Friday, April 24, 2020

Under the Table for the A to Z Challenge, Feline Friday and Friendly Fill-Ins

To enjoy more blogs participating in the A to Z Challenge, click here.     


Feline Friday was started by Steve, The Burnt Food Dude, and i'm going to believe it's because he likes cats.
He has handed hosting duties off to Sandee, of Comedy Plus, and it's simple to join, just follow the link to Sandee's page for the rules and the code.

A favorite kitty spot is under the table:



Friendly Fill-Ins are easy to do. There are four statements: the first two statements are provided by Ellen of 15AndMeowing, and the final two are offered by Lorianne The Menagerie Mom of Four-Legged Furballs. They try to make sure the statements will be fun to both answer and share. The linky will be posted at or about 12:00 AM on Friday. Please head over to one of their sites, link up, and share your thoughts!      

Here are this week's statements with my responses underlined:

1. If I couldn’t live in my country, I would live in ______________________.

2. I wish I had kept _________________________ from my childhood.

3. I would choose _________ over _________.

4. _________ doesn’t matter in the long run.

1. If I couldn’t live in my country, I would live in  some country where English is commonly spoken, because my Spanish is still not quite there yet and i do not feel confident to start learning another language at this time.  Visiting Australia, New Zealand, and Canada is a dream, i’m sure any of them would be great places to live.

2. I wish I had kept   in closer touch with some friends  from my childhood.

3. I would choose   love  over  anything else.

4. How many toys you have when you die  doesn’t matter in the long run.   It’s how did you live, how many people did you positively impact, that’s what matters.


Today is:

Ambivalence Day -- a holiday to tell your friends about, or not

Arbor Day -- US

Concord Day -- Niger

Feast of Eros -- Ancient Greek Calendar (date approximate)

Genocide Remembrance Day / Martyrs' Day-- Armenia

Hairball Awareness Day -- sponsored by Furminator (which product actually does work, by the way) and Hills Pet Nutrition

Happenstance and Coincidence Evening -- Fairy Calendar

Kapyong Day -- Australia (Battle of Kapyong, 1951)

Loktantra Diwas -- Nepal (Democracy Day, celebrating the restoration of the Nepali Congress on this date in 2006)

National Skipping Day -- UK (a fun and healthy way to exercise)  

National Teach Children to Save Day -- sponsored by the American Banking Association    

Pigs in a Blanket Day

Ramadan begins -- Islam (at sunset, through the evening of May 24)

Spring Cat Cleaning Day -- because someone, somewhere, thinks you need to bathe your cat; ask the cat, he will refuse, and if you become insistent, be careful

St. Ives' Day (Patron of St. Ives, Cambridgeshire, England)

St. Mark's Eve*

Undiagnosed Children's Day -- sponsored by SWAN UK (Syndromes Without A Name), supporting families of children with undiagnosed genetic conditions  

*A young lady may eat a boiled dove's egg sprinkled with salt and place
a tulip, sacred to St. Mark, in a vase next to her bed, and so she will 
dream of the man she will marry.

Anniversaries Today:

Mary, Queen of Scots marries Dauphin of France, François, at Notre Dame de Paris, 1558

Birthdays Today:

Courtnee Draper, 1985
Kelly Clarkson, 1982
Eric Balfour, 1977
Chipper Jones, 1972
Cedric the Entertainer, 1964
Djimon Hounsou, 1964
Michael O’Keefe, 1955
Eric Bogosian, 1953
Jean-Paul Gaultier, 1952
Doug Clifford, 1945
Barbra Streisand, 1942
Richard M. Daley, 1942
Sue Grafton, 1940
Jill Ireland, 1936
Shirley MacLaine, 1934
Stanley J. Kauffmann, 1916
Robert Penn Warren, 1905
Michael J. Dady, 1850
George N. Bascom, 1836
Anthony Trollope, 1815
Robert Bailey Thomas, 1766
Edmund Cartwright, 1743

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Dancing at Lughnasa"(Play), 1990
"Die Jahreszeiten/The Seasons"(Oratorio, Haydn H 21/3), 1801
The Boston News-Letter(Newspaper), 1704 (first successful newspaper in the British colonies)

Today in History:

Thutmose III ascends to the throne of Egypt, although power effectively shifts to Hatshepsut, BC1479
Traditional date for the Greeks entering Troy using the Trojan Horse, BC1184
The appearance of Halley's Comet causes monks in England to predict evil happenings, 1066
"La Marseillaise" is composed by Claude-Joseph Rouget de Lisle, 1792
The Boston "News-Letter" becomes the first successful newspaper in the colonies, 1704
The Library of Congress is established, 1800
A patent is granted for the first soda fountain, 1833
William Price of the Washington Star becomes the first reporter to be specifically assigned to the White House, 1897
The fathometer, which measures underwater depth, is patented, 1928
Winston Churchill is knighted by Queen Elizabeth II, 1953
Cosmonaut  Vladimir Komarov dies in Soyuz 1, the first person to die during a space mission, 1967
Mauritius becomes a member state of the United Nations, 1968
The first Chinese satellite, Dong Fang Hong I, is launched, 1970
Gruinard Island, Scotland, is officially declared free of the anthrax disease after 48 years of quarantine, 1990
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger is inaugurated as the 265th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church taking the name Pope Benedict XVI, 2005
Snuppy, the world's first cloned dog is born in South Korea, 2005
Iceland announces that Norway will shoulder the defense of Iceland during peacetime, 2007
Scientists in Kamchatka, Russia, report sighting the first adult white orca to be seen in the wild, 2012
Suffragist Millicent Fawcett is the first woman to have a statue erected in Parliament Square, London, England, 2018


  1. My cat loves to sleep on my chair too. I get out to go for my long walk and find her there when I get home, so I sit on the uncomfortable chair until she wakes up.

  2. A cat under the table is infinitely better than a cat on the table. Jazz knows he is not allowed, but is happy to test his/my boundaries.
    Smiling at ambivalence day.

  3. Och aye ... ye not wanna live in Scotland? We speak English ye ken!

    God bless.

  4. Be happy kitty is on the chair. Our kitty sis Sophie sleeps on the table and it makes Mom crazy!

  5. Nice snug and comfy heheh!

    I liked your fillins 3 and especially 4

    Have a safetastic weekend 😷😷😷

  6. I too wish I have kept in touch with my childhood friends. Have a wonderful weekend. Stay safe.

  7. Darling photo and excellent answers! Thanks for your nice comments on my blog- much appreciated!
    Cheers and stay well!

  8. Aw on the kitty. So adorable. Love your fill-ins. I can relate to them and especially the last one. I said pretty much the same thing.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Big hug. ♥

  9. Ireland/ my teddy bear/ fight over flight/ and possessions

  10. Your kitty looks very comfy. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I agree with #4. Have a great weekend! XO

  11. I'd move Jaipur in India tomorrow if I wasn't part of a big family here.

  12. Under the table is always a good place for a nap in peace and quiet.

  13. Good answers and that is one comfy kitty!

  14. Happy Birthday, Library of Congress!!

  15. Sweet kitty photo and lovely list ~ ^_^

    Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. The kitty looks so cozy. I often lose chairs to cats, but I'm okay with that. And thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! Fantastic answers. I completely agree with your #4. The things you own simply won't matter in the end. Well wishes!


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