Monday, March 16, 2020

A Day Late And 4 Gigs Short

Even my computer has been upended by a virus so I'm trying to install that OS update I've been ignoring for much longer than a day. I need four more gigs of hard drive space so I've got to clear out photos. Here are a few that made me laugh.

The town has been drained of college students but here's a stoned Cat In The Hat selling paraphernalia
at The Pipefitter on Halloween. It's no surprise that cats know how to use rolling papers

My pal Roscoe as a pup. I loved that he'd lie on my stanky shoes

Roscoe was my favorite subject for The Wisconsin Candy Dish. He'd pose for blog photos every Saturday then get a full day of  running and playing (and swimming when in season). Here Roscoe is on the job for a post on Nerds Rope

NOTE: Despite the tagline, we here at The Ched Curtain are no longer drinking from the bubbler (or paying attention to grammar and punctuation).


  1. Awww, Roscoe is a cute pie then and now.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ♥

  2. Love the hat! Roscoe, you are always a looker!

  3. LOL @ the first photo and Roscoe looking cute and doing a balancing act heheh!

    Have a wooftastic week :-)

  4. The “cat in the hat” might just have the best solution for dealing with this all. If only I were home in Oregon. Roscoe was a charmer. Hope you get your computer crud figured out soon ... we need virtual friends right now, especially ones who bring us things to smile about,. So don’t disappear on us! Big hugs and well wishes to your mom and to you.

    1. Haaaa, Sallie, I think some arsehole f*cked up my computer, especially Chrome and possibly Safari. My virus protection can't find the problem so able to update OS and using Opera which works fairly well (except for printing for some reason).

  5. Smart move on the bubblers...YOu can't walk around without a sign about something now...

  6. That photo of that guy wearing the Cat in the Hat hat is so funny.

    That doggie is so cute!

  7. We're still on a 2009 OS versiongbbbbbbbbbbbbv... that was Missy Molly wanting to get her two cents in for cat candy and telling me whatever I was writing was boring. Doesn't matter because I don't recall what nothingness I was about to tippy tap onto the screen. I am knocking on wood at the moment that Sweet Pea Song, my computer, continues to purrr sweetly. Take care, Jeanna.

  8. Roscoe is SO sweet! Thanks for hosting - stay safe! :-)

  9. I laughed when I saw your last capture. No telling how bizarre this virus thing can go. What was not so funny is the Whole Foods market (don't know if you have them up North, but it's a pricey and huge food market for the more well to do)looked like ghost town, when we went there for fake bacon (hubs has now a meat free diet) - depressing how fear has become the new hip thing:(
    sorry, am late, but we had power outage this weekend until 5 pm today.

  10. I'm luvin' your pup & then when he grew up... what a hoot! I have a dog name Charlie that looks a lot like yours! Thanks for sharing. Have a great day!

  11. I'm having the same issues with mine 🙁

  12. Such beautiful and fun photos. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  13. Jeanna,

    Sorry to miss your WW linky party but I appreciate you coming by to join me for Wild Wednesdays. That kid looks out of it, totally! Best of luck getting enough files off your computer to make room for the OS update. Be healthy and well in the midst of all of this virus stuff going on, my friend!

  14. What a time awe are all having. I helped my daughter move out of her dorm today, via orders from the college president. The Cat in the Hat looks! Thanks for linking up today. Do stay well.


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