Friday, 24 April 2020


I find Pinterest very interesting ... maybe a little too much, okay, a lot, and yes too much time is wasted flipping through boards and videos, but I ā™„ to see all the beautiful quilts. (That's one of the reasons why I'm afraid of getting an account on Instagram, lol. One addiction problem at a time, please.)

Anywho!! I saw some wonderful hexagon quilts and figure I should get mine out and finish it since I'm at home a lot lately (the understatement of the century).
Do you remember this?

Inspired by this awesome oldie made in 1875-1900

This was back in 2011. I work at it a little bit at time. I thought I was doing so well but at one point, I didn't like the half chopped diamonds so I decided to remove them. (You can see it in the first picture, at the top.)

This is the last picture of it on my blog.

You can see here how big it is even though it is missing 6 rows in this picture.

Then someone told me that it would be better if I put some half diamonds to even out the edges a bit. At the moment, if I put the border on, I would have to bring in so deep into the quilt that there's not much of a border showing.
Whaaaaaattt?????? Now that I have removed them all !!

It's a good thing I do keep everything.
I will re-attached only the full hexagons. The cut-off one will be removed.

I still have enough of that fabric to make those that are missing.
Happy dance.

Guest what I'll be doing on Slow Sunday Stitching?  It'll be fun!

While on Pinterest, I saw a Jacob's Ladder quilt with a border that I finally like. (Of course I can't find it anymore and I'm kicking myself for not saving it in the first place.) I do have a Jacob flimsy that patiently await its borders since 2013. So I started to make some blocks for the border.
I now have 15 made. A hundred more to go. :^D

It would be nice if I could locate my flimsy. Hope my measurements are right.



Denise at For the Love of Geese 
Sarah at Confession of a Fabric Addict
Angela at So Scrappy
Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun than Housework
Kathy at Kathy's Quilts


Libby in TN said...

Good decision.

The Joyful Quilter said...

I really don't see have you have the patience for all of that detaching and reattaching!! You are going to have a lovely quilt when all is said and done, Chantal.

Lin said...

It will be lovely to see your beautiful hexagon quilt top finished. xx

maggie fellow said...

wel since April had 100 days maybe you could do one a day - lol

Ruth said...

I have a small grandma's flower garden that I started at least 18 years ago and I really need to get back to it. I had already downgraded it to a lap quilt (a small one). Then tried to make a nice border, but that didn't work very well, so now I need to just add enough hexies to get it to a decent size. Maybe I am inspired by your hexagon quilt - we'll see.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your hexagon quilt is amazing - such a lot of work has gone into it! How to finish off the edges is always a quandary for me, too, with hexies. Whatever you decide, it's still going to be amazing!

Edith said...

I think a lot of projects are getting completed these days, it feels so good to finish. I just love the blue/brown quilt at the top of your blog, absolutely gorgeous.

Deb A said...

I love your hexagon quilt! The layout is wonderful. I am amazed you found the same fabrics for your blocks....I'll bet the quilt is happy to be worked on again. What a fun border that will be for your JL quilt.

Cathy said...

Keep moving those oldies forward!!

Fiona said...

Its very easy to lose a lot of time on the internet! Glad to see the hexagons out to play again...

kiwikid said...

Beautiful hexagon quilt, that is a lot of work removing and then returning the half diamonds..I quite like the lack of them and the uneven edge on the border, but that is me šŸ˜šŸ˜. You sure can lose hours on Pinterest!! I try to avoid it.

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

What wonderful interesting work you do! It is definitely a good idea to spend the time making the edge exactly the way you want it. You will always be glad you did.

Kathy S. said...

Gorgeous! Beautiful handwork!

Angela said...

Way to persevere!

grammajudyb said...

Iā€™m finding the sewing of hexagons exacerbates the ache in my left hand! I must hold my pieces too tight. I just work on any handwork in small increments of time. Thanks for sharing your project. They are wonderful!

Karrin Hurd said...

Beautiful hexagon quilt. Glad you got it out again!

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

Great progress on those older UFOS. I am a bit jealous :)

Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

For the love of geese said...

Absolutely stunning. I wish I had the time and dedication involved to make a hexi quilt like this. Thank you for linking up to Put your down. My May Island Batik project is a hexi, paper pieced of course (not EPP).

gayle said...

Yeah, I fall down that Pinterest rabbit hole quite often, too!
Good luck with those hexies! Looks like you've got that project on the run!