetable. I couldn’t just pick one so I did a combo of carrots, celery, sweet peppers, green onions, and garlic.
Step 2: Prepare. The Fermentools fit any large mouth jar and I wanted to go big so I picked a 1/2 gallon jar. I washed the jar and accessories. Then I gathered my clean vegetables (guessing on the amount of veggies needed) and shredded them in my food processor.
Step 3: Fill. I filled the jar with the vegetables leaving about an inch from the top. Still, unsure which % of salt would be best, I picked one of the suggestions and added the salt to the jar. Filled it with water, dropped the glass weight in, and sealed it with the stainless steel lid and top plug.
Step 4: Ferment. It is suggested to ferment in a dark warm area for about a week. I placed it in a cabinet that would be safe from little hands and sunlight and waited.
Step 5: Try it! It smelled amazing and tasted good. Next time, I will use a little less salt but it was still great. I will be fermenting again soon!
Fermentools are of high quality, corrosion-resistant, and made in the USA! I recommend them to everyone.
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Thank you for reading my review and be sure to check out reviews from other families by clicking below!

Cassie Deputie
Thank you for this great review! I love your photos and for describing and focusing on the quality of our products. You will be seeing your review on our website in the near future.
– Cassie D. Co-Owner at Fermentools.com