Sunday, March 29, 2020

Our 5th Blogoversary - Wow!

Peaches here and...What! Our FIFTH blogoversary!  Not to be believed. But it's true, our human is actually celebrating her 5th year.  Fortunately, since she has US, she has been continually inspired to share us with the world!  And having such a friendly blogging community around us means we feel appreciated!  Our only gripe is that she promised to find us virtual boyfriends and has procrastinated doing so. We have a weakness for orange cats, but would consider any candidates which represent our many colors: black, white, gray and definitely tabby!  so..if you are one of those, please contact her!

Although our blogging visitors are about the same as last year ( less than the year before), exciting new things happened.   

1) Our human joined CWA, the Cat Writers Association (she was looking forward to attending her first meeting in New Jersey). 2) We entertained our blogger friends with 2 slideshows this year, a "Cat-riotic" celebration and Meowy Catmas. 3) Also our Facebook visitors, increased from 10,000 to 11,500.  It's a challenge to keep our Facebook friends engaged and our human kinda has to turn cartwheels to do so (we help her), but its still a nice cozy group. We'll tell you more in our retrospective.

 4) She also finished two books about us, one of them illustrating all the holidays we celebrated and all our kooky costumes.  Now she has to deal with publishing them. (long story but starts have been made). 5) She started her first mailing list and newsletter! 6) Lastly (unless we think of something else) she created her first calendar late last year!  

In August-September our world was turned upside down because our human did something reprehensible to us called "MOVING."
We have forgiven her, but it turned our lives upside down for sure. 

All of us want to give a group hug to everyone who contributed to our amazing blogging  world by arranging group activities like special days, secret santa, Christmas Card exchanges, a calendar,, the Cat blogosphere and more!  We can't thank you enough.

March 2019 - March 2020 Retrospective

We like to do a retrospective each blogoversary of the past year's photo highlights so here goes!

April 2019

We started off the year in jail!  Yes we were arrested for Tuna Theft and some other things, only to find out it was April Fool's Day and just a joke!  We got let out of jail really soon!

Easter came shortly thereafter and we entertained our Facebook furrriends with a gala Easter Parade, giving one hat apiece to many enthusiastic Facebook readers. Then we let them strut their stuff in a musical slideshow!  Here are some of our good-looking fur ball friends. There are a few bloggers involved too!

May 2019

We enjoyed our Kitty-Mama Day celebration as it always gives  an excuse to snuggle with our human! As you will notice we BOTH like to lay our heads against her cheek  Its a good thing she has two of them!

National Bird Day

We noticed there were birds in Carol's computer and we had a fine celebration looking for them!

3rd Annual Rainbow Memorial

For the third time we honored Angel kitties. Sadly many of our blogger friends lost dear friends in the year before our memorial. Among them: Lone Star Cats, Zoolatry, The Cat on my Head,  15 and Meowing, Friends fur-ever, Dash Kitten, Island Cats, Brian's Home, Timmy Tomcat, Bionic Basil and more. 

June 2019      National Rose Month

I was proud to stair in  National Rose Month  and I made certain that may sister  Paprika's picture was smaller than mine!

July 2019

In July we hosted & created a "Cat-riotic Slideshow"
for all our blogger friends. Heartiily enjoyed by all!

August 2019

August was the start of all our moving woes because our human put her condo up for sale, involving strange visitors called "realtors" and having to be displaced during an "inspection." And THEN there was packing!

All this upheaval, however did not prevent us from observing World Lions Day on August 8 (even though we are tigers). Our human found these lion costumes on Amazon & could not resist...

September and "The Move"

Before the move

After the move: confusion and more confusion 

October 2019

FINALLY we and our human both settled down to enjoy the view in our new digs.

And of course we would never overlook Halloween!

November 2019

We hosted a contest on our Facebook page spotlighting cats with, um "unique talents"

 That's Raz from Friends Forever above, in case she looks familiar.

Thanksgiving 2019

We took a chance and dressed up for the big event. I was very nervous about it, though. Not Paprika. She's a born outlaw.

December 2019

In December we created & hosted MEOWY CHRISTMAS slideshow for our Blogger Friends. Almost 50 bloggers purr-ticipated!

And there was Secret Paws...Friends Fur-ever was our generous Secret Paws!

January 2020 - Painted Cat Show

We started of New Years Eve & Day by hosting a WILD psychedelic slideshow for our Facebook group. Here they are, looking multi-colored!

February 2020

February was BUSY! We celebrated the Super Bowl as very talented cheerleaders!

The Os-Kat Awards

Hot on the heals of the Super Bowl came the annual Oscar awards, and we had our own Os-Kat celebration and gave out awards. 

Our Announcement:

A couple of the winning cats

Finally in February came Valentines Day and another slideshow! - our 3rd annual LOVE CATs show!

Are you still there?

If you are, we would like to offer you a drink. Some catnip beer, perhaps?  How about a little Riesling Purr? Though Cat's Happy Hour is normally celebrated in November, it's never too early!  

Seriously, we want to thank you for staying with us, for reading our retrospective, and for all your support, friendship, hosting of events, creativity...and, well, just for being YOU!

Love, Peaches
PS: Now how about finding us those boyfriends?

We are joining The Cat On My Head's blog hop today.


  1. Happy Blogoversary!!!!

    I love your slideshows they are amazing and so much fun. Well done making 5.

    1. Thank you! I keep saying "No ore Slideshows for a while" -- and then I think of another one to do!

  2. Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy 5th Blogoversary! We counted that on our toes so we hope we got it right.

    1. Thank U for all those "Happies!" We are appreciated that you got the exact number right due to the toe involvement!!!

  3. I'm so glad you joined CWA! You are one of my fellow bloggers I've been excited to meet - though in recent times, we've interacted mainly on Facebook. I used to visit every week with the Sunday selfies (3 or so years ago) and then I stopped participating. Anyway, Happy Blogoversary! We started blogging at about the same time!

    1. Wow what a great note! I had no idea we started at the same time!!! I enjoyed your post this week. Excited to meet U too!

  4. Happy 5th Blogoversary! You have certainly achieved a lot.

  5. Happy Blogoversary! You ladies sure have had a very busy year! Our mom was looking forward to the CWA conference as well, and our paws are crossed that it still goes on. You inspired us to do more work, that's for sure! If our mom has a question about your books and newsletter can she ask your mom?

    1. Any time! Thank you!
      Email me at or pm me on Facebook!

    2. And actually it's you who inspire ME!

  6. Y'all have really been knocking it out of the park fur sure! Happy Blogoversary from all of us!!!

    1. Thank U Brian. We love purr-ticipating in your Thankful Thursday hop!

  7. Happy Blogoversary! Great memories. We were happy to be included in your fabulous slideshows too.

    The Florida Furkids

    1. Thank you! Your fur-balls definitely enhance all our shows and we love having them!

  8. Happy 5th Blogoversary! What a lot of accomplishments in such a short time, congratulations on your success, I look forward to what is coming next.

  9. That is such a wonderful, supportive compliment. And thank you for all your visits and very much appreciated comments throughout the year!

  10. Congrats on 5 years! Here's to many, many more. XO

  11. Concatulations on your 5th Blogoversary. You created such a beautiful blog. We really love all the work you have done on your slideshows and pictures. Cheers for another 5 years at least😸Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday. Stay Safe Healthy and Yourselfie🙏🐾😽💞

  12. Thank you for such a sweet message. Thank you for wishing us another 5 years and calling us "beautiful!" (wow...)

  13. You have such an imaginative blog and do such great things and we always love your slideshows. Concats on your 5th anniversary!

    1. Thanks for those positive words! You have an imaginative blog too!

  14. Happy Blogoversary ! We wish you many many more to come ! Purrs

  15. Happy Blogoversary!!!! We are so happy for you all. This was such a beautiful post. We are all going to love all the years going forward of seeing your lovely posts on your blog. Thanks for sharing. Have a fun day.
    World of Animals

    1. Appreciating your lovely comment so much! Like to think of "going forward!"

  16. Happy Blogoversary - and many more ! We send purrs to your Mom to get her books printed !

  17. Happy Blogoversary! Here's to many more!
