Welcome to Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me! This month’s honorary co-hostess is a first time but has been boogieing with the crew for quite sometime. Let’s give it for Binky and Granny from Angelswhisper2011! This week’s theme is your choice song picks.
Queen playlist includes:
- The Queen Is Back ~Donna Summer
- Queen of Hearts ~Juice Newton
- Queen Of The Publication ~Olivia Newton-John
- Queen of Spades ~Styx
- Queen Of The Broken Hearts ~Loverboy
DISCLOSURE…this is a mewsic linky party, which means all participates are sharing songs that one can listen to from YouTube or Vimeo and a not a post about mewsic or mewsicians. Failure to meet this basic guideline puts your URL in danger of being removed or labeled – NO MUSIC.
[tweetthis]Cathy’s Pinup Girl #AtoZChallenge #artsketch series hits the #MondaysMusicMovesMe dance floor with ‘your choice song picks’ for this week’s prompt. Come join the party! @xmasdolly [/tweetthis]
You might have figured out from the tunes spinning on my virtual turntable where I’m going with this morning’s A2Z illustration. I got my inspiration from one source but after I couldn’t read the signature on the painting I check out thepinupfiles to learn the artist’s name, Edward Runci. This piece was done in 1955 and is called ‘Eyecatcher’.
Do you remember playing with vintage pinup girl playing cards? I thought I would it would be fun to take some of y’all down memory road with my A2Z ‘Q’ prompt the ‘Queen of Hearts’.

That’s a wrap for now. Please come back tomorrow with your morning coffee in hand for another look at Cathy’s Pinup Girl Art Sketch Series! Be well, my friend! XX
, Cathy

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Excellent drawing!
An A-Z of Faerie: Banshee
What a fetching beauty you drew and you really have her torso down in the drawing, I love it. I would add Dancing Queen by ABBA
I think some days I draw better than others. The one thing this art series is teaching me is drawing proportionately. It’s not an easy thing for the untrained eye but I’m getting the hang of it somewhat. “Dancing Queen” is a great song. I think the reason I didn’t go with that choice is it seemed obvious and I was trying to pick songs that folks might not have heard in a long time or never, you know? Thanks for the suggestion and visit, my dear!
Nicely done sketch and thank you for featuring a true queen of disco, the late Donna Summer. I love her, and I love Loverboy. A local DJ did nothing but trash Loverboy (many years ago) constantly and I loved them even more for that. Queen Kittie is sooooooo cute! Queenly theme!
The queen of disco had to be in my set!:) Thanks for boogieing with me, darlin’!
Thanks for the tip that my wordpress is still linking to my old blog for some reason. Hopefully that’s fixed now?
The cat pic is adorable.
Great Q choices. And great Queen of hearts. Have you heard about the new deck that makes King and Queen equal? (I don’t know enough about playing cards to really “get” it, I thought all facecards had the same value, but I don’t play cards that often. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/queeng-playing-cards#/ Anyway, there you go.)
Great mewsic selection for the “Q”. Your sketch is awesome! Keep it up, girlfriend.
Nicely sketched Queen of <3s, Cathy!
Beautiful illustration, and thanks for the quote!
Whoa, look at you go! Girlfriend I have to say this one is the best you ever did. Legs, arms, oh my gosh everything. You need to sign up with an advertising company for sure. My niece works for one. Do you know the lettering in Sub-Way (sandwiches)? My niece did those! She gets a pretty good chunk of change for that. What are you waiting for girlfriend. Okay, that’s my advice for the day. Love your tune choice girlfriend. Yeah, I thought it was Q day why not pick songs with the same letter, right? ~hehehe~ Guess I’m late some others thought of that too! hahaha Nice weather today on our way to walk the dog again. He’s been out twice today. Our Charlie loves it. BIG HUGS Have a nice rest of your day girlfriend!!! STAY HEALTHY & STAY SAFE! HUGS
I shared my Q songs with Mary B earlier.
Love the drawing!
Cute kitty and love the sketch! Cool tunes too.
During quarantine, I’ve made a personal commitment to close my exercise circle daily. With that being said Playing with the Queen of Hearts was great dance music!
The kitty queen is adorable. I like your pinup Queen of hearts it’s nicely drawn
The Letter Q
Nice job on the art. I like your choices for songs too- cool idea to come up with Q for those too.XO
Great skeches and great song. Thanks for sharing both.
Thanks Patrick for joining the fun!
Love that Queen Kitty and your sketch is awesome! I always wear my invisible crown, BUT sometimes it’s a bit tight! Cheers-see ya tomorrow!
Thanks, Kathe! A tight crown for a tight reign, right? Sounds good to me anyhow.
Awww on that queen kitten. What a great pose.
Love Donna Summer.
Wow on the sketch. She’s beautiful.
Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Love and hugs. ♥
That Queen Kitten is adorable and so well trained. I’m surprised how well she seems to tolerate wearing the costume.
Oh wait, that’s not a costume, right? 
That sweet Queen Kitten is beautiful and your sketch is too!
That kitten is a cutie for sure and I bet she’s a sweet queen, too.
I don’t know if our Lucy has reached “Queen of the House” status, but she is certainly the “House Princess” and has the bossy personality to ascend to the throne.
You just can’t go wrong with the Queen of disco or Juice Newton. Nice selections today. Have a blessed week.
Queen or Princess, Lucy is still royalty and has full reign of the house.
What a cutieeee
You make me feel like a Queen…and Purrincess, CK
Love all the crowned songs.We haven’t heard Styx in ages, still like them! Your Pin up is marvellous as ever.
Pawkisses for a Happy Monday. Stay Safe Healthy and Yourselfie

Binky & Granny,
Styx is a great oldie band! I loved them back in the day and when I hear their stuff now, it’s like awww good stuff!
I just love the idea of an invisible crown…
I wear one all the time.
Your Queen of Hearts is very pretty!
Q is for Quilting Longarm
Thank you, Frederique! I’m heading over to check out your quilt designs.
Hi, Cathy!
Happy 4M Monday and “Q” Day, dear friend! I hope you guys had a nice weekend.
That adorable kitten looks like a queen who is used to getting her way. What a great pose the photographer captured!
I didn’t follow Donna Summer’s music through her later career, and I was not familiar with “The Queen Is Back,” a song from her final studio album Crayons which was released in May 2008 almost exactly four years to the day before her death here in Naples, Florida, in May 2012. The autobiographical song is well written and the recording is right in sync with the popular R&B/hip hop/club sounds of the 2000s. I like it! It seems strange that they went to the trouble of producing a music video for “Queen” but never released it as a single.
I have this Edward Runci pinup in my collection! You did an exceptionally good job of sketching it for your series, Cathy. The face, hair and torso are especially well rendered. I can’t wait to see this one return in a future post fleshed out In Living (and Loving) Color.
I wish you and your family a happy and healthy day, dear friend Cathy!
People who can capture animals posed with the animal are patient and talented. It’s even more difficult to get animals in the wild. They are here on minute and the next gone. I’m awful as wild life photographer.
Did Donna Summers live in Naples at the time of her death or was she doing a show? I can’t seem to remember. It came as a surprise when she passed. I had to check with Google to refresh my memory that she died from lung cancer but she wasn’t a smoker and she felt like it was due to breathing in all the fallout from 9/11. She was an amazing vocalist! Thank you for the lovely compliments on my art. I can’t wait to colorize this one and all the others that I couldn’t do in Procreate.