Monday, April 13, 2020

The Pre Post Easter Say Cheese! Link Up

How was your Easter? Did it rain, snow or blow?

Stupid, stupid people got our state parks closed, so I did a tour of my favorite towns to see if they missed any.

They did not.

But it was fun looking since gas is so cheap.

It graupled on Good Friday

Because I'm a caregiver for my 94-year-old mother who has some dementia and a lot of mood disorder, I need to get out. Weather is always your interesting, eccentric friend if you think like a dog. These little snowballs that pelted us are called, "graupel." 

I found a county park close to one of my favorite bike trails (which was of course busier than usual), pics to come.

Seen on the way to Easter dinner

The north side of Madison continues to be a hotbed of car thefts and burglaries. So many car thieves seem to be kids.

I had my first good Old Farts Shopping Hour Easter morning when I picked up this "Dinner For Two" from Hy-Vee.

My mother, who keeps telling me she no longer likes sweets, has been complaining that all the Easter candy she gave or threw away is gone. "Half" an apple pie, four cupcakes and a full basket of candy later she was fairly happy (although I heard her say this was the first Easter she didn't have jelly beans. There were three bags of Jelly Belly Jelly Beans in her basket).

Culvers, Sugar Free Jelly Beans & Lysol are so Easter 2020. I think Jelly Beans & Lysol would make a great name for a band 

This was the inside of my car on Holy Saturday. 

Put down the Peeps, wipe down your key board and wash your hands, it's time to SAY CHEESE!


  1. I hope you and yours had a very happy Easter. It was quiet here and we stayed in.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ♥

    1. Hey Sandee, we had a pretty good one. Quiet is good, I'd like to experience it sometime (:

  2. Our gasoline is 99 cents. Sure wish we could go on vacation now. I'm ready for a road trip. Love all the Easter decorations. That apple pie looks delish!

    1. I believe it was $1.09 and $1.03 a few days ago here but who knows today. This gas station was about 40 miles away from home. I laugh with disbelief every time I get gas. The so-called half pie was delicious, everything was.

  3. Replies
    1. If you mean those juvenile delinquents, they ran like rabbits. If you mean the cops, at least three of them wore masks.

  4. Such terrific photos and I'm glad you got to celebrate with your Mom.

  5. It sounds like you had a good Easter. Yikes on the police scene you encountered!

    1. It was pretty good and don't you love holiday leftovers? I just finished eating a ham sandwich on a "good" roll with jelly beans for dessert. Oh yeah, there were two kids running like the wind across a busy street and cop cars pulled right up an incline onto the grass. They gave up right away, I guess four squad cars on your butt will to that.

  6. Loved this post heheh and all the food nice pic of your mum

    Why did the cops surround them was it cos they wouldn't say "cheese"? how very dare they :-)

    Have a safetastic week 😷😷😷

    1. Don't let all those videos of WI farmers dumping their milk fool ya, Steve, not saying, "Cheese!" is still a crime over by here doncha know?

  7. Replies
    1. I was trying to leave a comment about those lovely sunset photos, Carol, but your site can't be reached. Been a lot of that sort of thing today.

  8. That photo of the cops is fantastic. How exciting. We had cops everywhere too but that was because they fine you $1000 if you are outside without a good reason. I had one trawling along side me until they saw my dog and sped off (would have thought the kid on the bike might have given them a clue but apparently she was too far ahead to make them think we were together...). So ridiculous. (But we have stayed completely home and not even driven anywhere unless the supermarket and even then most days I only leave to walk the dog - so not saying it's ridiculous to stay home, but three cop cars in our street to book people is idiotic)

    1. It was a little exciting, Lydia, but sadly, not surprising given the state of the neighborhood over the last few years. Oh man, I WISH they had a less reactionary version of that here because people are crazy stupid about social distancing and masks and every *&($ing thing. Oh wow, a dog saves us again! I got out of a few tickets because of dogs in the car. It sounds as if it's been taken too far, where is common sense and the happy medium?

  9. Interesting stories, but hectic! Take care and keep safe!

  10. Love that egg tree, and glad you could pick up your Easter dinner, band have it festive without all the work! Love that egg tree - can't wait till gas is this price where I live! The baby goat of my daughter's family. We Skyped for an hour (talked mainly with the ids of course), was great to just chat!

    1. Thanks,J. Easter dinner was impressive and festive and delicious and a real deal. Gas prices keep dropping which is fine with me. It's nice you got to Skype with the kids, hope you are well.

  11. That egg tree is so pretty!

    Stay safe, Jeanna!

    1. It was nice to see people celebrating despite the "new reality".

  12. I wonder what that person did to get slammed on the ground in handcuffs on Easter? Ekk!

    It looks like a pretty Easter.

    1. I couldn't find it anywhere but have had other things on my mind. I'd guess it was burglary or car theft given their age and the neighborhood. They ran across the street then immediately assumed the position as the squads descended on them.

  13. Love it!!!CHEEZE!! I did my Wordless wednes with Words of course,me thinks you will love it!

    1. I got a chance to check out your musical post, Mike and yes, I loved it. Damn Yankees, cracks me up.

  14. Looks like a good and interesting Easter there. LOL. Bu a nice one. Glad that you got to spend it with your mom. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful and healthy week.

    1. It was a nice time and the first just my mother and me, Pat. I'm wishing you the same and thanks for the music.

  15. You’ve got your hands full with your Mom.... she’s a lucky lady to have you there. She looks pretty happy at the dinner table (in spite of no jelly beans,( LOL). When I get to that stage (which might be tomorrow the way I feel right now), I hope somebody buys me my favorite candy even when I forget they did it. I like the content of your Easter Basket. You wouldn’t believe the micro trash we generated coming across the country. Our tiny trailer had a full size refrigerator and shower (selling points for us) but only one sink...combo bath and kitchen. Every time we brushed our teeth (or washed our hands or the dishes etc etc). we wiped it down with Lysol wipes . If we’d had more time to get ready, we would have made spray bottles of liquid solution, but that was just one of the things we neglected to do. ... and felt guilty about.

    1. Indeed I do have my hands and mind full and she's been acting out with the only other caregiver we have left. I think my mother likes me cooking for her although she never really liked my cooking which I can't blame her for, lol. Ohhh, she had Jelly Belly beans although a bag of Star Wars ones evaporated into thin (or in my case fat) air.
      I don't think you had much choice, micro trash wise, lol. Wow, you fit a full size fridge in your trailer, impressive. Well any kind of cleaner is hard to get, I've even seen low supplies of dish soap and hand soap at the stores. Sanitizing spray is near impossible to come by. You shouldn't feel guilty about anything, just glad you made it home safe. I know, easy to say, hard to do.

  16. We are on lockdown here in New Zealand, so getting out and about is very infrequent. I enjoyed your Easter photos a lot.

    I'm so happy that you joined us over at at 'My Corner of the World' this week!

    1. Yeah I bet you are over there and that's a shame getting out is so limited. I hope this ends soon and we can all get back to it safely.

  17. Hello, your gas prices are much cheaper there. I think we pay more taxes on a gallon of gas. My father had dementia, I know how you are feeling..I love the Easter eggs and decoration. I try not to keep too much candy and junk food in the house. Stay safe, take care. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great weekend!

    1. Prices were even cheaper in a few towns I like to visit, but have finally gotten to under a dollar here. Yes, taking care of your loved ones as they age is a real challenge. I try to avoid junk food too, but I keep a steady supply flowing to my mother and sometimes it's hard to resist. I hope you're safe and not too bored over their in Maryland, Eileen.


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