Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq

Friday, May 01, 2020

Flashback Friday

Today, we are looking back at this week in 2010.  TBT saw Iza gazing longingly at the windersill that looks out over the front yard. So he opened the screened window and put an old deskstop computer under it and she managed the jump.

I was NOT thrilled, but TBT promised the puter wouldnt stay there long.   But the front yard window isnt exactly "mine".
So, we shared space on the windersill.  Naturally, she farted.  At least the window was open...
It was such a great place to watch the front yard... Woofies and Beins walked past.  Birdies sat in the bushes.
And it WAS kinna peaceful with her there.  We needed a bit of quiet closeness.
Good memories.


  1. That would have been precious.
    Somewhere there is a picture, (not digital), that has Old Mancat Groucho sharing the kitchen windowsill with Wee-Mankitten Simba.

  2. Now that is a happy memory Ayla.
    Windows make good bonding spots.
    Purrs,Georgia and Julie

  3. That window has a great view. Nice that you two shared it.

  4. Sweet Flashback!

    The Florida Furkids

  5. Sorry, but Iza farting made me chuckle.. it is something my Angel Lucy would have done to here siblings too. Nice photos.

  6. Those really were good memories, we enjoyed the flashback!

  7. That's a lovely flashback. What a sweet memory.

  8. That is a lovely memory of sharing with Iza.

  9. That does look like a nice memory. Well, except for the farting part!

  10. I related completely to all your posts about life after Iza's passing, such bittersweet memories everywhere...When Mommy Cat and Calle died 2 weeks apart last year, it meant my grief for them will always be connected, but there was also a difference in the grief because of the circumstances...MC almost passed 6 months before and while I knew her time was limited, I kept her comfortable and tried to cherish every moment with her; also, there was a certain comfort in thinking of her together with her Daddy Cat again...10 days later, I realized Calle had a heart condition and she died in my arms 3 days after that; I was so crushed, just devastated in a different way and it is still hard to think of how she was ripped from my life while seeming so healthy until the very end=I felt cheated by her loss and she was truly my baby (a total lap cat that made biscuits on me, followed me everywhere) ...These babies are all so special and so missed in their own way; wishing you all comfort as you adjust to the new normal in your home...Take care...XO...J, Halle, Sukki


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