Thursday, April 9, 2020

Wordless Wednesday: April 8th, 2020 (w/linky) - And Here Are Some More Stray Cats

Well, seems we are feeding several stray cats. And yes, the children have named them. 


Mickey (black and white), Yellowfang, and Shadowfang

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.

No button currently, and there won't be one until I can figure it out seeing as Photobucket has changed things. Feel free to still share the picture in place of the button on your Wordless Wednesday post or in a list of Wordless Wednesday linkies. Just link it to my Wordless Wednesday permalink please.


  1. Oh they are so adorable. And fortunate to have you feeding them. Bless you beautiful soul.

    Take good care. Happy WordlessWednesday and a lovely Easter for you and yours.

  2. I hope Yellow Fang doesn't need to see a dentist. Isn't there a rule that once you name a cat, it's yours, lol?

  3. Cats are so fun to watch. We've had a few strays stop by and have had only a couple stay over the years. I miss my indoor cats, but now have a dog. :)


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