Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Bitey Face Time

Timber:  C'mon, Lightning - time for some fun!!!

Lightning:  Is that a challenge, Timber? 

Hi, Mom - nothing to see here.  Just resting together.  Not trying to get rowdy - we know Lightning can't do that. 

Timber:  I think she is busy with her exercises now.  Let's get rowdy.
Lightning:  Challenge accepted.  Let's go!!!

Bitey Face Lightning style:)

Just trying to find safe ways to have fun!!!

Woos, Lightning and Timber



  1. Oh yeah......bitey face is a fun game where you don't have to exert yourselves. Good call, Timber.

  2. It's fun to watch bitey face time. Well done.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥

  3. Bitey face is also one of our favorite past times! We love seeing how gentle Timber is being with Lightning!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  4. Hari OM
    Awwwww - you are the best brofurs!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. My first two Sheltie boys used to play bitey face. I called it jousting.

  6. Fudge and Samba used to play that way. Portie peeps call it sharking. The sound effects are impressive.

  7. That looks like a really fun game of bitey face! Since confinement, I have missed playing bitey face with my friends!


  8. Awww, you boys were having some fun and that wasn't rowdy, no legs were involved!

  9. Good thing you don't have to follow the 6 foot distance rule :)

  10. Beautiful boys! Love all the photos and happy I stopped by. Stay healthy and happy. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Good for you for trying to stay safe! It must be hard at times.

  12. That looks like an awesome game. I am glad you are having fun. I am worried you are not following social distancing.

  13. we have playing bitey face too! it is so fun!
    Mabel & Hilda

  14. You guys are so fortunate to have each other. For some reason Gail won't play bitey face with me...
    Toodle pip!

  15. that is a good idea to make the best of that boring time!!!

  16. That looks like safe fun to me!

  17. There is nothing better than a good game of bitey face! So fun. I had so many great games of it with Nala, but Rosie hasn't yet figured out how to play Bitey face! Can I come over and play it with you?

    Your friend Kiki

  18. You two are so cute playing bitey face. We thought Timber was going to fall off your cot in the video.

  19. Now that was absolutely a fun session of bitey face!!
    Timber looks like you are top dog in the last photo
    Hugs Cecilia

  20. Good job guys! Bitey Face with you two is as "gentle" as can be and looks very LOW on the pain threshhold! You two are so cute together. Have fun but CAREFULLY!

    Hugs, Teddy

  21. BOL, you remind me of when I had to play gentle with my kitty sister Pigeon.

  22. Sure looks like you two boys had a great time. You all have a great rest of the day. Take care.

  23. I'm beginning to feel the same way these days. But dang if I can't find a willing playmate. 😂

  24. Woo hoo! You two are such great brothers and buddies! I love how Timber is keeping it safe for you, Lightning!

  25. You two cuties, that was some extra sweet bitey face!

  26. Chaplin: "Dennis used to tell us how he would play bitey-face with Tucker. Tucker would sit on the furniture and Dennis would go back and forth while Tucker tried to bite him."
    Charlee: "It sounds like a weird way to pass the time. Why didn't they just whap each other?"
    Lulu: "You cats play your way. We dogs play outs. And that sounds like an awesome way to play bitey-face!"


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