
27-03-2025 Vol 19
Awww Mondays hosted by Sandee from Comedy Plus.

Welcome to Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me!  It’s a new month and we have a first time honorary co-host with us. Give a round of applauds to Cynthia from Cool4Him’s Claymania!  This week’s theme is “your choice song picks“.

Last month, we signed up for Showtime since they have a one month free trial while DH was working at home and finally got a chance to watch Twin Peaks: The Return. The first season we enjoyed fairly well even though it was a bit strange during its last season but the reboot, Oh, my Cathy was it ever weird.  The good thing about the show is the mewsic.  In one of the first episodes they introduced today’s mewsic inspired pick, Chromatics. The first two, “Shadow’ and ‘Saturday’ are from the series and the third their newest album FADED NOW released in March.

DISCLOSURE…this is a mewsic linky party, which means all participates are sharing songs that one can listen to from YouTube or Vimeo and a not a post about mewsic or mewsicians.  Failure to meet this basic guideline puts your URL in danger of being removed or labeled – NO MUSIC. 


I finished my 7th A2Z Challenge and I’m wiped out. It’s not so much because of the blog fest as it with a whole lot of other things. What I learned from this year’s art challenge is I do okay drawing the female form. I have much to learn and that’ll be an on-going lesson.  Another thing I figured out is I don’t need this annual event to share my artwork.  In fact I’m considering taking next year off. The main reason is there aren’t many artist who share their work.  There’s a lot of talented bloggers in the line-up so I may just enjoy what others contribute next time. A year off wouldn’t be a bad thing. I think it might flame the fire making me to participate the following year.   It’s kinda like reverse psychology  Thank you to all of you for your support. Your visits and kind words made me feel special. Another round of thanks to the entire A to Z crew for keeping the ball rolling.  One more thing, I plan to bring the last pencil sketches to life in living color starting in June. 😉 A Gil Elvgren I am not but in spirit I am but I sure had a lot of fun sketching my pinup girls! 

That’s a wrap for now. Have a boogietastic week! X💋X💋, Cathy






















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33 thoughts on “Chromatics

  1. A to Z Challenge can be tough and overwhelming but also feels so great to be able to actually finish it!

  2. I never have watched Twin Peaks, either the original or the reboot. The music choices – listened to the first two videos and the first song of the third – it’s certainly nice mellow background music, and the second video had some really fine natural shots, especially of that waterfall. Anyway, may things continue to go OK for you and the other fine folks in your part of the country. Stay safe!

  3. You did a fine job this year, and I hope you continue your artwork as well as come back next year (please?) Feel free to share your art at will. Thanks for being a part of A to Z again!

    1. John,

      Okay, I’ll think hard and carefully about going for an 8th straight year. 😀 Mentally I’ve given myself permission to walk away but deep down I know there’s part of me that wants to continue. I’ll wait to see how things go. Thank you for being apart of my journey.

  4. Congrats on completing the A to Z Challenge. Plus you did an outstanding job with your sketches – wow, what a lot of tedious work, Cathy. Have a fabulous rest of the week!

    1. Eugenia,

      Thanks! The artwork wasn’t tedious. It was a joy but everything surrounding this year’s event sorta got in the way – directly or indirectly messing with my head. It’ll be good to get back to life the way it was before all the virus.

    1. Ellen,

      It’s a very strange show, especially the newer one. If you brain doesn’t do weird well, like mine, then it’ll take a bit to connect once it did, then I was hooked!

  5. That kitty is absolutely adorable! Too cute for words. What a long day today… I had to go to the dentist and get my root canal done. I really suffered over the weekend and I’m so HAPPY that he took that nerve out today. I was in that chair I’d say for an hour & a half. WOW! Only thing is the numbness is starting to wear off so I’m gonna hurry and finish here and lay down for a quick nap. DAM I HATE GETTING OLD! DON’T GET OLD KAT BELIEVE ME IT’S NOT ALL CRACKED UP WHAT IT’S SUPPOSED TO BE. SHEESH! OKAY, Out of these tunes my favorite is the last one, but personally I think the kitty won my heart! hahaha Hope you had a nice weekend and I hope you have some great plans for this week. You my friend need a break and if there’s anything I can do for you just let me know. HUGS & HEY TO HUBBY TOO! TELL HIM I SAID TO SPOIL YOU ALL WEEK LONG!!! 🙂 THEN YOU CAN SPOIL HIM NEXT WEEK! HUGS

    1. Marie,

      What a coincidence, I had a dental appointment yesterday,too. Of course, mine wasn’t as long or bothersome. The broken filling didn’t pose any problems. The x-ray revealed no decay under the existing filling so all the dentist had to do was match up the break. He still had to numb me up. I asked the assistant before leaving how long with the numbing last, she said about 60-90 minutes but I took almost five hours before I could feel again. lol I guess I’m especially sensitive to the stuff. 🙂 DH spoils me all the time. He’s such as sweetie. Thanks for boogieing with me, darlin’!

  6. Awwsome Chromatic mewsic, CK. We like the first one best. The kitty is so awwdorable too, and no, I don’t see any frosting..MOL…😸You did a fabulous job on the challenge. Your drawings were outstanding! Clean Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead. Stay Safe Healthy and Yourselfie🐾😽💞

    1. Binky,

      I’m ready for some cake, how about you? Thanks for stopping by often throughout April to check out my daily sketches. Have pawsome week, little furriend!

      1. We wished we could visit more often, CK, but one way or another, we can’t keep up on the blogs…but when we come, we bring it all…MOL😸Clean Pawkisses🐾😽💞

  7. I remember watching Twin Peaks when it first came out. I haven’t seen the reboot of the show, though. Always good to read a review on something that I might be interested in.

    Although I completed the A to Z challenge, I didn’t write up a reflections, and given everything else going on in my life, I failed to even respond to comments the last week. I will be so glad when all of this is over and I have my health back. It’s really put a damper on my perspective.

    1. Mary,

      Don’t sweat the responses or return visits. Your friends understand what’s going on. I want you to focus on yourself and I can’t wait for your health to return, too. Sending hugs to you, girlie!

  8. Awww on that kitty. So adorable.

    I’ll enjoy your artwork anytime you post them.

    Not seen that show, but the second video is awesome. Love the music and the scenery. Wow.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Love and hugs, Cathy. ♥

  9. Very cool tunes. We didn’t know Twin Peaks had a return, the original was one strange show…but habit forming.

    1. Brian,

      Yeah, Twin Peaks aired in 2017 after 25 years. Crazy, right? You’re right it’s strangeness is habit forming. David Lynch left the show open to the possibility to continue it but the way I see it, he can’t wait another 25 years. The main cast is getting old. I’m not getting but they are. lol

  10. Hi, Cathy, and nice to meet you Cynthia! Happy 4M Monday to you both!

    Right off the bat I got a chuckle from seeing that messy kitty who apparently got into somebody’s cake. 🙂 Every morning I feed a stray black cat outside my door.

    I am a huge fan of David Lynch and have seen most of his projects including Eraserhead, The Elephant Man, Blue Velvet, Wild At Heart, Lost Highway, Mulholland Drive, Fire Walk With Me and the original Twin Peaks cult TV series. I haven’t yet watched Showtime’s Twin Peaks revival series, but I am eager to check it out. The Portland, Oregon, based Synth and Dream Pop band Chromatics is new to my eyes and ears, but their music video for “Shadow” bears the familiar Lynch trademarks, recalling Julee Cruise’s performances at the Bang Bang Bar roadhouse in the original Twin Peaks. I see that a song by Julee is included on the soundtrack album Twin Peaks: Music from the Limited Event Series. The Chromatics’ “Shadow” song and the dreamy retro style imagery used in the video invite the viewer/listener into a trance-like state. The beauty of the song is contrapuntal to the disturbing things the viewer knows or suspects are about to happen to characters in the series’ story line. Counterpoint is a device that works brilliantly in the hands of a director of Lynch’s stature and capabilities.

    Regarding the recently completed A to Z Challenge, you told a fib, Cathy, when you wrote that you “do okay” drawing the female form. You do more than “okay,” you do a great job of it! I enjoyed the series and look forward to viewing the color versions of the sketches beginning next month. If you decide to join me on the sidelines as a spectator for next year’s Challenge, I’ll save you a seat and buy you a cup of coffee. I know it was especially “challenging” to focus on this year’s A to Z given the tremendous distraction of the COVID crisis. I applaud you for pushing through to the finish line and doing the 2020 Challenge in style from A to Z. I’m glad you had fun creating your daily pinups. That’s the most important thing because, if you have fun blogging, chances are it rubs off on the readers and we have fun, too. That was certainly my experience as it always is when I drop by here at CAAC.

    I see that you left me a folo-up comment at Shady’s Place this morning and I appreciate it. I will reply to it now. Get some rest and visit me when you can. Stay safe and well, dear friend Cathy, and once again, it was nice to meet you, Cynthia!

    1. Tom,

      I could’ve sworn you told me you caught the new Twin Peaks. I guess I remembered wrong which comes as no surprise here. 🙂 Blue Velvet is available on Showtime. We have it in our cue. We discovered a great series that we’re enjoying, Ray Donovan. Have you heard of it? There are several seasons available. We’re currently on season four and we might have to keep Showtime if only long enough to complete this series. We thought the same thing about Chromatic’s style being close to Julee Cruise. In fact, the first time we heard them we thought it was Julee but the gal was too young and knew it couldn’t be. Much of the mewsic used in the The Return series has a dream-like quality, not quite as much as Julee or even Chromatic, though. Regarding next year’s A2Z, right now I’m feeling like I don’t need to do it but as time goes by I’m sure it’ll call out to me and I have to figure out if it’s a good thing for to actually do. I do love the challenge and once I commit I go all out. I truly appreciate your visits and support, my friend. You rock!

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