Monday, April 20, 2020

The Unavoidably Political Say Cheese!

I remember arguing that not everything is political one smoky day back in the 80s. I was running for Fine Arts Editor of the liberal UW-Madison student newspaper The Daily Cardinal (a shock to some I'm sure). And it was smoky because I was chain smoking.

The scene yesterday at the State Capitol may not have reeked of smoke (there's no smoking in the immediate vicinity), but it did reek of politics. Protestors gathered to ignore common sense and CDC guidelines in response to Governor Evers May 26 extension of the Safer At Home Order.

If your president tells you to get your life back while risking the lives of others, some people "liberate" themselves from empathy and common sense. 

There are 220 COVID-19 deaths in Wisconsin with larger numbers suspected due to lack of testing. The United States has more known cases than anywhere IN THE WORLD and according to a New York Times database, the US is reporting 2,000 deaths a day. That's 2,000 deaths a DAY, you dangerous idiots, #dangerousidiots.

The latest data from Johns Hopkins University has the coronavirus death toll in this country at 40,661.
So on that happy note why not post something funny, smoky, political or seriously stupid and SAY CHEESE!


  1. We had protests in Washington State yesterday as well. It is so disconcerting not only for my own safety but to see them unnecessarily expose themselves for mostly political purposes. You can't tell me that they are just individuals with cabin fever with the messages on their signs and what they shout. It isn't easy for me or anyone to stay home with limited outdoor opportunities for a month or more so far. They are possibly just extending the condition for everyone, so selfish and uncaring for our country during this difficult time. - Margy

    1. Yes, it's so hard enough for me just to leave my apartment and go to my mother's and go to the grocery store and get a little exercise, so to put yourself in a crowd without a mask or regard for others is inconceivable to me. I agree, it's not "cabin fever" there is something else driving this and I don't think it's just the Trump and Rush Limbaugh poison instigating this. The pure shortsightedness astounds me, Margy.

  2. Sometimes common sense gets left at the door and then ignorance reigns supreme. They must think they are invincible. But none of us are and I'm not one to tempt fate! Thank you for this post!

    1. It certainly does get left at the door and that door slammed shut and locked. The public figures fueling this are selling their souls for ratings and publicity. I understand many of the younger folks feel invincible because didn't we all, but everyone else? It's not as if most of us aren't effected one way or another personally and financially. I feel I tempt fate every time I walk out the door which I wish I didn't have to. Thanks for stopping by, Cathy.

  3. Jeanna, I am with you 100%. I don't want to be the one who unwittingly passes the virus on to my 88-yyer-old in-laws, or my 81-year old friend from running club, or my friend who has been fighting metastatic breast cancer for over 5 years, or my grandson with asthma. What are these people thinking?

    1. Being an unwitting carrier would be an unbearable thing and I worry about it every time I go to my mother's (she'll be 95 in July). There's an 81-year-old in your running club, wow, there were quite a few fit seniors where I was working out until it shut down.
      Yeah, I have a young cousin with Crohn's and an older cousin going through cancer treatment and given my age and other at risk issues it's like a personal attack.
      When I picture what they could be thinking all I can see is fear and rage fueled by selfish, unconscionable public figures.

  4. Hello, I agree with you also. Why risk so many others, the are not using common sense. They must be willing to be sick themselves and possibly die. I would rather be safe than sorry. Take care! Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week!

    1. Maybe they don't think they'll get sick if they haven't already and don't care about anyone else, including their own family. I was on the look out for bike trail birds today, but it always seems as if I can hear them but only see a few little ones. I did see a lovely garter snake though.

  5. Isn't it sad that so many people cannot see beyond their own selfish reasons and do something for the benefit of all.

    1. It almost seems like a set up, F60, but yeah, it's sad and hard to believe even though I was there and probably will be again when it's an even bigger event on Friday. I'm not too sure about getting out of the car though.

  6. People have a right to protest but the way they are doing it is reprehensible. And speaking of that, our President encouraging them from the sidelines from one side of his mouth and mouthing cooperation with the states with the other side all the while alternating that he is kind of the world one day and then being not responsible for anything another day. That all has me confused.

    1. You're a more understanding person than I, my friend. I'm angry and anxious and ready to jump out of my skin. Yes, protesting is one thing, but abusing that right while potentially spreading a deadly virus is spitting (which I'm sure will come next) in the face of all the people lost and of all the essential workers putting their lives on the line daily.

  7. Replies
    1. It is, indeed, Lucy. Please be well and self-entertained.

  8. The governor of Florida opened the beaches this last weekend and plenty of fools crowded together walking in the sand - no masks or gloves in sight. Yours truly is still sitting at home as Florida is unindated with new cases daily.

    1. I saw that with disbelief. At least our governor is well meaning and closed the state parks after making them free. Your governor is a republican, right? What will he say when so many more people die? Doesn't he know what's going on in Florida hospitals and nursing homes? Does he not realize how many elderly live in Florida? I just can't.

  9. We haven't got protests but we got some ignoring the lockdown they must have it won't happen to me syndrome :-(

    Have a safetastic week and CHEESE 😷😷😷

    1. Yeah, until it does, Steve. You as well my cheesy friend. Even your emojis have masks, lol.

  10. It is really hard watching this from afar. I have been reading what countries are doing around the world and it just appears that until the people carrying it with no symptoms are found and pulled out of circulation (before spreading it) then there's no way to control it. Singapore finally went into shut down for a month because their local transmission crept up, Sweden is gradually locking down as their original stance is sending them into dangerous territory and so on. We don't test broadly enough (only people with symptoms) so we are missing a hugh group and I'm not sure how that will play out when we begin to open up. However, it does appear the lockdown is keeping numbers low. It is sad. I wish you all luck and stay safe.

    1. It seems as if Sweden may win the deadly prize for stupidity, but the US and Florida seem to be giving them a run for their krona (not that WI isn't part of that as well). Yes, testing is a real problem despite what the lying orange clown in the White House says. Maybe phone tracking can help but without enough testing, ventilators or PPE for that matter, the idiots will prevail and more people will die. It sounds as if the curve is flattening in Australia, but there's always that second wave. I do know that if Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson hadn't been in Oz that one or more of them may no longer be with us. Stay safe and informed and well, Lydia.

  11. Some people don't seem to have any common sense but then again our Prez 'speaks double talk' ~ and how confusing is that? ~ This group reminds me of Trump's attitude and some people will follow idiot Presidents ~ Those are my thoughts ~

    Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. None at all, Carol and Trump is intent on making things so much worse as he caters to his base and fears for his next term. How many of his followers will he kill before they can proudly walk up to the polls in person I wonder. Warm wishes of health and safety to you and Zoe.

  12. I just don't get the protesting. We should be in it together. Money and the economy is more important to some than lives.

    1. And yet they can't think one step beyond that and realize that the economy will be decimated even more and for much longer if people don't follow guidelines and help each other.

  13. Those were the days, our Mom worked on the University newspaper way back when she was in J-School. Those crowds...where is Jeff Foxworthy and Ron White when you need them.

    1. I never thought about all the out of work comics although I did see Jeff Foxworthy was judging a comedy show last season or the season before. You'll have to tell mom, "Hi" for me, Brian. That was a great shot of you today.

  14. Replies
    1. It's sad and terrifying. Kisses to your Go-to kitty.

  15. Does their fearless leader stop to think that he is killing off his supporters?

    1. I'm sure he doesn't and as long as there are frightened people to play to, he'll keep doing it.

  16. I am totally with you, Jeanna! It irks me when I find people not exercising common sense.

    BTW, you asked how I got into the mall to take those photos - I didn't. I have been staying at home for 35 days since the lockdown. The Hubs took the pictures when he was shopping for essentials at a grocer located inside the mall.

    1. Ah, there is a Buffalo Wild Wings open at the mall over here and it has a steady flow of customers, but the mall itself has been closed. That is a LONG time to be on lockdown, Veronica, although sometimes I wish I were, I know I'd go nuts in less than a day.

  17. I'm so glad that our country went on lockdown and that our president, who is a businessman, is trying to save lives. Thanks for voicing your frustration at people who are behaving like idiots. Keep safe!

    1. Not to pick a fight but... the President didn't issue a national lockdown and he was the person who incited these by telling his followers to "liberate" their states.

      If he wanted to save lives he would work on national testing and have a better overall national plan or at a minimum respect his own plan to re-open and not tell his followers to break the recommendations.

    2. Christina is from South Africa and lucky enough to have an actual president named Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa. I had to look him up and see he's anti-apartheid and a union leader and served as Deputy President for four years. So that Google Search snippet tells me he's someone many of us wish we had instead of the dangerous, orange idiot leading by bad example.
      Yes, and Trump is also responsible for those infected by the nonsensical in person election he encouraged here which did, of course, get people sick.
      I totally agree, testing is so incredibly far behind where it should be and tragically, many more will become infected and infect others from his cowardice and idiocy. There's a much bigger re-open rally planned here this Friday which is a direct result of terrified people who are hurting and turning to this poor excuse of a "leader."

    3. It seems we were just talking about it a day before you went on lockdown, Christina. My best to you and your families, I hope those fires stay few and far away in the Veld.

  18. The photos really make me nervous for the people in them. Praying that no one in the crowd was contagious, otherwise, it's not going to be good for them. I believe in putting the safety of our people as first priority. Our "rights" won't seem as important if our loved ones have died from the virus. :( Thanks for sharing this.

    1. It certainly does, especially the elderly lady in a mask who seemed to be trying to have some quiet time away from things on a bench on the square. I would wager that there were people in that crowd who were carriers and I know there will be so many more people this Friday increasing the odds.
      I might be a lapsed Catholic, but this disregard for the safety of others is the antithesis of what we were taught Christianity was about. The rights of the vulnerable having this carelessness thrust upon them is a complete violation.

  19. Jeanna,

    It's all frustrating. Protestors should mask and glove up if nothing else for the peace of mind of onlookers. COVID-19 is a serious matter, people are dying but whenever the sheltering at home is lifted we need to act responsibly - maintain social distancing in public when possible and wear masks/gloves. These basics while inconvenient won't hurt anyone if they're in place just a little while longer. I think if people had been using good common sense to start with would we even be in this pickle? Long before COVID-19 I'd see people cough/sneeze without covering up and people forging right through the spray. People give no thought to touching public surfaces then scratch their face or pickup their phones. Just because you don't see or feel anything doesn't mean you just didn't cross contaminate a lethal pathogen to yourself. These same people wonder all the time, "Why do I catch a cold every year?" Well...maybe doing the brainless acts they've been doing is the reason for their constant sickness bouts. It's frustrating but it is what it is and these individuals will never change. Praying for our country. Incidentally, you may not have know but you added this post to our music link up. Perhaps next week, you'll want to include some tunes for us to boogie to! Stay healthy, my dear!

    1. It's frustrating in a way that sees no end, Cathy. Oh they made a point of "No masks" regardless of anyone up there finding themselves in the midst of it. I was onlooking from the safety of my car and telephoto lens.
      The second wave is a big concern, but how do you explain that to those who don't take the first wave seriously?
      A while longer, perhaps, but not if we jump the gun, then it's much worse for much longer. I agree completely, some never used common sense at all and our leadership moved too slowly.
      I'm with you about seeing people cough and sneeze and for me, not wipe down their equipment while I was at the gym. It made me try to get management's attention before anyone was thinking about being safe and they were not very cooperative so I suspended membership before they were forced to shut down.
      It is really hard to not touch your face and I've heard to not wear a mask in the grocery store because you will touch your face more. There seems to be so much contradiction out there. I'm finally getting some homemade masks today from a neighbor who is making a LOT of them for people. I only have enough paper masks for the other caregiver to last the week and I've been fashioning something out of bandanas for myself. My mother keeps saying I look like a "cowboy."
      Sorry about the misguided link, I often include music in my posts, usually from YouTube because there's always a tune going through my head.
      Stay healthy yourself, young lady.

  20. Great heartfelt outraged post! Some folks are proud to be irresponsible and as a consequence dangerous to the rest.

    1. I think you're right, there's a sense of pride in their selfish stupidity, Penelope. I guess it's tempting to be shortsighted when you're hurting and panicked.

  21. Thanks for posting this. We had a protest in PA this week and it's frustrating because it is just going to stretch out our shelter in place orders because a certain percentage of this idiots are going to get sick. This is very short sided thinking and is very selfish. I understand the frustration about being closed but we're all in the same spot.

    1. Yes they will, the totals from the insane in person elections here are increasing and the toll from whatever will happen this Friday (big rally) will only add to it. Maybe these people need to connect so badly all realization that they're worsening and lengthening the epidemic goes out the window.

  22. Thank you for this post Jeanna...and coming late I much enjoyed the comments and your responses as well! It has been so interesting reading blog posts from all over about how different states and countries are handling this. And almost every one is doing better than our own. Every time you think that heartless monster of a so-called President couldn’t get worse he does. And his followers out there drinking the Koolaiid, protesting to have the right to die.... which the only trouble with is that they might shop in the same grocery stores we do. Now that we’re out of Florida, I feel like at least we’re out of the worst of the worst, but Oregon too has some protestors and not everybody is wearing masks.). Sigh,

    1. It certainly has been interesting to be able to explore the world from my couch during all this. Well maybe we're not as bad as Sweden or Italy was or are we? Statistics seem to be telling a tragic tale for us. I think yesterday was the first Italy had a decline in cases, but I fear we'll see that second wave in force.
      They've found seven new cases from our in person election and one was a poll worker. I'm sure more will surface or would if we had better tracking and testing.
      Yup, why do we keep praying he'll do something a rotting pile of garbage could figure out, you know like just lie there, rotting.
      They undoubtedly shop in the same grocery stores and go to the same drive-thrus and get the same crubside pick up and go to the same pharmacies.
      At least your out of Florida now that some of the beaches are back open–am I the only one that keeps thinking of "Jaws"?
      “You knew it,” she says. “You knew there was a shark out there, you knew it was dangerous. You knew all those things but still my boy is dead now.”

  23. I thought about you, Jeanna, when I read about the protests in your neck of the woods. So far, the hostile-ones-who-think-they-know-better in my area are just mau-mauing on Facebook. May it stay that way.

    1. The big one is in two days, Susie. I hope to be there from a safe distance in or out of Cha Cha with an empty SD card and a telephoto lens. It won't stay that way, on FB. Who are your FB friends, woman? Why aren't you my FB friend?

    2. I sent someone who might be you a FB message.

    3. An idiot I know would describe me and my friends as "Fffing libtards". I embrace the term, but if I had a chance, I'd throw a pie in his face. Not a good one, of course. Maybe one like the pie a maid made for her boss. I'll head over to FB now. Ciao.

  24. I agree, Jeanna. We had similar protests at our capitol building in Denver and I was disappointed to see the signs the protesters held that denied how serious and contagious this virus is. I was also disappointed to think our state cases will go up due to their careless behavior. I know people that have died from Covid....people who should have had many more years of life. I feel I am at risk myself, and this scares the heck out of me!

    1. I heard from someone the other day that didn't seem to believe what they see on the news. Maybe a trip to places unable to store all the bodies dying from this thing would open their eyes. Are the cases in CO up, that is very sad, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm also sorry for those you've lost.
      I am right with you feeling at risk, my age and diabetes doesn't help, but someone has to take care of my mother and that means negotiating my apartment building and hers with is so much bigger.
      Your fear is probably protecting you in ways you don't realize, Pat.
      Be healthy and well, my friend.

  25. I have own feelings that I think a lot of people can't see past their own selfish behavior. I take a walk most days and I walk by this little neighborhood park and they have a sign on it that tells people not to use the playground equipment and everyday I walk by there parents are letting their kids use the equipment.

    It is funny how some of these people protesting are claiming 1st amendment rights and if I and some friends wanted to protest something we felt that was an injustice they would have the cops on my butt in a minute and wonder while I was protesting and saying I couldn't.

    Everyone's life has been changed by this and everyone is living in a different world. We just need to all row together and make things better for all.

    Thanks for hosting and I hope that you and your family is safe and healthy.

    1. They can't, Pat, and so much of that is full of anger and panic which leads to very bad choices. Our playgrounds have those signs as well, but I've only seen one person on one swing on a cold, windy, snowy day and he was an adult looking very forlorn. I'd want to have my kids close and keep them in a sterilized house if I had any.
      There are a few protests objecting to the next rally, a much larger one, being waged by the Open It Up No Mask people planned for Friday. One idea is for everyone to report and keep reporting the violation of so many people gathering in one spot to the police and the other is to hashtag #stayathome, #saferathome, etc., objecting to them online. I plan to safely take photos on what promises to be a fairly nice day. I missed where the right to kill people by passing on a deadly is in the Constitution. I do know there's something about domestic tranquility and promoting general welfare.
      I wish you hope and positivity and health, Pat. I always enjoy hearing from you.

  26. I am in 100% agreement with you.

    And my apologies! I didn’t see your request about not putting links in until after I hit send. I always appreciate when people leave their links in the comments.

    1. Thanks for recommenting, Michelle. Is that a word, I don't think so.

  27. I have so much empathy towards others, it's hard not to be sad at a time like this. I have a sister that's due in August. I worry about her being pregnant. She has 4 other children, and one has special needs (Trisomy 18). The one with Trisomy 18 has tons of medical issues, and has to go in for appointments. I have had an aunt and uncle that have been in the hospital a lot. They both have needed blood, which we're in short of. It's so scary out there.

    I do understand that the economy is important. BUT lives are more important. We need progressive thinkers in our leadership, which we don't have. Science should rule right now. The way we do things needs to change. Our normal isn't normal any more.

  28. Dear Jeanna,

    Missed linking up with you. Thanks for this post on our #WW blog hop.

    Seriously how stupid can people get, but what is to be expected of them when a President with such a callous approach is who calls the shots.

    I feel so sorry for the state of America. A country once known to flourish under the able tutelage of the likes of Obama.


 Please don't link your blog in the comments or it will be deleted. Your comment, not your blog, but wouldn't that be unsettling? Blog Hop Links are in the sidebar.

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