Friday, April 3, 2020

Flower Friday

Hi pals!

We hope all of y'all are staying healthy. 

Finley is doing pretty good. She are getting majorly spoiled - she's getting carried EVERYWHERE and getting my momma to sling her up outside to do her bizness.

We have managed to get some sniffs in. And ok, we both snuck a kiss. 

I see what momma means about social distancing being hard and NO FUN.

But Finley are being a superstar about all of dis. Momma says she's being really good about all of this stuff and very sweet.

Since it's Flower Friday, we got some more irises for ya. 

It wuz raining today. As ya can tell.

Bowie's momma are great at growin em.

This pink one are in da Whitley Memorial Garden.

Stay healthy pals!


  1. SO glads to know Finley is doing so well, considering!

    And you two and the kitties, are all sweet sisfurs and brofurs!

    Beautiful blooms, and rain drops on them makes them ever so real and fresh looking...well, but of course they are!

  2. Those irises are awesome. As is Finley. And the rest of you.
    Happy Nature Friday (on Saturday)!

  3. We're happy to hear that Finley is doing well.
    Your Irises are so pretty!

  4. We're glad Finley is doing better! Love the flowers!

  5. FInster, milk it for sympathy treats.

  6. Hope Finley heals soon. Our lady loves the social distancing.

    1. It's nice someone likes it. My momma hates it. Nowhere to go, nothing to do, no jobs, no money, no fun . . .

  7. It's good to hear Finley is doing well. We are keeping our paws crossed for her. Your flowers are so beautiful!

  8. We have an iris farm not too far away....don't know how it fared in the drought, though. Yours are gorgeous. And Finley is a trouper!!!

    1. Irises are pretty drought-tolerant. It's too much rain that kills them, they rot.

  9. Precious pups, we're sending purrs and prayers for Finley's recovery.


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!