Friday, 3 April 2020

Feline Friday and Friendly Fill-Ins

Happy Feline Friday!

We hope you are all well πŸ’šπŸ’œ

tabby cat close-up

Friendly Fill-Ins

1. April is a good time to ___________________
2.This time last year, ___________________.
3. I am determined to _________.
4. I have no intention of _________.


1. April is a good time to start sorting out the garden. Normally, I would start earlier, but with such cold weather, wind, and rain, it has been impossible to do it.
2. This time last year, we posted about an urgent appeal for Skiathos Cats.
3. I am determined to remain focused on my creative outlets during this stressful time.
4. I have no intention of having children (too late for me now even if I wanted to). Athena is my furbaby and that's the way I like it! My babies have always been my cats :)


1. April is a good time to watch more Bird TV.
2. This time last year, our Caturday Art post was this fairy art with a touch of Picasso.
3. I am determined to keep Mum calm and happy during this corrie lockdown.
4. I have no intention of giving up begging Mum for treats. I don't care if I'm getting fat. Mum keeps snacking so I will too. It's a stressful time!

We are joining 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs

We are joining Comedy Plus for

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Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

My garden is so far behind this year too because of the constant wind and rain. At least the past week has been dry but still cold so I am getting on with it now.
Keep safe and well.

messymimi said...

Hope you get some time in the garden soon, it is very soothing. No garden here, but a couple of gardeners use my considerable plant killing skills (i even kill silk houseplants, really) to weed their gardens. If they tell me which plants to leave alone and get rid of everything else, they come back to those plants and scorched earth.

It’s time for a snack a lot more often than some people think!

Eastside Cats said...

Being one kid of six, I never wanted to bear children. All of my siblings have multiple offspring, so I figured I was off the hook! When I met The Hubby, and he said right up front that he didn't want kids, I was glad to find a mate that felt the same way. When I was in my 40's, my father pulled me aside, and asked me when I was going to have children; I laughed (I shouldn't have..) and said I was too old now! He was so disappointed, even though I'd been very clear for decades that I wasn't going to.

Sandee said...

We have lots of weeks and no garden. It's going to be storming all weekend again so no gardening for us.

I had to laugh at Messymimi. I know folks that can kill fake plants.

Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. β™₯

pilch92 said...

Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers from both of you. Don't worry Athena, we are all gaining weight from being in and nervous. I am like your mom, never wanted kids, but can't live without a kitty. Stay healthy. XO

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Athena I admire your Mum! I haven't felt like doing ANYTHING creative at all!! Stay safe! xoxo

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those were good answers you two and that's such a sweet photo Athena!

Cathy Keisha said...

If the peeps can snack, so can we! Great answers.

The Menagerie Mom said...

Hello, gorgeous Athena! All of your fill-ins are fantastic. I agree with your #4, Marie. I'm at the age where a bunch of my old classmates are getting married and having kids, and none of that interests me. I mean no offense to anyone who chooses that life, but I realized in my teenage years that I just didn't want that for my life. My kids will always have fur and paws. Athena, the kitties here have been enjoying Bird TV, too! They also really enjoy Squirrel TV. Purrs!