Friday, April 17, 2020

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

This week the flashback comes from June 2007 and is called:
We rassle on the grass........
We rassle on the earth......
and we rassle in the field
I think I'm beating you Eric
Oh no yer not!
Let's call it a draw then.
The random photo this week was chosen by Tuna from the Trout Towne Tabbies. He chose 31.10.06

I have two from 30.10.06 which was when we had just arrived home from a cruise and they were arguing over who should have the suitcase.

I am joining Athena the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art and have used the first photo.

I started with Landscape at 45%. then Metallic at 40% then finished up with I think it was Seuratapose at 30%. I should have written down the name of the last one.
I have also made it into a puzzle.
preview108pieceCaturday Art 18.04.20
I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for Feline Friday.



  1. They sure did take their rassling seriously!

  2. That wrassling looks like fun.
    We don't do that.We hardly do anything together.
    We do like to sniff things mum brings home though ;)
    Purrs,Georgia and Julie

  3. My human remembers the boys' wrassling sessions!

  4. Suitcase wars?? MOL! Looks big enough to accommodate both:)

  5. oooh we like that too... boy will be boys, no matter if kitties or pups ;O)

  6. Ah! Nothing like a good rassle..! :).
    And, both of them on the 'case' at the
    bottom there..!xx

  7. Aww! rassle in the grassle heheh! such joy 😾😾

    I always like the art especially when clicked on

    Have a safetastic weekend 😷😷😷

  8. What always makes me smile is the fact those two were CLOSER than CLOSE. They were two halves of a whole. They were best buddies, pals, and partners. I think they were enjoying the new smells on the suitcase and I do the same thing when Mom and Dad go somewhere! Happy Friday........

    Hugs, Teddy

  9. That looks like so much fun! S many wonderful memories! That was from before we even started blogging!

    Tama and Genji

  10. Oh you two Gingers live life to the fullest enjoying every moment with such brotherly love
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. The boys sure enjoyed 'rassling didn't they? Thanks for the puzzle!

    The Florida Furkids

  12. I've sure enjoyed seeing all your flashbacks. Such sweet memories.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Big hug to the mom. ♥

  13. Such sweet babies....Lucy sits in our suitcase when we are trying to pack! Cheers!

  14. We love seeing the flashback photos of you both rassling around the whole place. Very fun for you both. It looks like they loved it so much. Thanks for sharing the artwork. Have a beautiful upcoming weekend.
    World of Animals

  15. Boys I remember those wrassling matches! And mancats can wrasse like no other. I always hoped BOTH of you would win! Heeeee. XO

  16. Not getting your posts. Tried everything I can think of. What can I do to get your posts?

  17. You fellows really knew how to have a good time and we bet you are still wrassling up at the Bridge. Purrs Friends

  18. We love to rassle too, but Timber has to temper his rowdiness with Lightning.

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

  19. Great pictures of the boys having some good fun. Have a great weekend.

  20. These two are just too cute! Blessings, Deborah

  21. Those two were quite a pair! I bet they're still rassling at the Bridge.

  22. Just like Frodo and Zulu when they get rambunctious!

  23. Those are some great 'rasslin moves!

  24. Sometimes I wish I had some cat to rassle with but biting TW comes close. Your boys had fun.

  25. Cute flashback. Those two sure loved to wrassle. Thank you for the puzzle. Beautiful art. XO

  26. your cats are beautiful, i know you miss your angel kitties, we still miss all five of our dogs gone over the rainbow bridge..

  27. Those two boys sure must've been a treat to have around. The rassling pix are just the cutest, though I'm fine not having another cat here to do that with. I get my rassling out with dad during our nightly bedtime routine of playing, chasing, ball & string, spanking (yeah, I know) and more ball & string. Very sweet flashback, y'all.

  28. The boys rassled as well as Nicki and Derry did over at Musings on a Small Life. I love to see good-natured fun like that, especially between good friends and brothers.

  29. That was a real fun russling all over the bloggie, sweet Angels. If I had know about it, I would have put money in...MOL.. That's a great effect with the metallic, I'm over to do your puzzle now 😺Clean Pawkisses for a Happy Caturday. Stay Safe Healthy and Yourselfie🙏🐾😽💞

  30. Love seeing the boys enjoying themselves. Beautiful artwork as always!

  31. We KNOW that Queen Penelope LOVED to see them rassling! And you know what, Ninja and me rassle too (but he usually wins).
    We are now off to do the puzzle!

  32. Eric and Flynn were awesome at rassling! Such fun!

  33. Nothing better than a good brotherly wrestling match ! Purrs

  34. You biys sure do love to wrestle! I wonder would you have done the same if you'd gone on the cruise too?
    !5:34 on the jigsaw, but it was a toughie, but fun.

  35. We can tell you two were expert rasslers. Caspurr and Shimshi do it all the time too - especially just before breakfast. It has become part of their Meowning Ritual.

  36. Oh, I'm a day late!
    Manny and CB were just in a wrasslin' match, and the sound of their bodies hitting the floor...ugh! But, after a moment, they are licking each other, then napping entwined.

  37. How wonderpurr they got to rassle outside in the sunshine! I only get to wrassle in the kitchen with Fwank while waiting for noms, and then wrassle with Wabbit the west of the day throughout the house. I wish I could wrassle in the garden.

  38. Oh my goodness the suitcase rassle is too funny. I hope we can cruise again too! xo

  39. Awwww now these are some wonderful, playful memories aren't they & such beautiful felines for sure. Thank you for stopping by & thank you for sharing your memories!

  40. Sweet memories of Eric and Flynn. Both so curious to check out your suitcase.

  41. Love seeing the kitties having fun!!

    Happy Thursday!


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