
27-03-2025 Vol 19

Wicked Games #BoTB showdown

Yesterday I told ya there wouldn’t be a showdown today, so why am I doing this? Because I didn’t want to let those who are expecting it to happen down. I’m sorry I can’t help myself! I promise after today it’s gonna be strictly Mondays only in Blogosphere so I can have a little break from things to regroup. I deserve it, don’t I?

Alrighty in this round of BoTB I’m using Wicked Games (Chris Isaak) with two chicks at center stage ready to go head to head in this battle. Just listen and tell me in comments who gets your vote, if you’re feeling energetic then you can even tell me why you liked your pick.

Who gets your vote Mimi or Karen?

Polls close noon (EST) on May 7th. Next Friday I’ll announce the winner in this round, if I don’t forget, so be sure to mark your calendar. Don’t forget to leave your favorite artist pick in comments

You’ll find more awesome battles underway at some of these blog listed below and if you’d like to be included in the fun, then contact Stephen requesting to be added to the list.

I found another cover of Wicked Games by Puddles for your entertainment only. This dude actually has a nice voice but what got me was the slide show which makes the video a real hoot!

That’s a wrap for now.  Virus conspiracy or not, y’all stay safe out there. That’s something we should do every single day regardless because you just don’t know what’s lurking out there. Yep, I’m a bit of a germophobe but I’m happy in my little crazy world. 🙂 Have a good weekend. X💋X💋, Cathy

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37 thoughts on “Wicked Games #BoTB showdown

  1. Hey Cathy!

    How are you doing? I have been in and out online as my page was suffering a lot of update issues. I fixed it but it was a headache figuring out the right code to fix it. I also been working on and off, writing, yoga, and just trying to figure a way to spend lock down blissfully.

    My vote goes to Mimi and not just because of her voice. I like the instrumentation too.

    Check out my battle about Mother’s Day when you have a chance.

    1. Amy,

      I’m doing well. It’s good to see your visit and that you went with Mimi in this battle. Everyone is growing tired of being home. Tennessee started opening businesses last week. I think this virus is a bit hyped. The cold/flu season see more cases each year than this virus yet the world doesn’t come to a screeching halt. It doesn’t make sense for any reason other than to destroy the economy. Common sense to protect oneself masks/gloves while keeping distance between yourself and another is all that’s needed for those who appear to be well. I do like that doctors offices and hospitals are screening those entering those establishments. Stay well and try not to die from boredom, my friend!

      1. It’s really hard. I got really frustrated as they just extended the State of Emergency in Japan and then the special one here in Aichi. That means my favorite cafe, Starbucks, is closed until May 31. I am ready to take a day trip to a neighboring prefecture as their Starbucks is still open. I try to make my own tea but just taste so bland

  2. Hi Cathy!

    Sorry I haven’t been around much this past week, I’ve got a tooth that is giving me quite a bit of pain. Man, can I just go a full 2 weeks without something going on? sigh.

    Oh well, I’m going to vote for Karen. I like the uniqueness that she brought to the tune. I’ve got a battle up, as well as doing some new features this week on the blog.


    1. Mary,

      Sorry to hear about your toothache problem. I hate that kind of pain. When I was a kid I suffered all the time with toothaches. Luckily, it’s been years since I’ve had to worry with such things. I am going to the dentist this afternoon to have a tooth repaired. Just before all this Covid-19 mess hit the fan, one of the filling in a top molar broke away near the edge of the tooth. It hasn’t bothered me so I’m very happy about that. I hope neglecting it for more than month hasn’t made the problem worse. We’ll find out soon enough. Thanks for voting for Karen.

  3. HiYa, CAThy ~

    I’ll vote for the first chick – MIMI. I think maybe the moodiness of it appealed to me a bit more.

    I’m sorry… I know you told me this once before but I forgot your answer. And to go back and try to find it now would be a major project.

    Please tell me again, what is the name of that girl group you have pictured above in the red and white polka-dotted skirts? I think you said they were from… England (or somewhere else outside of the USA) – a kind of retro-Andrews Sisters act.

    Thank you!

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. Stephen,

      Mimi has more of a moody vibe more closely matched to Issak’s original. I think ever how you feel when you listen to these ladies is going to be the one you connect the best with and I’m surprised at the turn in this showdown.

      Although I sent you an email responding to your question, I will share the answer again. The ladies in my BoTB button are called The Three Belles and they are from the UK. I’m not sure if they still purrform, though. I like their sound. I hope they haven’t disband.

  4. Definitely Mimi ! The kittens are adorable. Have a nice weekend. Stay safe. XO

  5. Mimi Page is walking all over my heart this hour. I may be the only one to send a vote her way, but chalk me, Cathy, if you would be so kind… Your Econoline is looking mighty fine. I had a working eight track in mine.

    1. Myke,

      Nope, you’re not the only one voting for Mimi Page. This battle started out strong in Karen’s favor but things are turning around. Oh my an 8-track! Gone are those days, right? I remember those all too well. My small home stereo system had an 8-track player and our first car also had one. With Satellite radio, we don’t feel the need at all to use the CD player in either of our cars. Streaming mewsic on the go is the way to go, unless you have it stored on your iDevices which many do. Either way, it’s not something extra you have to worry about keeping up with like you do with CDs, cassettes, or 8-tracks. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by to play alone!

  6. Oooh, Karen Souza for me! So sultry and that beat. Yes. I saw Chris Isaak perform this live and it was magical. Great battle.

    1. Janet,

      That’s cool you saw Chris Isaak in concern purrforming this song. Thanks for voting for Karen Souza in this showdown round, my friend!

  7. I first heard this song in the film Wild at Heart and liked it so much that I immediately bought the Chris Issac cassette of the album where the song first appeared.

    Mimi stays pretty true to the original and does a nice job with it. However Karen takes the song to another level and makes it her own. Love the jazzy instrumental work in her version. A vote for Karen Souza.

    Glad you decided to post this Battle!

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee,

      Tom mentioned the film Wild at Heart. According to Wikipedia Chris Issak released the song as a single in 1990 but didn’t become a hit until after appearing in this movie. Karen Souza sultry, rendition is hard to deny but both ladies do a lovely job covering Issak’s song.

  8. Mimi Page has my vote on this showdown.

    Love the kitties. So cute.

    You need to rest from a hard month of the A2Z challenge. You nailed it.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Love and hugs. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      I have ya down for Mimi Page, my dear. Thanks for the congrats on finishing A2Z. I’m happy to see April now behind me. I hope we’re back on track to normalcy soon. I’m not sure when that’ll happen but at least Tennessee is beginning to open businesses. I’m just hoping there isn’t another surge of the virus. There will be new cases to crop up but I think that’s the way thing will be for some time to come. The virus will never completely disappear. We have learn how to live around this new public threat. Thanks for being apart of my day, dear friend!

  9. Hi, Cathy!

    You threw me for a loop, dear friend. 🙂 Yesterday you declared that you wouldn’t be hosting a band battle today, and therefore I didn’t look for one. It always makes me happy to connect with you and to hear your mewsic picks.

    I loved the 1990 David Lynch film Wild at Heart starring Nic Cage and Laura Dern. “Wicked Game,” Chris Isaac’s song about moth to flame romantic attraction and obsession is an important part of the movie’s soundtrack. Lynch always goes dark. Isaac’s song goes dark, and one of your contestants in today’s battle goes dark in her cover of the song. That’s why I give my vote (by a hair) to artist #1, Mimi Page. Her recording has a dreamy, hallucinatory, feverish, tormented quality that would have worked well in the Lynch film or one of his other projects. I like the Karen Souza version, but it doesn’t go as deep. Therefore Mimi Page gets my vote!

    I am familiar with Puddles and his Pity Party. He does indeed have a very good voice and has many excellent cover song videos on his channel. I’ll be using a few of them in future posts at Shady’s Place.

    Now, missy, it’s time for you to get started on your post A to Z hiatus. 🙂 I hope you and DH have a safe, healthy and restful weekend, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      I’m sorry for the curve ball in my schedule. Someone mentioned my battle and I felt I needed to do it this time. I’m not familiar with the David Lynch movie, ‘Wild at Heart’. I like Nicholas Cage and Laura Dern. She was in the reboot of Twin Peaks. I’ll see if I can find the movie for streaming. Mimi Page cover is darker sounding than Karen’s but not as dark as the original. She does quite well covering the song. I like both gals quite well that’s why I threw them in center stage together. Now, I need catch up on some rest.

  10. You surely do deserve some rest, Cathy! The A to Z challenge takes a lot out of you, but congrats on completing another year. I love this song and felt that Karen Souza’s sultry, smokey vocals gave it more justice, so she gets my vote. Great-looking van (go)! 😀 Avoiding people at the grocery store is hard to do, at times. Some just push right by you! 😛 Puddles was on America’s Got Talent and I agree, he does have a good voice, but the silly costume and doughnuts in the background were kind of off-putting. He sings well enough and doesn’t need that stuff. Wishing you a lovely weekend of rest. Stay safe and well!

    1. Debbie,

      Thank you! Thank you! It was a little bit of a struggle for me to finish my posts for the last couple of weeks but I did it. I appreciate you stopping in while you enjoyed your blog hiatus. Now, I’m trying to squeeze in some down time. Honestly, I think I’m going to just chillax in Blogosphere through the summer right through Labor Day. You know traffic is so low this time of year and I suspect it’ll even be worse than usual because now everyone has cabin fever and are ready to be outdoors. Oh, I know how people do in public! They are crazy impatient and rude without even knowing it or just don’t care that they are. People have lost their minds and manners over the years. What’s sad is it’s only going to get worse. I’m with you, Puddles doesn’t need the costume. His voice is all he needs. Although he doesn’t need any of the extras, it sure did make for a funny video. Thanks for voting for Karen Souza in this round, my dear!

  11. I like Karen Souza! Hey, that van really is something and so is the shopper kitten! Enjoy your break!

    1. Brian,

      The shopper kitty is hilarious! My good friend, Stacy Uncorked, shared the gif on her site a few weeks ago and I knew I had to use it on mine. Thanks for voting for Karen Souza. I love her style!

  12. I love that Van! and the kitty avoiding crowds too! It’s been a hard working and posting month! Congrats and stay well!

    1. Kathe,

      Yeah, I like the Van go meme, too. I think I borrowed that funny from someone on FB. You’re right it’s difficult to do the daily challenge each day. That’s why I like having mine done ahead. It makes life easier and the blog fest more enjoyable but we survived it. Perhaps next April it’ll be better for the both of us!

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