Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Cape May Warbler and Other Birds We Have Seen This Year

April 22 is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. In honor of Earth Day I am sharing photos  of birds I've taken in the past year.

Carolina chickadee at my feeder.

Cardinal (female) at the birdbath.

Cardinal (male) in the pecan tree.

House wren at my feeder.

Willet at the beach at Freeport, Texas last fall.

Common terns at the beach in Freeport, Texas last fall.

Very fat pigeon in Paris in January

Cape May Warbler, at Spring Fling 
at Gulf Coast Bird Observatory, Quintana Beach, Texas
(Of course Spring Fling is cancelled this year, but you can still visit GCBO 
and look for migrant birds stopping at Quintana to refuel 
after a long flight over the Gulf of Mexico.)

Do you have these birds in your part of the world?

For more wordless photos, go to Wordless Wednesday.

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by A Web of StoriesTo participate in Saturday Snapshot: post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken and then leave a direct link to your post in the Mister Linky at A Web of Stories.


  1. Lately, I've very much enjoyed watching birds do their bird stuff, completely unaware of all the things that stress us humans out. Alas, aside from pigeons, we have none of those birds in my area. (I miss living where cardinals are; they were my grandmother's favorite birds.) We do have Anna's hummingbirds, haughty great-tailed grackles, and insistent Northern mockingbirds that occasionally sing a car alarm refrain.

  2. Many birders come to our area during spring migration. I was looking forward to meeting people from all over the world at Quintana Beach as we did last year, but maybe next year.

  3. I'm a bird lover so I really enjoyed your photos this week! ♥

  4. I've really enjoyed these, thank you!

  5. The Carolina chickadee looks like a blue tit we have here in the UK though the wren looks larger and has no upturned tail like ours. I do like the cardinals they are som cute with their headdress. The flying rat(fat pigeon) is hated in our garden especially by our little dog who takes great joy in chasing them off if he sees one needless to say they don't come here offten

  6. Such beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing! We've been noticing a lot of birds lately as well, on account of more time to spend with nature, which is one good thing that has come out of all this.

  7. Lovely! We have a pair of Canada geese who next in our neighborhood every year. For some reason, kids from another neighborhood have decided to aggravated the female this year. Our neighborhood has become protective and put tape around the nest. We always look forward to the goslings.

  8. Everything remains the same with birds. It's like that Bible verse about how the birds don't worry so why should we? We have a mama hummingbird who has laid eggs in a tree on our front porch for countless years. Maybe 7. Do hummingbirds live that long because I'm sure it's the same mama. This year she put two eggs in the tiny nest and I was worried because she usually only puts one egg in the nest but they both hatched and flew away after they crowded themselves out. I always check the status of the nest when not in use to make sure the gardener hasn't hit it by accident.

  9. Your bird photos are beautiful and a wonderful way to celebrate this 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Thank you so much for stopping by The New Dharma Bums and leaving a comment. It is much appreciated.

  10. I miss seeing cardinals! We used to see them at our feeders when we lived in Nebraska. Here on the Oregon coast, we have chickadees, nuthatches, wrens, varied thrushes, spotted towhees, white-crowned sparrows, and juncos, to name just a few. We also see Black oystercatchers and brown pelicans, as well as eagles when we're out on the path along the ocean bluff.

  11. I love bird watching, and the icing on the cake is it's part of my job to know more about birds. We do have quite a few from your gallery above, here in India. The cardinals, terns and pigeons being some of them.

    You have a lovely feeder out there.

    Have a wonderful week ahead! And thank you for joining us on #WordlessWednesday

  12. Thanks you for sharing these photos! Most of them are familiar to me. Now I especially love watching the shorebirds here in southwest FL.

  13. Your photography skills just get better and better! Is there ANYTHING you CAN'T do? I doubt it. And to do everything well besides--no fair!

    1. You are so sweet. But, yes, there are about a cazillion things I can't do.

  14. I love birds and also clicking them. Since Feb I have been doing #BalconyBirding and seen around 36+ different birds. Loved your post and your bird feeder is so pretty

  15. nice collection of birds. Love the vaders :)

  16. i love birds. thanks for sharing the wonderful photos
    sherry @ fundinmental


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