Today I'm once again joining Sami at Sami's Colourful World and her Monday Murals. Although I'm posting at my regular time, please be aware that Sami's mural linky won't go live until 11:01 a.m. my time. I am also once again joining Betty at My Corner of the World where she shares her own and provides links for family friendly photos from around the world.

However, I was able to find this on the internet:
The Nomar Theater sits in the heart of the NorthEnd neighborhoods, near the intersection of 21st Street and Market Street. The theater is history intrinsically connected to the Latino and Asian communities currently living around it, with huge potential to continue to be a key element of the neighborhood identity.
Many Mexican American Northend residents have bittersweet memories of the Nomar Theater, as it was a segregated entertainment space, in which Mexican and African Americans had to sit in the theater balcony, accessed only through a separate entryway. Some remember these dire moments of Wichita’s history, some look at a brighter moment when Nomar became the first integrated theater in the city.
This space has sat vacant for over three decades, as a quiet witness of the economic ups and downs in the Northend. A renewed sense of pride in place and a community growing in political power, our hope is that through Horizontes we can catalyze an exciting rebirth of the theater, following the steps of the Historic Dunbar Theatre.
Even though I was just on hiatus at Monday Murals, I must take another break during April. I will be back April 26. Although I couldn't reveal in February that I was hosting Art Journal Journey for a month (we aren't allowed to reveal in advance), this hiatus is no secret. I invite you to visit daily beginning April 1 when I (and a few of my friends) recycle something every day through April 22 which most people call Earth Day, but I call bEARTHday.
23 thoughtful remarks:
Beautiful mural. Have a great day, Valerie
Wow this is a real beauty...take care.x
A beautiful woman, a sad story.
Do you know the book "Black like me"?
And here we are again. One "refugee" said something to me, I kept the words till I was home. Google translate told me it was not nice...
Quite a striking mural Elizabeth.
Through image search I found out it was painted by Brady Scott and the model was Heidi Cruz (not the Senator's wife though, lol).
Thanks for participating Elizabeth and enjoy your Sunday.
That's a really cool mural - I love the blue diamond frames and the whole thing pops beautifully against the vibrant red. I hope your April bEARTHday challenge goes brilliantly - I'll try to keep up!
Alison x
Amazing mural! I’d have to hop in my car and travel to find some of these here. Not going anywhere these days so I’ll enjoy through your photos.
What a fabulous mural and an interesting history of the building! We often find when we are in Paris that a mural we liked one year has been replaced by the following year - not sure whether they are by the same artist! Take care, Chrisx
ps Did you get my e-mail?
You find some awesome murals Elizabeth-I enjoy seeing them-Happy Sunday
What a beautiful mural! Here in Sacramento, there are a great many murals on public buildings, too. I love to see them on my walks. (We can still take walks or walk pets, although otherwise we are locked down for the coronavirus.) Murals truly beautify (and educate) a city. Thanks for sharing this one. Have a great day.
A striking mural- wow!
I love seeing old theaters that have found new life. Cool mural :)
...a lovely mural and I'm glad that you were able to find some info on it.
The mural means so much to one who takes a close look.
Nice mural and especially interesting background in your post. It’s always sad to remember the days of cruel segregation.
be well... mae at
Beautiful painting. I like the way the flowers are inserted
This looks an awesome mural it is a beautiful portrait of the woman as well. I liked reading the post and the information you included, sad though some of the facts were about the theatre's history , it is good to know that times changed and allowed folk to live in harmony.
Stay well and safe my friend.
Yvonne xx
Fascinating mural. That lady almost looks a little devious. Nice. I also appreciated your comments on the virus. I've thought of lots of scenarios with at home teaching but not the one computer per family. My kid at school all have chromebooks that they got as freshmen at school so we know they at least have the computer, but we can't control their home internet service. Or what is going on at home, like having siblings to care for. And it is tough just dealing with other teachers because we all have our own ideas and what one of us thinks isn't what another thinks, and although that is true in school, at least there that face to face contact and a little more tradition on how we work. And now we are not in those confines so it seems like people are going in every which direction. It is just hard to get a handle on it all. OK, enough babbling from me. Happy new week. Hugs-Erika
Wonderful mural!
Wow! That's a fabulous mural. I really love the colours.
Alison xx
That's a beautiful mural.
All the best Jan
I like this one a lot!
I especially love that background -- the red sets off the art so well!
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