Monday, April 27, 2020

The Infectious Disease Say Cheese!

There was another Open Up rally around the Capitol Square on Friday. It was a big one. Even the president set a two week downward trend guideline

And these were his people

This was his base

They brought out the big guns by invoking the Constitution while taking selfies

And misappropriating religion

As a devout lapsed Catholic I found it offensive

Sister Gertrude, who pelted us with chalkboard erasers and sometimes candy, would not approve

And she'd have straightened out these little pr*cks while getting them ready for First Holy Communion by May

And of course they literally brought out the big guns. But whether you listen to Alex Jones or John Oliver

You should really watch this if you're sick of alphabatizing paper goods and cans of ravioli

Whether you use the words "Safety" and "Nazis" in the same sentence

Even if you don't care about your safety

Or the safety of your children

Or the safety of your children's children

Or haven't been infected (yet)

Whether you're sitting in your monster SUV while sending your daughters out in this insanity to make a buck

Or hiding behind the flag and wearing it as a cape

Or some kind of harem mask

Calling a global pandemic a conspiracy and thinking you're impervious

While ignoring sane voices of authority and reason

Will not get you back to work or your kids back to school any sooner

And we'll be dancing this dance a lot longer


  1. A few nurses were brave enough to stand in silent protest to this gathering and tens of thousands Wisconsinites condemned the event. That message needs to get out, too!

    1. Did you read Tammi's comment about the lone nurse with the sign about being masked but not silent, Nanci? She was supposedly a nurse in favor of the protest. I will put up more pics in a post this week and probably next. I think the nurse in the crowd of diseased minds wearing the navy scrubs is the most powerful photo, although not the best shot technically.

  2. These people don't even listen to Trump! They take one thing he says, blow it out of proportion, and then ignore his warnings to be careful. I know he is inconsistent but they seem incapable of discernment. The tragedy is that they will make a lot of people sick.

    1. Maybe they'll start ingesting cleaning products next. It's one thing to be careless and stupid and another to inflict it on others. The number of kids dragged to this thing blew my mind. The numbers on people infected during the in person WI elections are still rolling in. I bet it will be in the hundreds when all is said and done.

  3. I am not sure of all what is going on over there but it looks like it's the I won't get the virus brigade totally unbelievable

    Good post Have a safetastic week Jeanna 😷😷😷

    1. I don't think any of us are sure what the hell is happening, especially in a city known for liberals and intellectuals. Thanks for the laughs every week, Stevie.

  4. Being an actual essential worker, I am disgusted by what I see.

    1. I was effected both physically and mentally by being stuck down there (safely in my car) for hours. I'm still feeling the effects four days later. Are you a friend of Chrissy's?

  5. I'd like to say I'm surprised but all along we've hardly seen any social distancing in South Carolina even though most places were closed. There was even a really big neighborhood yard sale in our place and it was packed.

    1. Oh no, that's awful. I'm seeing more social distancing here as far as masks, but still so many people completely ignoring safety precautions and still not covering their unmasked mouths when they cough and sneeze. There has been some loosening of restrictions here already which seems too soon, but heaven forbid you piss off the golfers.
      A yard sale of things multiple strangers have touched? Inexcusable and terrifying for you I'm sure.

  6. Follow the money and see who is funding these protests, that's where it gets interesting. The rich paying for the poor to basically fight for them with their lives.

    1. Exactly. I spent hours trying to drive about a block in traffic and saw some way too familiar brand names. Buses with candidates names on them and lots of Infowars and Illegal t-shirts, camo and Trump paraphernalia. Trump is a brand name afterall.

  7. I just read where the leader of the North Carolina protesters has tested positive for COVID-19. I am thinking some very un-Christian thoughts right about now. Karma is a b****!

    1. Karma is a b*itch and deadly spot on. I hadn't heard about NC Open Up protestors until you mentioned it, but I suppose they're everywhere. I hope someone is trying to track all the people she's infected. You're talking about Audrey Whitlock?

  8. O.M.g.
    I especially like the no king sign... Trump wants er, thinks he is king. Le petit roi.

    1. Well his hands and brain are little, among other things I'm sure.

  9. Right on sister ! Great post, you are so good at this. Thank you for doing it. I’m almost too embarrassed to link my Pollyannaish post,. ... we have some of those idiots here in Oregon too, maybe not quite as strident and not quite as many but they were circling the Capitol buildings in Salem in their big pickup trucks one day. Scary.

    1. I think of Eugene as our shorter, better looking cousin and imagine the kind of horror its residents would feel if the red neck clown parade drove through there. I don't know much about Salem, but the name is fitting for the monster truck cabal. Cigarettes and Witches would make an interesting name for a band, most likely Goth.
      Okay, there's something going on with the Pollyanna references, that makes at least three times I've seen it and I will not rest until I find out. Do you ever wonder what Haley Mills is up to?

  10. Wow. These are crazy times for sure. I don't know how anyone can think this is a hoax with this many people dying. :( Sometimes it has to hit home before people will really believe it, unfortunately. Our state of Alabama has extended a "safer at home" order through May 15. Retail business can reopen on May 1 for 50% capacity, but restaurants and entertainment venues, etc., have to remain closed. This isn't over yet.

    1. There are those who say the Holocaust was a hoax and people had to be warned to not inject household products to kill the virus so why not. If only there was a way to have some of these careless and foolish people work in a hospital for a day, preferably the morgue.
      They are opening dog grooming businesses, golf courses, craft stores and reopening the state parks here. No, it's not over and from what I've seen in everyday life, let alone the deadly clown parade on Friday, there will be a second wave and the same people will still refuse to wear masks or practice social distancing. After all, our vice president didn't wear a mask at the Mayo Clinic so why shouldn't the idiots who follow this administration do otherwise?

  11. It's obvious, Wisconsin is fed up! This "looks like" the sixties, but the reason is much more serious! I love the people speak up - they're not the ones who instituted the lockdown - it's the leaders/governors who are filled with fear. Keep it up guys, till they finally understand they can't keep cowered in their houses. Looking at these pics, we'll have a few rough times ahead.Thanks for sharing this with All Seasons, Jeanna!! Have an accomplished week, Jesh

    1. I wonder how many of these thoughtless, selfish people were actually from WI? There were many out of state plates and busloads of people from who knows where, not to mention the obvious funding from the alt right.
      There are a few similarities to this travesty and the riots of the sixties, such as people who are were there to revel in and promote chaos and destruction and so many who treated the protests as a big ol' party. Let's not forget the cop haters who crawled out of their bunkers full of toilet paper and hand sanitizer to taunt cops and spread their message of hate.
      These short sighted morons will indeed be responsible for the next lockdown and countless illness and who knows how many deaths. They will be responsible for ruining lives and prolonging misery while decimating an already crippled economy.
      No one is cowering in their houses and none of these posers are capable of keeping it up, which is perhaps the real issue.
      The only thing we seem to agree on is that we will indeed experience rough times ahead.

  12. Social distancing and staying home has proven to flatten the curve of infections. There would be double or more the amount of deaths if our nation did not do this. Sadly, we are not seeing the end of this virus any time soon. I fear the fall when it reactivates with a vengeance. I'm staying home until there is a successful vaccine to stay safe.

    1. It has and of course the opposite when disregarded. I fear there will be double or more the amount of deaths whose numbers are already too overwhelming to take in, let alone deal with. The spring and fall will never be the same, Pat, and when COVID-19 meets the flu meets the impatient and the deadly stupid, the potential for disaster is exasperating and terrifying.

  13. The rest of the world is really perplexed by this. Some of the protesters have read enough to bother to wear masks but still don't seem to get it. And you have NY. Don't you just look at that and think "Man, we don't want that here?!". We were really lucky, and it was luck as I don't think we actually shut down enough, and not fast enough. But we didn't have that ski field rate of infection that really tipped Europe...thankfully. Stay safe. And I hope you don't need a hospital or ambulance if these people get their way.

    1. I bet the rest of the world is really perplexed, we who live here are perplexed.
      Some were wearing masks, I think some of the pseudo militia and boys with toys wore them because they went with the outfit. There was a monster mask I liked.
      My thoughts aren't so gentle and pensive, Lydia. I go from disgust to anger to fear for humanity. This city is the last place any of this hateful ignorance belongs.
      There's a photo of these f*cktards blocking an ambulance on Friday, but I doubt it was for any of them, not yet anyway.

  14. What is wrong with these people????? You can't fix stupid.
    Here in Canada our prime minister Justin Trudeau is a soul of sanity and keeping us all informed and safe.

    We just shake our heads as we look south.

    1. And apparently you can't quarantine stupid either.
      Please give us Trudeau, can't we work out some kind of a trade, we have plenty of beer and cheese, we even have chocolate cheese, wouldn't you like some chocolate cheese.
      Just know that this twisted sampling does not represent the average person in this country or this state and especially in the city of Madison, Jackie.

  15. Great post, Jeanna! I'm guessing that all of them missed having a Sister Gertrude in their lives.

    1. Thanks, Susie, oh yeah, she took no nonsense from anyone.

  16. This is my first time here on your blog and I'm thankful for Corner of the world for taking me here. This is a beautiful but very eye-opening post. With numbers in America getting higher and higher, I am just at awe with all of them fighting to be back to normal when it's obviously not anymore. I hope you all are safe there Jeanna, prayers from the Philippines (We need prayers too because our leaders are not very sane as well)

  17. People are getting antsy at home. It's the home of the free or that's what they tell us, but they demand that we stay home and they demand that we where masks and wash your hands for 20 seconds etc., etc., etc. NO MORE DEMANDS. Give people a little credit... just a little. How about please keep your children close to home or in the house and teach them well. Teach them how to act in the streets not like how people are starting to act. How about letting people out on the northside on Friday and people on the southside on Saturday and Sunday stay home and make our peace with the Lord. Start letting people on the south side walk in the parks on Monday and the north side on Tuesdays etc. Spring is here and we've been couped up all Winter. STOP with the DEMANDS AND THE THREATS! WE LIVE IN AMERICA! HOME OF THE BRAVE AND LAND OF THE FREE! GOD BLESS ALL OF US! HE SHALL NOT DESERT HIS CHILDREN IN THEIR HOUR OF NEED! May you be safe from harm.

  18. Oh no! It's a disaster waiting to happen! Many will disagree with me but sometimes you need draconian measures to make things work. I am not a big fan of our government but ever since a stringent movement control has been enforced for 43 days of lockdown (3 extensions), we are actually seeing a flattening of the curve.

  19. These people are selfish and their pride will be their fall - thinking they're above the pandemic. I wrote an article that I posted on March 19 in response to Christians who thought that their faith allowed them to do what they want. I'll link it in the blog hop so you don't have to look for it. BTW, you wrote great captions. Thanks for sharing and hosting!

  20. Oh boy! People are out of hand! I don't think, and maybe I'm wrong - that other countries are acting like this with lock-downs. Seriously! Do they not have older relatives?

  21. These visuals make me so angry. How can people be so naive. And that too at the cost of putting their kids at risk.
    And what are those gun totting youngsters doing at a protest? What's the whole deal. I mean how are people allowed to carry guns around as though they were toy guns.
    It breaks my heart to see America in the current scenario. I said that last week too. One nation that had its head on its shoulder.
    What a bad leadership can do it a country is insane and appalling.

    Thankfully our government, here in India took a great decision of putting the entire country in lockdown and we now await phase 2, especially for the ear marked red zone.

    Our linky is live too, hop in:

  22. Oops so sorry, just saw your remark here. Kindly delete it. :)

  23. Whatever is wrong with them! Can't they see that not only are they putting themselves at risk, but also their friends and family and then to spread further.
    Most people here are observing lockdown and safe distance, but of course we also get the few who think it doesn't apply to them.
    Having a low immune system due to medical treatment I haven't left home for 6 weeks, and won't for at least another 6.

  24. Oh sorry, I also didn't notice the no blog link rule. It was only to my Wordless Wednesday as it is not on my main cat blog.

  25. So very true. People have just lost their mind. I don't think that they really understand science or anything. Thanks for all the visuals on this.


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