Very Little New Here

The face masks are done and sent off in the mail and I thought I would get more done in the sewing room with them gone and then didn’t!  It was another day of texting in my very large family.  I almost feel the need to shut my phone off but I can’t because this is family staying in touch through a rough time in the country.

Mike and I took a walk out at the lake and it was peaceful again but way too hot – it got up to 85 while we were out – way too hot for me.  Thankfully today not quite so warm and then Saturday back to the 60’s I think.  Don’t get me wrong I like having the warm weather but not that warm when I am trying to walk and not enough shade on these very early spring time trees here they are not leaved out all the way yet so little shade.  I told Mike I was staying home today other than meeting my brother later to pick up some meat from him at the farm – we will do social distance and stay apart – no hugs.

Cookies made for the library staff – Melanie will stop by on her way to work – I will put them on the porch so she can reach them as she said she will no longer come in the house as she is working and we are doing the self isolating thing because of our age and health.  Chocolate chip – I think everyone likes that don’t you?


Mainly I did knitting yesterday – here are the two front panels laying on the back panel


It is almost to the point of having the front panels done and move to the sweater sleeves.


A little on Dresden Garden from Wednesday night – I left off on the top line and continued on their last night.  Linking to Wendy’s Peacock Party — and Confessions of a Fabric Addict Alycia QuiltsCreations, Quilts Art WhateverFrom Bolt to Beauty


I have been waking up too early lately and need to start to sleep better.  Hope to have progress on something today.  Instead of getting back to the mystery quilt I will continue to save those patterns – I’m not sure if I like the colors I chose and after seeing more of the pattern evolve I think I will start over  – today maybe back to the Christmas quilt – only 3 blocks left before I start sashing and nine patches.  This was my OMG project and I wanted all the blocks done – I can do it if I can just concentrate.

Green Fairy has a  sale this week – link on the sidebar  For a special Spring clearance, all Charm Packs are on sale up to 50% off!!  Also, all mini charms are only $2.99!!

Bluprint is making a free offer to everyone for two weeks –I don’t know if some of you know it but there are things for kids here too – now is the time to check it out and see the activities and classes available – you might find something you or your kids and hubby might like to do.  Just click on the photo or the blue highlighted words and it will take you to them.

Bluprint is offering free access — “Craft More Happy Moments” during our FREE unlimited access creativity event; March 26 at Noon EST – April 9.  

During the 14 day event, Bluprint will provide free access to their full slate of content; including more than 1300 classes and series and hundreds of step by step project tutorials and patterns making this the perfect time to learn a new craft or hobby.

Emotional End-Benefits Your Readers/Viewers Can Easily Connect With:

  • Creativity is one of the best ways to connect with ourselves and loved ones
  • Creating family moments of togetherness by communing over creativity
  • Keeping the kids busy while you work from home
  • Getting lost in your passion and making something
  • Sourcing inspiration for your next (or first!) craft project
15 comments… add one
  • Deb A Mar 27, 2020 @ 6:58

    Me,me,me… I’m in that hard to concentrate category. At least you are able to knit. I pulled the crochet to me last night – never opened the cover – it stores in a Christmas popcorn tin so the cats don’t eat my yarn. Lots of cat petting has happened.

  • Carla Therrien Mar 27, 2020 @ 7:51

    I have had a couple of restless nights of sleep. I sure hope it gets better. I think everyone is getting a little stir crazy being stuck at home, so it is wonderful that we have all the technology that we have today to keep in touch. I haven’t had much desire to sew but do a bit each day

    • Karen Mar 27, 2020 @ 19:27

      finally today I got motivated to work on blocks – I think I just had to get done with the face masks I had committed myself to make and out of the way. got done with a bit today – but like you not sleeping well – too much on my mind

  • Diann Bottrell Mar 27, 2020 @ 7:58

    Your cookies look yummy! That’s so nice of you to do. My phone rang three times yesterday- friends calling to chat. Other than our kids and my mom, that was the most I’ve talked to anyone else on the phone in a really long time! Glad you’re making progress on your sweater. Hope you get your blocks for your OMG done!

  • Marianne Kotch Mar 27, 2020 @ 8:50

    Yes, it’s hard to settle down these days. I woke up at 4 am! We took a walk early in the neighborhood as we put the trash out. Thank goodness they are coming today. I had done a lot of shredding and discarding. Now I can start again. There are two cases on covid 19 in our small neighborhood – 50 or so houses – so we are continuing to avoid people.

  • piecefulwendy Mar 27, 2020 @ 9:05

    I actually slept in this morning, haven’t done that in a long time. Those cookies look good. I’m finally settling down and getting a few things done. I do find it difficult to stay on task, though. But I’m not going anywhere, so I’m not worrying about it.

  • Alycia Quilts Mar 27, 2020 @ 9:57

    I know I should comment on the quilty… but the cookies…. yummm – that is a great idea!! Maybe thats the next thing I will do!! Take care and I am glad you are staying safe!

  • Frédérique Mar 27, 2020 @ 13:52

    Yummy cookies, stay safe and take care!

  • Michelle Churchman Mar 27, 2020 @ 13:56

    Priorities are a bit different now, aren’t they? I have been texting my mom on a daily basis for several years now because she lives alone. But now I call daily, because all of her social activities are cancelled for the foreseeable future. We did go to her house for lunch yesterday as we are all (my mom, my husband, and myself) staying well isolated. We are doing grocery pickup rather than going in anywhere. And that’s the extent of our human interaction with anyone else.

    Yesterday, I couldn’t deal with my more complicated projects. I spent my creative time crocheting.

  • Raewyn Mar 27, 2020 @ 18:25

    It sounds like you have plenty to keep you busy and I agree, keeping in touch with family at this time is so important. You’ve made great progress with both your knitting and quilting. Those cookies sure do look yummy 🙂

  • Val Mar 27, 2020 @ 18:36

    Libraries, churches, schools and fitness centers are all closed here. I am staying in, but my husband was just called back to work. Challenging times for sure. We have a lot of snow yet but I have been walking on the road every day. Keeping in touch with family and friends as well.

  • Anorina Mar 27, 2020 @ 21:30

    Your cookies look delicious and I’m sure they’ll be devoured before long. Staying in touch with everyone is important and helps us feel less isolated or out of touch. Take Care xx

  • Kate Mar 28, 2020 @ 7:24

    It’s been difficult transition to the new normal, I’m finally doing better with it, but it took a few days to wrap my head around things. You’ve done a good job of keeping busy. Staying in contact with family helps. Hopefully if we can hang tight for a couple more weeks, things will start to get better.

  • Gwyned Mar 29, 2020 @ 9:59

    Who knew we would be doing more vs. less socializing while in self-isolation. You have your priorities straight – staying in touch with family, followed by making for yourself and others. Love the quilting choice for the Dresden Plate quilt.

  • Barbara Mar 30, 2020 @ 7:27

    Wow, you took to knitting like a fish to water. Your sweater is coming along beautifully. We are staying clear of people as you and Mike. I miss my grandchildren but we have been “talking” to them on Zoom as a group and our Echo with individual families. I’m so happy we have that technology but I miss my hugs. I appreciate reading your blog.

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