NHS scrubs

With the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been various calls to people who are able to sew to help out. I answered one to my local hospitals to make some scrubs for front-line workers. The pieces were already cut out and delivered last week. I volunteered to make 5 sets in total. The pattern was shared with us, and being an industrial patterns, instructions were rather scarce and basic.
When I received the sets last week, I started with the tunic top and went as far as nearly finishing it but I wasn't sure where to stop the side seams to allow for the slits. 
During the week, I moved onto trying to make the trousers. These were easier  so I finished the first pair earlier in the week. 
This week-end, I finally picked up the tunic again  and finished the sides, the bottom hems and the slits so my first pair of scrubs is officially finished and ready to be sent back.

Of course, after this first one, there are 4 left to do. I started on these ones too but this time I batched sew them all since I have a better idea of what I am doing/need to do. I made great progress over the week-end so hopefully all 5 sets should be on my finish list quite soon.

One more OPAM for April and one of my Q2 FAL list

Linking to Whoop Whoop Friday.



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