Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Sarasota #AtoZChallenge #WordlessWednesday

I was Supposed to be blogging about "America the Beautiful" as my Blogging from A to Z theme,but looking at some of my travel photos make me - wistful?  Some of them were from only three months ago, when we weren't trying to stay safe and away from a deadly virus.

What a beautiful flowering plant.  These pictures were taken, mostly in January of 2019, in Sarasota, Florida.

It's fun around Christmas because there's no Snow in Sarasota, despite what the sign says.  It makes me wonder: why even have snow on a sign to begin with?

If you visit Sarasota, the Ringling Estate, Ca' d'Zan, is a must see.  This is a small portion of it.  The red flowering plant above was also from that estate.

The estate is full of statues.

In Nathan Benderson Park each November-February, there is an outstanding photographic exhibition called "The Fence". 

A turtle swims in a waterway.

Roses bloom, so unlike the winter clime of upstate New York, where I live.

But when I see it next, how will it all have changed?

I'm coming out of my Self Imposed Shell today for Sandee and Comedy Plus's #WordlessWednesday.

Also Natasha and Esha for their #WordlessWednesday.

Today was "S" day in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.  My theme (most days) "America the Beautiful."


  1. Great photos for those of us quarantined (or under house arrest)

  2. I’ve never been to Sarasota. I do love Florida, especially in winter. When this is all over ...

  3. Hi,
    Awesome shots, thanks for sharing.
    Have a great day!

  4. I'm glad you came out of your shell today to show us all this beauty. Thank you.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  5. As someone who lives where it never snows, I can answer the "why snow in the sign?" question. Snow denotes winter, and we use that iconography when doing winter decor.

  6. The White Sox did spring training in Sarasota from 1960 to 1997. I knew there was a reason it sounded familiar.

  7. Dear Alana, We've missed you on #WW. Hop in.

    Nice nature pictures, perfect for #EarthDay.

    Hope you are having. lovey ride with A-Z.

  8. Hi Alana. The flowers look lovely and the color is so eye catching. Hope you have a great weekend :)

  9. Beautiful clicks, Alana. The last picture is really lovely. :)


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